The Favourite

Littleshopofcarrie Profile Photo
#1The Favourite
Posted: 1/3/19 at 5:29pm

Went in ready to love it but was extremely bored and considered walking out. Just don't understand the appeal.

Anyone else who has seen it want to share their thoughts?

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#2The Favourite
Posted: 1/3/19 at 5:36pm

I absolutely loved it. Hysterical, disturbing, and bizarre.

TheGingerBreadMan Profile Photo
#3The Favourite
Posted: 1/3/19 at 6:23pm

I second TotallyEffed's thoughts. I was so enraptured by this movie.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#4The Favourite
Posted: 1/3/19 at 9:48pm

Well written but sadly I know the actual history too well so ... meh.

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#5The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 3:39am

Im also not a huge fan of Emma Stone but she blew me away in this. I could see her winning the Oscar. She was fabulous.

Javi Profile Photo
#6The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 6:03am

It was totally insane and I loved it.  Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz, Nicholas Hoult and Olivia Colman were terrific.

Fun fact - Rachel Weisz co-starred in 'About a Boy' with Nicholas Hoult when he was just 11.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#7The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 7:58am

One of the very short list of movies this year that stuck with me long after the credits: Hereditary, Eighth Grade, Burning, and The Favourite.

The ACTRESSING happening in this movie is staggering, so many shades and layers and so much for them all to dig their teeth into. All 3 are spectacular, but I was completely transfixed by every breath Olivia Colman took. My favorite scene in the whole film is when shes escorted to the party in her chair and watches Rachel Weisz dance, but the camera largely focuses tightly on Colman and we see every emotion seemingly in the human experience flash across her face. Its really stunning work that I hope gets as much recognition as it deserves this awards season.

Updated On: 1/4/19 at 07:58 AM

haterobics Profile Photo
#8The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 11:28am

I was waiting every week for this movie to arrive in my podunk town, and when it finally did, my friend and I both went to see it the first night. He adores Emma, and I've liked The Lobster from the same director, and we both could not understand the appeal and thought it was a colossal bore. I keep reading reviews and watching YouTube clips where people gush over it, and I saw everything they did, understood what they are saying they took from it, but just none of it landed for us. No clue how that happened, it was literally the movie I was most looking forward to seeing.

HereAndThere2 Profile Photo
#9The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 11:35am

This guy saw it; loved it; gonna see it again.

Luscious Profile Photo
#10The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 11:46am

LOVED it! So deliciously nasty! One of my FAVOURITE movies of 2018!

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#11The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 1:20pm

I absolutely adored this movie and I was just hollering all the way through. Emma Stone in particular stood out to me. What an impeccable job she did. Also I have fallen in love with Olivia Colman both a queen on screen and in real life. Shes amazing. Hope this gets a ton of acclaim this awards season.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#12The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 2:37pm

haterobics said: "I was waiting every week for this movie to arrive in my podunk town, and when it finally did, my friend and I both went to see it the first night. He adores Emma, and I've liked The Lobster from the same director, and we both could not understand the appeal and thought it was a colossal bore. I keep reading reviews and watching YouTube clips where people gush over it, and I saw everything they did, understood what they are saying they took from it, but just none of it landed for us. No clue how that happened, it was literally the movie I was most looking forward to seeing."

Curious, how full was the theatre when you saw it?

LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#13The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 4:22pm

Definitely one of, if not the best of the year for me. I was the only one in my theater laughing out loud. Absolutely inspired dialogue with three of the best performances I've seen in years. 

Parts of the score were too distracting for me. I understand that was supposed to be the effect, but it took me out of a few moments. 

Inspired song choice to play over the end credits too. 

"I shall stay until the wind changes."

east side story Profile Photo
east side story
#14The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 4:33pm

My favorite film of 2018, by far.

The three leading women were perfect, each and every one of them. Nicholas Hoult was outstanding as well, matching the others' perfection every step of the way.

Had Emma Stone not recently won for a two hour soda commercial, she would be competitive for a win in Lead or Supporting. But this year, she and Weisz are the veterans, allowing Colman to go Lead.

I'm hoping for a Rachel Weisz win in Supporting, while Colman faces plenty of competition from Gaga in Lead. We'll see how the televised precursors shake out over the next few weeks. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#15The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 5:39pm

TotallyEffed said: "Curious, how full was the theatre when you saw it?"

6-8 people total.

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#16The Favourite
Posted: 1/4/19 at 6:05pm

There have been several films that I watched for the first time alone or in an almost empty theatre that I didn't fully appreciate until seeing it again with a bigger audience.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#17The Favourite
Posted: 1/5/19 at 3:18pm

I'm in the LOVE camp as well; It's easily my favorite movie of 2018. 

Here was a movie where I felt I was in the hands of a very secure director from beginning to end. The design, the dialogue, the staging that bordered on pure choreography in scene after scene-- this was a movie that felt like a great stage musical in style and substance, and those are always my favorite kind of film.

It was also the rare movie that spent all its time watching the lives of women of power (or women struggling to gain power), with only the most cursory glances paid to the men of the court around them. That alone was delicious to watch, and radical in this day and age. 

I found THE LOBSTER half brilliant and half too bitter a pill to swallow. This film showed the flip side of that approach, a script that constantly rewarded characters with happy ending after happy ending, though not always the one every woman or man would have chosen for themselves. 

I hope it wins every single award it's up for.

#18The Favourite
Posted: 1/5/19 at 5:11pm

I certainly enjoyed the film while I was seeing it, but it hasn't exactly stayed with me.  That odd little final moment was my favorite thing about it.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

BenElliott Profile Photo
#19The Favourite
Posted: 1/5/19 at 5:19pm

I saw this when it first came out in theatres and took a risk and brought my mom along to see it. We both absolutely loved it. It's a movie that really burns itself into your memory.

It's dirty, nasty, vile, manipulative and absolutely incredible. I wish all three women could win Oscars for their work in this. I don't think Emma's La La Land win will hurt her chances here. She so brilliantly transcends her performance there that I can see them awarding her again. I mean Mahershala Ali is the frontrunner in supporting for Green Book this year and he won the same award in the year as Emma for Moonlight. I think she could and should win for supporting. Also, Coleman is my absolute favorite performance of the year. Forget Gaga and Close, Coleman should be this year's Oscar winner. She makes you laugh AT her and cry WITH her. Rachel Weisz is also phenomenal in, what I think, is the more subtle of the three roles. Hoult is great and is really one of the more underrated performances of the year. The technical elements are all great and the screenplay really crackles and pops on screen. It's just a really weird, excellent film. It's also shockingly hilarious, but I think you may need a certain type of humor to fully appreciate it.

Also, somehow I found myself routing for Emma's role and hating Rachel's up until the last five minutes. The direction is exceptional because it makes you blind to who the antagonist of the film is, much like the Queen in the story. Emma is funny and quirky so you route for her even if her intentions might not be so wonderful. She charms you. Meanwhile, Rachel is cold and standoffish so you hate her meanwhile I got the impression that she loves and cares for the Queen even though she does use her for political gain. At the end when Emma steps on the rabbit, I, much like the Queen, realized I had made a terrible mistake in who I was rooting for. Not sure if anyone else had this experience, but I found it interesting. I only realized who Emma was when she stepped on the rabbit.

#20The Favourite
Posted: 1/7/19 at 2:17pm

My favorite Oscar contender so far.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#21The Favourite
Posted: 1/7/19 at 2:22pm

I didnt know how I felt while watching it, except that I was transfixed.

The minute the film ended I couldn’t find words.

I wasn’t sure I liked it. But I was SO drawn to it. And haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

The acting is superb. The costumes and design are flawless. The story is fascinating.

I think I loved it.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 1/7/19 at 02:22 PM

NYadgal Profile Photo
#22The Favourite
Posted: 1/7/19 at 2:26pm

BenElliott - Yes! Every word.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#23The Favourite
Posted: 1/8/19 at 9:16am

Yes, BenElliott - word!
