I had a few minutes to chat with Melissa Errico about her role on Miss Match, her concerts and more. To learn more about Melissa, there are a few links below.
Craig: Hey Melissa, so you are currently on Miss Match - how did you get that gig?
Melissa: I auditioned for it last pilot season and it was an audition I almost didn't make. I had a total crisis that morning over my album cover. The sample came to my house just as I was leaving for the audition, and that was the LAST day we had to make changes-- and trust me, it was HILARIOUSLY bad. Like something out of that movie "A Mighty Wind"...truly kitsch and embarrassing! I got on the subway, and ran to the record label and begged the designer to change it and cancel the printing. We worked for three hours to get a new plan, and I knew Darren Star (the writer of MISS MATCH) had very limiited time to hold the auditions... and I knew I was so so so late that I might not make it. It was pouring rain, like a hurricane... and I got to the audition all wet, sat in front of the camera, and just did the scenes. I was in that kind of mood "well, what do I have to lose!"-- and I was kinda zany and I guess it worked! That's the perfect case of not letting a bad day get you down. While I was running to get to the audition, I just thought "this is probably such a waste of time, I am all sweaty and late, why the heck did I ever choose to be an actress?...."