ESPECIAL: LOS MISERABLES y su paso por España
El pasado lunes 13 de enero la productora española SOM Produce anunció que este año traería de vuelta a España la producción del 25 aniversario de Los Miserables, el clásico de Alain Boubilil y Clause-Michel Schönberg que se representa en el Sondheim Theatre de Londres desde 2020, aunque se había creado para el 25 aniversario del musical en el ya lejano 2010.
Trafalgar Theatres Will Operate Eastbourne Theatres
Eastbourne Borough Council has entered a partnership with one of the UK's top theatre and entertainment operators to run the Congress Theatre, Devonshire Park Theatre, Winter Garden, and conferencing and exhibition facilities.
Review: STORIES, Peacock Theatre
Smashing together tap dance and film noir, Romain Rachline Borgeaud’s Stories is wrapped around an immersive form of storytelling. Is the world ready for tap noir?
Review: THE BUDDHA OF SUBURBIA, Barbican Theatre
'I’ve seen it before, and I’ll see it again… Just little bits of history repeating.” This Shirley Bassey vocal may not feature on the soundtrack of this stage version of The Buddha of Suburbia, but you can’t help but bring it to mind as you watch events unfold: strikes, political turmoil, far right aggression - staples of the 1970s, but all too familiar to modern audiences.
Charles Mingus originally intended for his iconic 1963 jazz album The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady to be accompanied by dancers and, thanks to performance company Clod Ensemble and the Nu Civilisation Orchestra, it becomes the inspiration for a vibrant and inclusive show.