Vanya is an award winning, hilarious comedy written by Christopher Durang and directed by Chris Berthelot. The show features middle-aged siblings Vanya and Sonia who share a home in Bucks County, PA where they bicker and complain about the circumstances of their lives. Suddenly, their movie-star sister, Masha, swoops in with her new boy toy, Spike. Old resentments flare up, eventually leading to threats to sell the house. Also on the scene are sassy maid Cassandra, who can predict the future, and a lovely young aspiring actress named Nina, whose prettiness somewhat worries the imperious Masha. It is a show full of sibling rivalries, wild surprises, and nonstop laughs!
Allen Contemporary Theatre is at 1210 E. Main St. #300, Allen, TX.
Breakneck Comedy of Errors (8/16/24-9/1/24)
Disaster! The Musical (6/28/24-7/14/24)
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery (5/3/24-5/19/24)
Flanagan's Wake (3/15/24-3/31/24)
Calendar Girls (1/26/24-2/11/24)
White Christmas (12/1/23-12/17/23)
On Golden Pond (10/6/23-10/22/23)
Proof (8/18/23-9/3/23)
A Flea In Her Ear (6/30/23-7/16/23)
Something's Afoot (5/5/23-5/21/23)
Dracula: A Comedy of Terrors
Dallas Theater Center (10/11 - 11/3) | ||
Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike
Allen Contemporary Theatre (10/4 - 10/20) | ||
Doug Varone and Dancers
TITAS DANCE UNBOUND (5/23 - 5/23) | ||
The Stamped Project
Bishop Arts Theatre Center (2/20 - 3/2) | ||
Folding Chairs Comedy Troupe
The Core Theatre (10/18 - 10/20) | ||
Tutti Frutti- The Life and Music of Little Richard (A New Musical)
Kalita Humphrey Theater (12/20 - 12/21) | ||
Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Non-Equity)
Abilene Civic Center [Auditorium] (12/18 - 12/18) | ||
Epic Proportions
Runway Theatre (5/30 - 6/15) | ||
The Lion King
Music Hall at Fair Park (6/4 - 7/3) | ||
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