Roundabout Theatre Company presents the Roundabout Underground world-premiere production of Ugly Lies the Bone by Lindsey Ferrentino, directed by Patricia McGregor, as part of the 50th Anniversary Season. The cast features Karron Graves (Kacie), Mamie Gummer (Jess), Caitlin O'Connell (Voice / Their Mom), Chris Stack (Stevie) and Haynes Thigpen (Kelvin). Roundabout welcomes back Mamie Gummer, who made her New York stage debut in Roundabout's 2005 production of Mr. Marmalade.
The world premiere of Ugly Lies the Bone opened off-Broadway last night, October 13, 2015 at the Black Box Theatre in the Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for Theatre (111 West 46th Street). This is a limited engagement through Sunday, November 22, 2015.
Roundabout Theatre Company presents the Roundabout Underground world-premiere production of Ugly Lies the Bone by Lindsey Ferrentino, directed by Patricia McGregor, as part of the 50th Anniversary Season. The cast will feature Karron Graves (Kacie), Mamie Gummer (Jess), Caitlin O'Connell (Voice / Their Mom), Chris Stack (Stevie) and Haynes Thigpen (Kelvin). Roundabout welcomes back Mamie Gummer, who made her New York stage debut in Roundabout's 2005 production of Mr. Marmalade.
Roundabout Theatre Company's Roundabout Underground world-premiere production of Ugly Lies the Bone by Lindsey Ferrentino, directed by Patricia McGregor, as part of the 50th Anniversary Season. The cast will feature Karron Graves (Kacie), Mamie Gummer (Jess), Caitlin O'Connell (Voice / Their Mom), Chris Stack (Stevie) and Haynes Thigpen (Kelvin). Roundabout welcomes back Mamie Gummer, who made her New York stage debut in Roundabout's 2005 production of Mr. Marmalade.
Roundabout Theatre Company (Todd Haimes, Artistic Director) will present the world-premiere production of Ugly Lies the Bone by Lindsey Ferrentino, directed by Patricia McGregor, as part of the 50th Anniversary Season. The cast will feature Karron Graves (Kacie), Mamie Gummer (Jess), Caitlin O'Connell (Voice / Their Mom), Chris Stack (Stevie) and Haynes Thigpen(Kelvin). Roundabout welcomes back Mamie Gummer, who made her New York stage debut in Roundabout's 2005 production of Mr. Marmalade.