
This board in the old days - Page 5

This board in the old days

Sally Durant Plummer Profile Photo
Sally Durant Plummer
#100This board in the old days
Posted: 11/25/19 at 4:05am

Well, this thread made me teary.

I lurked on here long before I ever posted, and I would often read through the archives to some now-legendary threads (remember the 40 page Women On the Verge preview thread?). I remember scrolling through the boards underneath my desk in high school on my iPhone 4, desperate to know what Namo, or Gaveston, or Pal Joey had commented. Though I lived in CA, I would await first previews and opening nights to read the reactions. And best if all, we had theatre queens here to tell us young ones about those bygone days where theatre was theatre - Pal Joey’s West Side Story tread is a MUST read for any young theatre lover.

Was the old board scary? Yes. I still remember Carlos replying to my first profile “oh baby, they are going to eat you alive”. This was before we were allowed to openly discuss bootlegs. But I also remember the community. The feeling of belonging. The thrill of receiving a PM not about threat at all, but people checking in on you because they cared about you.

I loved this board. I still do, but now I wonder how much my love is focused on what this board HAS meant to me, but what it DOES.

I miss the people I used to know on here. I miss what this board used to be. But heck, we all miss a lot of things don’t we? In the words in John Kander (in my best Lenya voice) “ Who cares? So what?”

"Sticks and stones, sister. Here, have a Valium." - Patti LuPone, a Memoir

#101This board in the old days
Posted: 11/25/19 at 12:33pm

"I would like to propose a toast.

To the old days and Margo Channing"

I could do without the old days. Too many cliques and nastiness. Many of the regulars treated this place as their own personal sandbox. People really are looking at the old board through rose colored glasses. It wasn't pleasant if you didn't "belong".

I do miss Reginald Treslian (did I spell that right?), best12bars, and of course Margo. I never met Margo, but we corresponded often through email. He was always a bit of a shut in, and a few years before he vanished, he wasn't well. As he became sicker, his emails became less frequent. At some point, he stopped responding. I can't confirm it (and I tried), but I am nearly certain Margo passed away.

#102This board in the old days
Posted: 11/25/19 at 12:41pm

I also miss SNAFU and Tag. AwesomeDanny.

#103This board in the old days
Posted: 11/25/19 at 1:40pm

Been on the board since close to the beginning, and of course we've seen it go through changes.I go from lurking occasionally, to going months without popping in, to a rare post now and then. I agree with the person that discussed how there used to be a smaller community of people that had real discussions, and it was a place to come to in order to share perspective, gain perspective, etc..(There were certainly the elitist posters and nastiness back then - not all rainbows and unicorns...)  Now it seems to be a waste of time to put any thought into a response, because it gets buried in the 15 pages of endless banter (that is mostly lacking of any real content or value to add). However, I have enjoyed some OG names popping into this thread. Brings back memories. Good ones. This board in the old days

#104This board in the old days
Posted: 11/26/19 at 1:42am

"...it gets buried in the 15 pages of endless banter (that is mostly lacking of any real content or value to add)."

That's why I stopped posting my thoughts on shows. (Which modernmillie seems to miss for some reason). Back when I did share my thoughts and feelings, I composed my reactions to shows really carefully, thought about the best words to express my feelings, only to see them disappear beneath 85 "amazing" and one "It stinks because it exists!" (After Eight.) 

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#105This board in the old days
Posted: 11/26/19 at 3:15pm

We need Sue? the mad Russian woman to liven up this place again--needs some spunk !

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#106This board in the old days
Posted: 11/26/19 at 4:12pm

No, we don't need people like that back. They are what is wrong with how things have gotten handled around here. Things get taken out of context and people are unfairly judged. But, then people like that got to hang around for so long without contributing anything of value.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

#107This board in the old days
Posted: 11/26/19 at 11:27pm

No more trolls, please. The ones we have are bad enough. Years ago, a 13 year old kid was harrassed and hounded on this board every time that s/he posted. The kid finally posted a video to prove they were real. Didn't help. The kid continued to be mocked, hounded and belittled. Was even told to commit suicide.


By two people in this thread.


I just checked, and the kid did post at least as recently as 2018. Good for him/her, but can you imagine coming here as a 13 year old, and being told by two old-timers to kill yourself?


Yeah, you can keep the "old days".

#108This board in the old days
Posted: 11/27/19 at 1:57am

Please name those two posters.  

#109This board in the old days
Posted: 11/27/19 at 2:11am

That would be pointless, because it would be deleted. While telling people to kill themselves was a common occurrence with those two, doxxing was another favorite pastime.


eta: one of the posters I referred to above would even tell other posters how they should kill themselves. In the example above, the kid was told to drink a bottle of nail polish, fill their pockets with rocks, and wade into deep water. This was far from an isolated incident.

Updated On: 11/27/19 at 02:11 AM

After Eight
#110This board in the old days
Posted: 11/27/19 at 6:07am

Ghostlight2 wrote: “Yeah, you can keep the "old days".”

 I understand that those on the “in” had a ball back then. But it was hardly welcoming to newcomers, as illustrated in the example that ghostlight2 related. It's a shame, really, because people who might have had something of value to say were turned off or turned away. That was neither good for the board, nor a good look for the board.

If that kind of harassment is over and done with, then I say goodbye and good riddance.

But even in this very thread, there have been examples of ad hominem ridicule, ageist remarks, gratuitous swipes...

 Plus ça change...?


ukpuppetboy Profile Photo
#111This board in the old days
Posted: 11/28/19 at 8:50pm

Who was it who insisted on adding to the enormous list of EVERY show they saw in their footer throughout the year? By fall even their shortest post would take up the entire screen. I don’t miss that.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#112This board in the old days
Posted: 11/29/19 at 12:27am

Jay Starr?

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#113This board in the old days
Posted: 11/29/19 at 10:34am

Phantom of London

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#114This board in the old days
Posted: 10/2/20 at 10:27pm

I preferred the boards in the old days when a gigantic video ad didn't pop-up when first looking at the boards.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#115This board in the old days
Posted: 10/2/20 at 10:28pm

I preferred the boards in the old days when a gigantic video ad didn't pop-up when first looking at the boards.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.

Patti LuPone FANatic Profile Photo
Patti LuPone FANatic
#116This board in the old days
Posted: 10/3/20 at 8:06am

There are certain names that stick in my mind from the "old days."  Reginald T is one.  CapNHook is another.  From time to time, I've locked horns with critics.  I found a way to deal with them.  I've used the ignore feature from time to time.  But if I have to go back and reflect on a particular person who is unforgettable (for all the right reasons), that would be MargoChanning, without a doubt.  It's kind of interesting that most of our legendary board members remain a mystery, because they prefer to remain anonymous.  I personally don't mind if people know my name or see my actual picture.  But that's me.  To each his own.  from Roman in Austin, Texas  P.S.  I remember a board member who is a drama teacher and would talk about his students from time to time.  Could that be drama...something?  from Roman in Austin, Texas (11-11-61)

"Noel [Coward] and I were in Paris once. Adjoining rooms, of course. One night, I felt mischievous, so I knocked on Noel's door, and he asked, 'Who is it?' I lowered my voice and said 'Hotel detective. Have you got a gentleman in your room?' He answered, 'Just a minute, I'll ask him.'" (Beatrice Lillie)
Updated On: 10/3/20 at 08:06 AM

unclevictor Profile Photo
#117This board in the old days
Posted: 10/3/20 at 2:47pm

What patti murnin incident?

ggersten Profile Photo
#118This board in the old days
Posted: 10/3/20 at 5:54pm

unclevictor said: "What patti murnin incident?"

We're not allowed to talk about the incidents. 

Tag Profile Photo
#119This board in the old days
Posted: 10/3/20 at 6:47pm

Any poster on this board with self-respect, should not be a fan of hers.

unclevictor Profile Photo
#120This board in the old days
Posted: 10/3/20 at 6:54pm

Let’s try anyway!

#121This board in the old days
Posted: 10/3/20 at 8:51pm

Or you can read the thread you've posted in. It's discussed and Gaveston actually provides a summary in their post on the 3rd page of the thread (I think it's post #53)

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#122This board in the old days
Posted: 10/4/20 at 10:41am

When producers read unfavorable comments about people involved with their projects do they contact this web site and demand that they be removed?

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#123This board in the old days
Posted: 10/4/20 at 10:41am

When producers read unfavorable comments about people involved with their projects do they contact this web site and demand that they be removed?

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#124This board in the old days
Posted: 10/4/20 at 10:41am

When producers read unfavorable comments about people involved with their projects do they contact this web site and demand that they be removed?
