Weekly SNL thread

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#1900Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 2/12/17 at 8:29pm

Yes, John Adams, that skit was great.


Petralicious Profile Photo
#1901Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 2/13/17 at 10:23am

Looks like the Backlash is beginning. 

Review:  NYTIMES: ‘S.N.L.’ Targets Trump Again, With a Hint of Exhaustion

If President Trump’s shock-and-awe attack on truth, decorum and liberal sensibilities is intended to bludgeon his opponents into submission, “Saturday Night Live” felt like his latest victim this weekend.

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/13/17 at 10:23 AM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#1902Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 2/13/17 at 10:36am

"Looks like the Backlash is beginning."


'SNL' scores highest ratings in 6 years with Alec Baldwin as host


The one thing Trump has managed to make great again is SNL.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#1903Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 2/13/17 at 11:36am

Yes, but we will see from this point on if as the NYTIMES says the audience will tire of it as some critics are beginning to

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/13/17 at 11:36 AM

haterobics Profile Photo
#1904Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 2/13/17 at 2:05pm

Petralicious said: "Yes, but we will see from this point on if as the NYTIMES says the audience will tire of it as some critics are beginning to"

It will be hard to decouple how much people are tiring of Trump and his cronies, and at some point, the comic nature will just be seen as tragic, in which case we won't find SNL funny anymore, either. But I don't see how anyone will be able to separate those two things and make it purely qualitative about SNL.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#1905Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 2/13/17 at 7:03pm

Damn they need better writers.


South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#1906Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 2/13/17 at 7:04pm

SNL is HUGE now.


sabrelady Profile Photo
#1907Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 3/5/17 at 1:08am

Disappointed.  There were a few moments ( Minnies Pie & Kate's Kelly Anne meme)  but for the most part B level material. ( serioulsy WTF was the Chucky Chocolate  guy bit?) Octavia was hardly given anything to work with. C (c+ only for the new segment)

FrankieSay Profile Photo
#1908Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 3/5/17 at 2:07am

Future Republican Hero TBD was total genius, in my opinion, and gave me my money's worth!

Oh, segne deine Herzen

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#1909Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 3/5/17 at 2:33am


the bobby Moynihan voiceover was just so perfect.

I felt like the worst part of the night were the trump brothers on weakened update. That whole joke fell flat for me.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire https://theaterworkersforaceasefire.com/statement

sabrelady Profile Photo
#1910Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 5/14/17 at 5:54pm

Melissa McCarthy is so game for anything I totally heart that woman <3. Even when stuff goes off, she makes it work.  Spicer and the dolls- A good old fashioned pie in the face to the nth degree and dolphin mom.  and now a 5 timers club member!

I liked the Leslie Jones & Kyle Mooney's "marriage" bit  esp the shooting . 

Alec Baldwins Trump-  "you'll wish it were Judge Judy"

B+ A-

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#1911Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 5/14/17 at 8:49pm

Last night was a confirmation of their lameness.  Wish it were funny.


Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#1912Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 5/14/17 at 8:52pm

I just watched the DVR and when McCarthy does Spicer...well, just get her Emmy ready.

I think SNL was setting up the WH dumping Spicer (in real life) the way Baldwin gives Spicer the "Kiss of Death".

And lastly, I think [one of the] best lines was Paul Ryan saying, "He (trump) feeds me dog food".

With any luck, come September, things will be better...or we'll all be nuked. 

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#1913Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/4/20 at 12:15am

Carrey makes a good Biden.

MCW1227 Profile Photo
#1914Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/4/20 at 11:35am

Sorry, much prefer Sudakis.  Carrey, IMO, overdoes every role he’s ever played.  

Be Kind

uncageg Profile Photo
#1915Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/4/20 at 11:46am

I thought Carey was good until he threw in some of his trade mark mugging.

The show as a whole was ok. I really liked the bottom of your face rap video. Expected the news segment to be have a bit more edge.

Really wish they would go back to having less mainstream musical guests that all sing live. She was actually lip synching last night. And at a few points not well. 

I may have missed something but was Kate Mckinnon not in studio?


Just give the world Love.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#1916Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/4/20 at 12:36pm

Two incredible performances by Meg, really enjoyed her. I loved Carrey's Biden, is was pretty perfect. Kate was there, she showed up in the one of best moments last night. 

Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#1917Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/4/20 at 1:31pm

Sometimes it feels like things need more rehearsal and other times everything clicks. The timing was off in most sequences. The debate sketch could have been trimmed and the Kamala character could have been used differently. But everything had to be reworked on Friday after Trump announced his covid19 status, so the skits reflected that.

I do think that the woman who does impersonations (Drew Barrymore) masters it quite well.


uncageg Profile Photo
#1918Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/4/20 at 4:03pm

Yeah, it did kind of show that things were re-worked. I was laying here wishing that they had just gone for it. It's SNL and that's what we kind of expect them to do. 

Sutton, totally forgot about that moment. She looks a bit different. I had to do a double take.

Just give the world Love.

#1919Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/5/20 at 12:54am

Did Aidy have work done? No T no shade! I just didn’t recognize her at first!

#1920Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/5/20 at 1:38pm

SouthernCakes said: "Did Aidy have work done? No T no shade! I just didn’t recognize her at first!"

Watching an episode of Shrill now, and she does look slightly thinner in the face (comparing it with the video from her Weekend Update bit). I would guess that she's just in the process of losing some weight, as opposed to having work done.

#1921Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/5/20 at 7:41pm

You are talking about new featured player Lauren Holt. I know, I know, all white ladies look alike to some people.  

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

MlleDaae Profile Photo
#1922Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/6/20 at 10:03am

Glad they didn't hold any punches with the opener. (FT!)

Can't wait to see what they write for Punkie Johnson - newest member. Her sets are fcking incredible live. Been a fan since 2011.

"You are young. Life has been kind to you ...You will learn."

#1923Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/6/20 at 10:45am

She was great in her two small moments.  Excellent for a new member of the featured cast.


Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

uncageg Profile Photo
#1924Weekly SNL Saturday Night Live Thread
Posted: 10/11/20 at 12:59am

Tonight was more of what I expected from last week's premier. They pretty much covered everything.  And Jack White was the perfect musical guest.

The mafia sketch was pretty funny, Weekend Update pushed a few envelopes and had me on the floor. (Kate McKinnon killed it) Love'd Burr's monologue. JMO

Just give the world Love.
