
Changes Frozen should make before Broadway

Changes Frozen should make before Broadway

#1Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/23/17 at 11:29pm

I was lucky enough to get to see the pre Broadway production of Disney’s FROZEN earlier this year at the Denver Center and considering it was technically considered a preview, sans writing an audience review, I wanted to write a “changes I think they should make before opening night on Broadway” piece.

I’m definitely not in the Disney cartoon to stage musical fan club, so I want preface that, but I have to say FROZEN the Broadway musical is A) not bad and B) in pretty good shape as far as mega musicals go for an out of town tryout.

But to me, there a few things that SCREAM “Cut that!” Or “change this!” that are in the way of making the show one of the better Disney Stage adaptations.

1. The Grand Pabbie Troll as narrator storytelling device. This immediately cheapens the show. It feels cliche and dated as far as modern musical theater structure goes. And the dialogue is well, corny for lack of a better word...it doesn’t need a narrator. Just let the story unfold dramatically and the audience will be with you if it’s engaging.

2. The costumes for the trolls....not saying this is easy to create, and for the record the other costumes are spot on recognizable to the film with good touches of theatricality, but the trolls unfortunately look cheap and cliche...like not much thought was put into reimagining them. Non equity could do better.

3. Olaf as a visible actor controlling a puppet version of the snowman. For one, there are no other theatrical devices like it used in the show so it’s jarring and confusing stylistically. Timone from lion king worked because of Julie Taymors African mask/art vision. To top it off, Sven is a fully realized reindeer which makes it even more strange that the only other non human is a puppet. It doesn’t work and it isn’t cutting edge at all. I’m sure it’s more complicated than it looks...but it looks Really cheap. With the money and theatrical minds on this production more realistic stage magical approaches should be thought up.

4. The choreography. It doesn’t create any identity or autonomy that is specific to the frozen world. It fees more like generic circus acrobatics at times. I couldn’t find much if any movement storytelling throughout....not that the show is a dancers showcase though.

5. Let it go....wow! This was a big miss for me. I’ve seen theme park reviews that were more creatively thought out than this at half the budget. I mean, with this song being such a phenomenon and he fact that it is the first act closer I was shocked that this was literally a beaded curtain in the shape of snowflakes and Elsa basically just walking out and singing the song in front of it. Now, in its defense I’m thinking the thought process was....let’s just let Cassie Levy sing the bajesus out of it....which she does. But she doesn’t even create the ice palace at all. She has a a quick change on stage that gets applause but the story of her creating this cold place where no one can reach her is lost completely. I would go back the drawing board on this starting with watching the film and charting out how the animation did it. This should be the theatrical highlight of the show. Right now it is limping to the end of act one.

6. Cassie Levy as Elsa. You’d think this would be a slam dunk. I mean the range and tone of aggressive bway belt is tailor made for it and she’s been memorable in shows like Hair, but she really lacks the acting chops that should bring this character alive on stage. I get it, in musicals singers before actors, but this is a very bland interpretation. I would replace her. she should study what Patti Murin is doing, it’s fantastic.

But for people wanting to see a decent Disney adaptation this will hit the mark. There’s a lot of quality and heart here. I hope they make some changes however.

Jeffrey Karasarides Profile Photo
Jeffrey Karasarides
#2Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 8:29am

standingovation79 said: "But to me, there a few things that SCREAM “Cut that!” Or “change this!” that are in the way of making the show one of the better Disney Stage adaptations.

1. The Grand Pabbie Troll as narrator storytelling device. This immediately cheapens the show. It feels cliche and dated as far as modern musical theater structure goes. And the dialogue is well, corny for lack of a better word...it doesn’t need a narrator. Just let the story unfold dramatically and the audience will be with you if it’s engaging.

That was definitely one of the many changes Aladdin made from Toronto to Broadway. Originally, that show had Babkak, Omar, & Kassim narrating the story, but the creative team realized that it wasn't such a good idea as those characters were previously cut from the animated film, thus audiences had no idea who they were. So they cut all the narrations and had the Genie open the show.

#3Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 8:35am

If they don't make changes to Let It Go in terms of staging, I won't pay to see this on tour. And while we are at it, it makes sense vocally to close Act One but not in any other way

#4Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 9:32am

standingovation79 said: 
5. Let it go....wow! This was a big miss for me. I’ve seen theme park reviews that were more creatively thought out than this at half the budget. I mean, with this song being such a phenomenon and he fact that it is the first act closer I was shocked that this was literally a beaded curtain in the shape of snowflakes and Elsa basically just walking out and singing the song in front of it. Now, in its defense I’m thinking the thought process was....let’s just let Cassie Levy sing the bajesus out of it....which she does. But she doesn’t even create the ice palace at all. She has a a quick change on stage that gets applause but the story of her creating this cold place where no one can reach her is lost completely. I would go back the drawing board on this starting with watching the film and charting out how the animation did it. This should be the theatrical highlight of the show. Right now it is limping to the end of act one.

I saw it in Denver as well.  I've seen many people talk about the staging in "Let It Go" here.  Yes, it looked "bare bones." But as the number evolved, I was kinda figuring if they were gonna do laser and/or spectacular pyrotechnics (I'm not kidding here), or more with the set in terms ice walls out of nowhere, etc, that would have to wait for the permanent set-up at the St James. As is, it is visually adequate, I would hope the plan is to make it spectacular once they have all their bells and whistles at their fingertips.

Just_John Profile Photo
#5Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 9:32am

As a huge Disney fan who flew out from NYC to see it, they need to throw everything out, hire everyone anew and put up a completely different show, especially Anna and Kristoff.  The Disneyland stage version is leagues better and what a Disney production should be, Disney.  The only thing they should keep is however the dress change was done, but the staging of Let it Go was high school quality at best.  

Updated On: 12/24/17 at 09:32 AM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#6Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 10:26am

And, the sad thing? Even if they don't "fix" it, it will likely make a fortune.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#7Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 11:21am

“I saw it in Denver as well. I've seen many people talk about the staging in "Let It Go" here. Yes, it looked "bare bones." But as the number evolved, I was kinda figuring if they were gonna do laser and/or spectacular pyrotechnics (I'm not kidding here), or more with the set in terms ice walls out of nowhere, etc, that would have to wait for the permanent set-up at the St James. As is, it is visually adequate, I would hope the plan is to make it spectacular once they have all their bells and whistles at their fingertips.“

I think you might be right on this one.

I definitely didn’t think it should all be thrown out...sets and lighting are gorgeous, the book...gets the job done (is it Thomas Meehan quality, no), the new music and arrangements are satisfying. You get FROZEN (it hits the mark, which in my opinion is about as close as you can expect to get with these adaptations). This is not a show for sophisticated theater goers and is not the most quality mega musical but audiences will be fulfilled.

Honestly, I think the person who really needs to be questioned is Thomas Shumacker, I think it may be time for him to step down as head of Disney theatrical. The teams and ideas he’s put together in the last ten years have been a little ho hum when he has all the access to make them hi ho (lol).

#8Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 11:22am

They need to cut the sauna number and the nearly naked chorus line. It makes NO sense. Also the sisters need an act two duet.

Notreallysilent 2
#9Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 12:28pm

I completely agree with the sister duet I thought that would be a given tbh. Also, I think they should fix Elsa’s character. For the most of the show all she does is walk on stage, sing a song, and then walk off stage. Also, they should add more snow. I know it is hard to have constant show going, but I think they should do more than just projection snow.

#10Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 12:50pm

That sounds perfect because we need to see equal Anna and Elsa either together or apart.

ggersten Profile Photo
#11Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 12:56pm

A lot of this was discussed previously:  Frozen in Denver   Including my comments!

But, OP has it wrong about the first point - Pabbie is not a troll.  I believe he is one of the hidden mountain people.  But, I thought the mountain people were just a bad idea and not well executed and raised more questions than answers.

I liked the Sauna number - it was a nice break.

And yes, a sister duet in Act Two would be welcome!

And I agree that the Broadway version likely will pyrotechnic/stage magic/etc for Let It Go.  But, for the record. Ms. Levy does sing the **** out of Let It Go - and really that was all that was needed. The audience went crazy with it just as it is.  It really doesn't need any more.  When we saw Aladdin, we basically missed "A Whole New World" because I was sitting there in awe of the flying carpet.  There's something magical about a solo artist just holding the moment - whether it's Liz Calloway in Baby or Jennifer Holliday in Dreamgirls (for the most part) (there must be some more recent counterparts?).  


BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#12Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 1:03pm

There's something magical about a solo artist just holding the moment - whether it's Liz Calloway in Baby or Jennifer Holliday in Dreamgirls (for the most part) (there must be some more recent counterparts?).

“Pink” in WAR PAINT.  Christine Ebersole (as Elizabeth Arden) all alone on stage just simply singing the song.  Chilling.  

#13Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 1:22pm

I totally agree there are songs that should be song alone on stage and it's fantastic. Pink is a great example. The problem with Let It Go is that it's really not that type of song. It needs something to be happening. We need to see Elsa "let it go" and release her powers in full glory. Some sort of ice crafting NEEDS to happen. The pretty curtain did not it it for me.

ggersten Profile Photo
#14Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 1:39pm

broadwayboy223 said: "I totally agree there are songs that should be song alone on stage and it's fantastic. Pink is a great example. The problem with Let It Go is that it's really not that type of song. It needs something to be happening. We need to see Elsa "let it go" and release her powers in full glory. Some sort of ice crafting NEEDS to happen. The pretty curtain did not it it for me."

Well, we disagree on "needs" because the audience I was with went absolutely crazy without any extra stage magic.  

CindersGolightly Profile Photo
#15Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 2:12pm

They went crazy because it's an Oscar winning song. Just the opening notes garner applause. But Ms. Levy is no Christine Ebersole. She doesn't have the accessibility of nuanced emotion that Ebersole had while singing Pink. And, quite honestly, if you're not a dynamic vocalist, Let It Go is boring. Something needs to be happening around her. 

Not to continue to beat a dead horse, but I never needed special effects when Betsy Wolfe sang it. Her acting and truly dynamic vocals are all that was needed to sell the song, and Elsa's journey. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case here. And that's okay. Just overload the song with spectacle and we'll be on our way.

They/them. "Get up the nerve to be all you deserve to be."

adamgreer Profile Photo
#16Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 3:15pm

The theme park show’s staging of Let it Go is significantly better than what was thrown up on stage in Denver. And they presumably had a fraction of the budget.

#17Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 3:35pm

The duet between the sisters is a great idea and makes it different adaptation for stage...yes!

But it’s hard to compare baby and and I’m telling you I’m not going to let it go. Let it go is an action song, it’s not just an emotional catharsis. Let It go needs the action of her creating the ice palace because that’s what’s happening during it.

#18Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 3:37pm

Someone posted on IG that they took out a huge chunk of the stage at the St.James to cater for the ice castle coming in! Sounds as though it might be something similar to ‘Pride Rock’. But from the get go, as soon as I heard Denver didn’t have an ‘ice castle’ I knew they were keeping it under wraps until Broadway.

Tag Profile Photo
#19Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 4:27pm

^That's probably not true.

Anyway, anyone know if it snowed over the audience in Denver?  That would seem like a natural thing for them to do.

Great Dame
#20Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 5:05pm

Whew tough crowd lol! I LOVED IT! I think Let It Go will be a much bigger production on Broadway. I felt like they were holding some of the magic back for that premier personally, which I kind of understood. I'm sure part of it was the expense of setting all that up in Denver, and part of it is Disney's super secret operation. They have to be holding something back for the Broadway opening right!? There's no way they were going to give us everything they had in Denver when they are headed to NYC in a matter of months. I thought the most impactful effect was watching the stage border freeze after she's exposed at the party and runs off. The score combined with that effect gave me chills.

As for the cast, I really liked all of them. I thought Caissie Levy was spectacular, but I'll admit she could sing me the dictionary and I'd melt. I thought she and Patti Murin had good chemistry on stage. I saw it on opening night in Denver as well as closing night, and they had already made several lyrical changes to a few songs. I feel like they cut a few troll narration scenes too. Some were ok, but I think they could cut a few more. I think this show is only going to get better and I can't wait to see it in NY!

Something I thought could use a change was the parent's death scene. I knew what was happening since I'm a fan of the movie, but I could see that being confusing to the one person on earth who hasn't seen the film. They just kind of cross their arms and fall backwards to be carried off stage by the ensemble. That felt a little weird, but I don't know what else they could do that wouldn't be a huge time suck. I don't want them to spend a lot of time on that part and cut something else more interesting so maybe that's the best option.

I loved Elsa's act 2 number "Monster" and I look forward to seeing what additional effects they might incorporate into that scene.

I thought the sauna song and naked dance was pretty hilarious. It was a nice way to come back from intermission haha! I love the idea of a sister duet in act 2!

Great Dame
#21Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 5:06pm

Tag said: "^That's probably not true.

Anyway, anyone know if it snowed over the audience in Denver? That would seem like a natural thing for them to do.

Nope no audience snow in Denver, but that would be a nice addition!

#22Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 7:32pm

^ Yeah even MTW did have Theatre snow when I saw White Christmas

Notreallysilent 2
#23Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/24/17 at 7:39pm

I think they should add more snow on stage before adding it to the audience. I think that effect would be cool, but Groundhog Day has more “real” snow than frozen. I think that’s an issue considering the plot.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#24Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/25/17 at 12:13am

They have to be holding something back for the Broadway opening right!? There's no way they were going to give us everything they had in Denver when they are headed to NYC in a matter of months. 

That is not what an out of town try out is for and for a company with as deep of pockets as Disney it should NEVER be. They're not putting it up early in Denver as a sneak peek for those in Denver, they're doing it to test what does and does not work. Both artistically and mechanically. If they had something to show for Let It Go then it'd be done there. They decided this was good enough to show a paying audience and it's appalling. This is Disney's flagship of the last decade and they don't appear to be able to muster up Little Mermaid or Tarzan level spectacle for it...

#25Changes Frozen should make before Broadway
Posted: 12/25/17 at 12:44am

I'd like to point out the other major thing that needs to be re written is the book. By giving Anna an 11o clock number called "True Love" the show literally becomes about Anna's and Kristoff because they kiss at the end. The story is supposed to be about the true love between the sisters. Elsa needs stronger additional songs. As the NYT said they were mostly "self imposed monologues" or something, but they basically expressed the same sentiments "I am a monster; I'm dark and twisty".