Gays Over Covid

RippedMan Profile Photo
#1Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/3/21 at 7:32pm

Anyone following all this drama? There is an instagram handle and it's exposing all the gays going out partying, etc. And apparently there is a facebook group.

#2Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/3/21 at 9:38pm

All who don't follow Covid guidelines are selfish and ignorant.  Unfortunately, many, many gay men fall into this category.

#3Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/3/21 at 9:38pm


Updated On: 1/3/21 at 09:38 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#4Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 1:04am

This thread is homophobic. There are some straight people ignoring Covid guidelines by having underground parties or street parties as evidenced by news reports. Why is the OP shaming gay people?

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#5Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 1:25am

>>Why is the OP shaming gay people?

Because Gays love to party. Who else is going to shame them but their own? Gay on Gay drama is the best!

#6Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 7:43am

There are more than "some straight people" ignoring Covid guidelines.  If you look at the reports, the majority of illegal parties have been straight functions.  However, as I stated in my earlier post, "ALL" who choose to ignore COVID guidelines are selfish and ignorant.  That includes those attending illegal held circuit parties. Should gays be given a pass, by their peers,  simply because they are gay?

Updated On: 1/4/21 at 07:43 AM

Huss417 Profile Photo
#7Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 1:08pm

I didn't realize this was just a gay thing!

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#8Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 1:35pm

Totally! 100% a gay thing!

Nah, I think the OP was commenting on his own community. 

#9Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 1:41pm

Apparently, what has upset many, concerns a gay nurse who attended an illegal circuit party in March and came down with Covid.  This person was extremely sick and lost over 50 pounds.  He cried poor mouth and a gofundme account was set up for him and he received from the generosity of others over $20,000.  He recovered and was in attendance at the illegal circuit party, over the weekend, in Puerto Vallerta.  He is at the top of the list of the gays being shamed.  He is at the top of the list of the one's crying foul over the shaming.   In my opinion, he deserves all the shaming one can muster.

#10Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 2:06pm

It’s not homophobic lol. It’s an actual thing. There’s a Facebook group with 500+ followers called “gays over Covid” and people in Mexico partying and stuff after they got covid shots.

It’s just a news article. Not dragging the community.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#11Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 3:58pm

SouthernCakes said: "It’s not homophobic lol. It’s an actual thing. There’s a Facebook group with 500+ followers called “gays over Covid” and people in Mexico partying and stuff after they got covid shots.

It’s just a news article. Not dragging the community.

So I must assume that these are gay seniors who live in retirement homes who have already received their vaccinations who have then arrange parties in Mexico. Correct?

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#12Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 4:21pm

I did some research and man, that IG account is great stuff. But, a lot of people don't like being called out for violating the rules and bragging about it on socials. They are offering money to out the creator of the IG account. Drama!

And yeah, none of these bros have gotten the vaccine, let's be real. Doctors and nurses are working right now, they are not partying. 

#13Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 5:02pm

SmoothLover said: "SouthernCakes said: "It’s not homophobic lol. It’s an actual thing. There’s a Facebook group with 500+ followers called “gays over Covid” and people in Mexico partying and stuff after they got covid shots.

It’s just a news article. Not dragging the community.

So I must assume that these are gay seniors who live in retirement homes whohave already received their vaccinations who have then arrange partiesin Mexico. Correct?
" has nothing to do with gay seniors living in retirement homes who arrange the parties.  (Although a retired gay senior can attend).  Circuit parties are huge gay parties that are thrown all over the world.  Gays of all ages travel from around the world to attend.  The common denominator are shirtless muscular bodies (unless it's a bear themed party, then you may have some muscle bears), rampant drugs like crystal meth, dance music and bareback sex.  Anybody can attend if they are willing to spend the high amount of money for entry. The person Southern Cakes is referring to, is another gay nurse who just received his Covid vaccination and chose to go to the over the weekend circuit party in Puerto Vallerta.  He is being shamed because as a nurse he should know not to attend a super spreader event and that one shot taken a couple of days ago does not provide him any protection from catching Covid and passing it to his patients.  99% of the attendees at the Mexico circuit party have NOT received a Covid vaccination. They are just breaking the Covid guidelines because it's all about them.

Updated On: 1/4/21 at 05:02 PM

#14Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 5:57pm

I have a cousin who is gay and is a "Yuge" Trump supporter,who thinks Covid is a hoax and doesn't wear a mask. We live in the same city,but I have nothing to do with him. My sister and I cannot wrap our heads around him being gay and worshipping the Orange One as he does.

Updated On: 1/4/21 at 05:57 PM

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#15Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 5:58pm

Oh shut up this isn’t homophobic. Holding the community responsible and fostering a convo on privilege and ableism during a pandemic is par for the course

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#16Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/4/21 at 9:29pm

The title of the thread perpetuates dislike towards gay people. If the wrong person reads this thread they could get the idea to go out and beat up on gay people. I understand that some gays are being irresponsible but there are many straight people doing the same thing. I would have preferred a different approach to the topic that was all encompassing with the Facebook group mentioned along with the large straight underground parties that have been shut down by police.

BroadwayNTC2: Telling people to shut up is obnoxious.

#17Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/5/21 at 1:33pm

Well that’s how you perceived it! To each their own.

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#18Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/5/21 at 3:34pm

...Gays Over Covid references an Instagram account. Linking this to hate crimes? Truly delusional.

#19Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/5/21 at 7:20pm

"This person was extremely sick and lost over 50 pounds." OMG I would KILL TO LOSE 50 POUNDS. Literally like that nurse queen.


First of all, I am making a joke out of stereotypes of shallowness.  I don't think queens, but which I mean mostly white urban gay men, are any more selfish or ignorant than the percentage of human beings who are these things.

It's unfortunate, but I guess with this current pandemic, I have learned that there will ALWAYS be a certain subset to create a Treasure Island Media to produce bareback videos LONNNNNNNNNG before there was PrEP. 

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#20Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/5/21 at 8:38pm

Yeah, anyone, gay or straight, who begs for money to pay their bills, yet can afford to travel to not one, but two vacations in less than 10 months, is pretty ignorant and selfish. I'll also add, that someone, gay or straight, who does this, is also a lowlife.

Updated On: 1/6/21 at 08:38 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#21Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/5/21 at 8:53pm

BroadwayNYC2 said: "...Gays Over Covid references an Instagram account. Linking this to hate crimes? Truly delusional."

And your verbiage is flippant and full of self hatred. Giving lip service to news items that shed a negative light on a certain community does more harm than good. It gives some people more of a reason to hate and stereotype. There are more important stories to give a platform to, such as the current administration’s 11th hour attempt to take rights away from the gay community. 

#22Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/6/21 at 11:22am



While I completely disagree with your thoughts that the whole thread is homophobic, I’d like to pose a food for thought question for you. 

First off, let me say right off the bat that, since I am not gay, I don’t feel comfortable and thing it’s wrong anyways for me to comment on things that are going on in the gay community. 

That being said, let me pose you this thought. I am Jewish. And, there are many orthodox Jewish communities in Brooklyn that flat out refuse to wear masks, some in that community even went so far as to call it religious persecution. Now, as someone who is Jewish, if I were to call that population out, the same way that those in this thread are calling out the gay population for going to circuit parties and not caring about covid, would that then make me an anti Semitic person? Or even a self hating Jew? 

uncageg Profile Photo
#23Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/6/21 at 3:50pm

Here are my thoughts, as a gay man...

The gay community has parades every year. PRIDE parades. We have fought for rights and equality for years and years. We have been through one of the most devastating viruses, AIDS, in history.

I am sure a lot, if not most, of these "men" attend these parades or even march in them. They seem to forget the devastation that AIDS brought to our community. A lot of them may have been too young to have gone through what a lot of us went through and became a part of the community after so much progress was made both with AIDS and gay rights. So it is evident that they don't care and they don't remember or haven't bothered to find out all we went through back in the 80's through the early 2000's. All of the people lost. The vigils. The events and fundraisers. No support from the Reagans. The pain and sadness. And because of that time, we should be setting an example. Or community went through this. But we have this generation of entitlement, across the board, gay, straight and otherwise. And here we are. 

It is an embarrassment to our community. 

Just my random thoughts.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 1/7/21 at 03:50 PM

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#24Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/7/21 at 8:15am

No, we can multitask, thanks. We can pay attention to other stuff out there while still calling out people spreading a deadly virus. You really are reaching here and it’s pathetic. Moving along.

#25Gays Over Covid
Posted: 1/7/21 at 10:42pm

SmoothLover said: "BroadwayNYC2 said: "...Gays Over Covid references an Instagram account. Linking this to hate crimes? Truly delusional."

And your verbiageisflippant and full of self hatred. Giving lip service to news items that shed a negative light on a certain community does more harm than good. It gives some people more of a reason to hate and stereotype. There are more important stories to give a platform to,such as the current administration’s11th hour attempt to take rights away from the gay community.

It has made it to CNN so it’s a thing. Call out these Instagram models and stop following them. They’re awful and they are spreading the wrong message. 
