When Will You Go Back?

Posted: 4/13/20 at 7:16am

I’ll be back probably the first weekend everything opens again.

MCW1227 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/13/20 at 8:52am

I live in the NYC area and listen to Gov Cuomo daily update.  He specifically called out the Broadway League for that June date they advertised.  He indicated that the state will decide when theater is safe to reopen and I am certain that will not happen anytime soon.  The worry is for now and for a guaranteed reoccurrence of this virus in the fall.  That has been verified by all health experts.  In fact, there is is worry that the second wave of this may be worse than we have right now if precautions and supplies are not in place.

While I love theater, but the reality of it is that in the large scope of importance, it is way down on the list.  When the largest impacted economy in the country (nyc) is telling us to go slow, there’s is a very great concern with public health decisions for the future.  Even after this past month, there are still not enough tests or PPE to keep up with the need, so there’s no way we are prepared for a reentry in this part of the country anytime soon. The reality is harsh.  I broke down and subscribed to BroadwayHD this past weekend to get a small fix of shows and hope that more productions become available for the public.  

Be Kind

Posted: 4/13/20 at 9:47am

I'll go back (To any theater) when Actors Equity feels it's safe for their actors to loudly orate or sing their lines to each other 8 performances a week.  Actors Equity will be the acid test. Only then might audiences feel secure. But it's likely to be a while. 

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/13/20 at 1:21pm

Some interesting news from early this afternoon, as Cuomo believes "the worst is over" but we must stay the course before a potential gradual reopening of the Northeastern United States. A UK researcher also claims a COVID-19 vaccine could be SIX MONTHS away (they seem to have it worse than we do at the moment). At this point, we just don't know if theatergoing returns or not sometime this year. I probs won't go unless it is deemed 100.0% safe.

Oh look, a bibu!

Posted: 4/13/20 at 1:55pm

Jordan Levinson said: "Some interesting news from early this afternoon, as Cuomo believes "the worst is over" but we must stay the course beforea potential gradual reopening of the Northeastern United States. AUK researcheralso claims a COVID-19 vaccine could be SIX MONTHS away (they seem to have it worse than we do at the moment). At this point, we just don't know if theatergoing returns or not sometime this year. I probs won't go unless it is deemed 100.0% safe."

Sources please? This info, especially the vaccine info, is a little difficult for me to believe unless reliable sources who also are well sourced, report this. And I'm up on the news CONSTANTLY with this. 

Posted: 4/13/20 at 2:47pm

JennH said: "Jordan Levinson said: "Some interesting news from early this afternoon, as Cuomo believes "the worst is over" but we must stay the course beforea potential gradual reopening of the Northeastern United States. AUK researcheralso claims a COVID-19 vaccine could be SIX MONTHS away (they seem to have it worse than we do at the moment). At this point, we just don't know if theatergoing returns or not sometime this year. I probs won't go unless it is deemed 100.0% safe."

Sources please? This info, especially thevaccine info, is a little difficult for me to believeunless reliable sources who also are well sourced, report this. And I'm up on the news CONSTANTLY with this.

If you Google "cuomo worst is over" and "vaccine six months", sources for the stories will be right at the top of the results.

Updated On: 4/13/20 at 02:47 PM

kade.ivy Profile Photo
Posted: 4/13/20 at 2:59pm

I’m selfishly hoping for a return in late summer or early fall. Hopefully we can improve testing and contact tracing so as to let life resume as much as possible.

My family and I have a trip planned the weekend before Christmas. My brother’s first trip to the city! We’re all planning to see Harry Potter, mom and I are seeing Music Man, and I just bought a solo ticket to Company in the hopes that my drop in the bucket, among others, will help them return. So if the theaters are open by December, I’ll be there!

Updated On: 4/13/20 at 02:59 PM

Posted: 4/14/20 at 1:06am

It's sad that the TKTS app still says that the Times Square booth is re-opening today. 

poisonivy2 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/14/20 at 1:43am

When there’s a vaccine? 

darreyl102 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/14/20 at 7:42am

My heart really goes out to New York City. I am afraid that since it became the epicenter for the virus that even when things to do open up people will be extremely cautious and much less likely to want to come to the city for quite a while afterwards.
It really sucks because NYC is a tourist city, with so much to do and see that it sucks that it will be labeled with this stigma for a while

Darreyl with an L!

Posted: 4/14/20 at 9:42am


I only post this as a means of discussion, not as a confirmation of a certain other thread going on right now...I still this think this is TOO pessimistic even for my realistic, borderline pessimistic self. I'm realistic enough to realize this isn't a "finger snap' and all will be well again. But this piece is too shrouded in an either/or aura which is always pretty extreme. If arts industries can survive major upheavals like world wars, it'll survive again. Will a comeback take time? Absolutely.

karen24 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/14/20 at 1:53pm

Sadly, even if the theaters reopen before then, I probably won’t go back until there’s a vaccine. I’m immunosuppressed and older and I just can’t risk it.

I don’t have any tickets pending except Music Man for a year from now, so that might be the first show I see! Fingers crossed. I’m assuming my annual trip to Stratford ON with my son won’t be happening. Their season does run into the fall but I’m not optimistic.


MCW1227 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/14/20 at 3:38pm

JennH said: "https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/theatre-dance/news/coronavirus-lockdown-theatre-bailout-james-graham-quiz-millionaire-a9461491.html?fbclid=IwAR1jV0c0hAih3731RlVvgQ0NSyL0QRaFcSrts2-NuQ2gR7Do4ptY2Oi6_Ok

If arts industries can survive major upheavals like world wars, it'll survive again. Will a comeback taketime? Absolutely.

I appreciate your optimism and hope that the recovery happens sooner than experts predict but I don’t have the same trust of my fellow citizens that others do.  I’ve watched and continue to watch people who do not take this seriously.  Perhaps they were fortunate enough to escape this tragedy in its most brutal form, but many of us in the NYC area have not been that lucky.

The Arts have survived many hardships in the past, however this pandemic thrives in highly populated areas.  You may be coming from Utah or Montana where it’s more rural than the northeast and less people have been afflicted.  However bringing people from all over the country to an already densely populated area is insanity until there is a vaccine or antibody test for immunity.  We are months away from reentry for a partial population of essential workers.   Live theater and all the peripheral businesses that go with it will be back someday but it won’t be anytime soon.  

Be Kind

BalconyClub Profile Photo
Posted: 4/14/20 at 4:49pm

I bought an October 22, 2020 ticket to THE MUSIC MAN on the first day of sales. I usually head to NYC twice each year, and always buy all my theatre tickets months in advance. But not this fall. I probably won't buy any other shows for that October 2020 week until the ALL CLEAR is given.

Posted: 4/14/20 at 5:21pm

I'm not trying to diminish the severity of this at all but NYC is comprised of 5 boroughs: Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Queens. Of the 5, Manhattan is the 2nd lowest in terms of total cases. This is where most theaters are located including Broadway. The main NYC hotspots are in the boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn. I only mention this because sometimes people from outside NYC tend to think of NYC as just Manhattan. The numbers you see on the national new don't really reflect the 5 boroughs.


Skip23 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/14/20 at 6:06pm

Not only will we be hesitant to gather so close to others, but -

who will be able to afford those bloated priced tickets?

Posted: 4/14/20 at 6:08pm

Skip23 said: "
Not only will we be hesitant to gather so close to others, but -

who will be able to afford those bloated priced tickets?


I don't think there's any reason to assume overly inflated prices.


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Posted: 4/14/20 at 6:22pm

Everything is a guess at this point. I can’t imagine ticket prices will remain the same but who knows.

Maybe they’ll be the same and there will be insane discounts with producers/actors asking for people to pay full price if possible.

Maybe they’ll open back up and everyone in the the theatre will
have their temps taken and be required to wear face masks while they’re inside.

Maybe they’ll only sell seats in every other row for a while.

It’s all a guessing game and we won’t know anything until they announce it.

Posted: 4/15/20 at 11:11am

I'm surprised that people haven't considered that theaters may see a huge boost in sales once things are open because people will be so happy to get out of the house and go to things, such as theater. 

Posted: 4/15/20 at 11:19am

I have tickets to 2 different Music Man performances in October. If it proceeds as scheduled (and I do understand it's an "if"WHEN WILL THEY ANNOUNCE, I will be there. Otherwise I will probably wait until next year for another NYC trip. But I do plan to attend shows and concerts in my hometown once they are permitted again. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
Posted: 4/15/20 at 12:02pm

hearthemsing22 said: "I'm surprised that people haven't considered that theaters may see a huge boost in sales once things are open because people will be so happy to get out of the house and go to things, such as theater."

This has been talked about for the last month, repeatedly,  all over this website. Millions of people have lost their jobs, millions are on unemployment, and even wealthy people have lost money during this whole thing. People are not going to be spending their unemployment checks on luxury items, and older people who want to remain healthy will not go back for awhile. They spend the most money on theater tickets. 

Updated On: 4/15/20 at 12:02 PM

MCW1227 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/15/20 at 1:53pm

RWPrincess said: "I'm not trying to diminish the severity of this at all but NYC is comprised of 5 boroughs: Manhattan, The Bronx, Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Queens. Of the 5, Manhattanis the 2nd lowest in terms of total cases. This is where most theaters are located including Broadway. The main NYC hotspots are in the boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn. I only mention this because sometimes people from outside NYC tend to think of NYC as just Manhattan. The numbers you see on the national new don't really reflect the 5 boroughs.



the people who work in hospitality industry generally do not live in Manhattan, they live in Queens , Bronx and Brooklyn because it’s cheaper.  To open the theater district you will need all these workers to come back to Manhattan.  That’s where the need for testing and supplies come in.  
Gov. Cuomo just said in his daily briefing that they still don’t have enough supplies to handle the current need much less future testing.  This is a very long process for reentry in the NYC area.


Be Kind

Robbie2 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/15/20 at 2:33pm

Sutton Ross said: "hearthemsing22 said: "I'm surprised that people haven't considered that theaters may see a huge boost in sales once things are open because people will be so happy to get out of the house and go to things, such as theater."

This has been talked about for the last month, repeatedly,all over this website. Millions of people have lost their jobs, millions are on unemployment, and even wealthy people have lost money during this whole thing. People are not going to be spending their unemployment checks on luxury items, and older people who want to remain healthy will not go back for awhile. They spend the most money on theater tickets.


Exactly Sutton..HUGE boost in sales??? Not going to happen as we head deeper in to a recession ...this is going to be a verrrrrrrrrrry slow process (not a couple of months but possibly a year) in getting the economy back up and running along with theater goers back attending live theater! 

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

uncageg Profile Photo
Posted: 4/15/20 at 4:42pm

Unless it is being discussed elsewhere, and I missed it, I am surprised nobody has mentioned the Actors' Equity statement that appeared in the news section regarding the reports that some theaters are looking to begin productions in May.

Of course that probably won't happen but I wonder what theaters, if the reports are true, are looking to go back. And to what extent.

Just give the world Love.
