COVID vaccinations

#25COVID vaccinations
Posted: 2/28/21 at 9:07pm

"Good to hear, Mr Roxy. That is what I was talking about in my earlier post that those with serious health issues, their doctors should be initiating the vaccine appointment for you. Everybody should read the eligibility for the vaccine in their own State. Our Governor just expanded Friday, to those with compromised immune systems. Not to be a downer, Mr. Roxy, but from what I heard from my brother and others, the first shot is nothing. It is the second shot that will give you a fever, chills and body aches/pains. It lasted 24 hours. "

Myself and five people in my family have had the 2nd shot (Pfizer) and nobody has had anything but some soreness in the arm that got the shot.

#26COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/1/21 at 7:25am

Myself and five people in my family have had the 2nd shot (Pfizer) and nobody has had anything but some soreness in the arm that got the shot."

You and the five members of your family are extremely lucky.....since the majority of people who have taken the 2nd shot (Pfizer)  have experienced some or all of the side effects I described above.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#27COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/1/21 at 2:40pm

Definitely not the majority since you don't know everyone in America who got the second shot. All of the senior citizens I know who got both shots had no symptoms besides a sore arm. I guess it depends on the person. 

#28COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/1/21 at 4:30pm

True, majority is the wrong word.  However, all of the employees at my Mother's nursing home have been given the vaccination and after speaking with over 50, all had at least one or more of the side effects  that I posted.  Add the relatives, friends and acquaintances who have also stated the same,  that is a big enough sampling for me, to stand by my opinion.

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#29COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/1/21 at 4:53pm

With the addition of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine plus with increased production on the first two, the majority of New Jersey will be able to get the vaccine starting March 31.


In terms of side effects from the vaccine, my 88 year-old grandmother was extremely fatigued for 24 hours after her second shot. My 70 year-old Dad had zero side effects after the second dose. Other older relatives experience little side effects once they got the second dose(normal arm soreness or feeling tired).  But nobody I know that's had both shots had any serious side effects.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.
Updated On: 3/1/21 at 04:53 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#30COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/1/21 at 5:08pm

If anyone feels comfortable talking about how they feel after the second dose, I would appreciate any feedback on here. Thanks guys, stay safe. 

#31COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/1/21 at 5:26pm

Due to our Governor's Executive Order and kidney issues, I'm getting my first shot (moderna) Thursday.  I'm hoping to be in that group that just has the sore arm after the second shot.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#32COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/1/21 at 5:58pm

Good luck with it!

#33COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/1/21 at 6:19pm


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#34COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/1/21 at 6:37pm

I got my first today. Nothing so far except I’m TIRED and a little tenderness in the arm.

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#35COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 12:33am

ArtMan said: "

Myself and five people in my family have had the 2nd shot (Pfizer) and nobody has had anything but some soreness in the arm that got the shot."

You and the five members of your family are extremely lucky.....since the majority of people who have taken the 2nd shot (Pfizer) have experienced some or all of the side effects I described above.

I've read it's been more Moderna. I know I had side effects when I had it as did everyone I work with, but we're all relatively young which is expected to have the worse side effects because we'd have I higher immune response. Recommend you take tylenol around the clock after you get second shot for 24 hours to help prevent the worst of the side effects. Don't wait for it to come, just take the tylenol.

#36COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 8:40am

Sutton Ross said: "If anyone feels comfortable talking about how they feel after the second dose, I would appreciate any feedback on here. Thanks guys, stay safe."

I got my second shot of the Moderna vaccine last Friday afternoon.  I was fine until noon on Saturday, then got a headache, chills and fatigue.  The chills went away after a few hours, but the headache and fatigue lasted through Sunday.  I started feeling better Sunday night and was fine Monday.  I never had a reaction like that to any other vaccine, and I've gotten many. 

My brother and sister-in-law got the Pfizer vaccine and had no side effects other than a sore arm.  My husband is getting his second shot today, also Pfizer, so we'll see how he does.

Huss417 Profile Photo
#37COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 12:28pm

Had my first dose of Moderna today.

Both of my parents also received the Moderna vaccine and 2nd dose knocked my mother out for a couple of days. A little achy she said but very tired.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.
Updated On: 3/2/21 at 12:28 PM

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#38COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 12:29pm

Yes, I've read there are far more reactions with the Moderna vaccine. Interesting. I'll be taking the J&J vaccine when I am qualified to get it. 

Thanks for the feedback, all. 

Updated On: 3/2/21 at 12:29 PM

FosseTharp Profile Photo
#39COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 12:34pm

I just received my first Moderna dose today. My father had no side effects after his Moderna dose, but both my mom and brother in law got the Pfizer vaccine and had all the symptoms after the second dose.

#40COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 1:54pm

It really does sound like a crapshoot on whether you have side effects, based on the vaccine mfg, your age and overall health.  I'm just happy to be able to have an appointment.  I'll deal with whatever.....but first I have to sit in the chair and actually get a needle in my arm.  I could just as easily get turned away, come this Thursday.

#41COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 1:54pm


Updated On: 3/2/21 at 01:54 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#42COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 2:01pm

I expected to wake up today and feel bad but my arm just kind of feels like I did a few extra sets at the gym and that’s it. I got the Pfizer so in 3 weeks for the 2nd one, we’ll see if that one messes me up.

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#43COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 2:10pm

I got my first dose of Moderna back on the 16th and it still doesn't seem real. 

No side effects besides a sore arm for about 2-3 days. Between 12-24 hours after getting the vaccine, my soreness was about a 6/10, perfectly manageable (spot-on gym metaphor, Jordan Catalano). I'd say it was a 2 or 3 the following day and back to zilch the next. 

No sweat so far, a little nervous about what the second dose will bring though. 


Oh look, a bibu!
Updated On: 3/2/21 at 02:10 PM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#44COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 4:21pm

I've had both doses of Moderna now.

Zero side effects after the first dose.

Had some side effects after the 2nd. Fatigue, aches and chills. Felt like I had a fever but I never actually got one. Tylenol helped. All side effects were gone within 24 hours. 

Kad Profile Photo
#45COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 5:09pm

I had my first dose of the Pfizer on Friday, and I felt lousy for about 36 hours. Chills, fatigue, low fever. Never had an adverse reaction from a vaccine before. But it is still worth it.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#46COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 5:59pm

Biden now says US will have enough vaccine for every adult by the end of May.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#47COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/2/21 at 6:02pm

Which is fantastic news.

On the other hand, Texas and Mississippi are dropping mask mandates and opening everything to 100% capacity. 


JBradshaw Profile Photo
#48COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/3/21 at 5:54pm

I’m in Philadelphia.
I found a place with the vaccine.
They wouldn’t give me it.
I’m 40 years old. I have hiv. I also have cancer. Brian cancer.
I was told unless I’m 75+ years old. Nope. It’s like WTF

JBradshaw Profile Photo
#49COVID vaccinations
Posted: 3/3/21 at 5:54pm

I’m in Philadelphia.
I found a place with the vaccine.
They wouldn’t give me it.
I’m 40 years old. I have hiv. I also have cancer. Brian cancer.
I was told unless I’m 75+ years old. Nope. It’s like WTF
