
Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)- Page 2

Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#25Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/17/20 at 11:13am

I don’t know what these judges are inhaling before judgment, but those critiques were BOOBOO.

Ilona was boring and that outfit was horrible. She’s a mess. I would’ve given the win to Scarlet or Lemon. Definitely not Priyanka. Her runway was not all that.

Tynomi should have gone home. She’s been boring every week and was obviously the worst both last week and this week. I’ve never seen a queen skate by on unrealized potential with absolutely zero personality like this before.

I’m enjoying this season, but some of the choices make me seriously question Canada’s taste levels.

#26Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/17/20 at 1:48pm

I’d agree with all the concerns!

I’m low key excited for their snatch game.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#27Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/18/20 at 7:36pm

The judging is legit so strange. Even if you weren't going to give her the win, how in the hell wasn't Lemon in the top? She was easily one of the best performers in the challenge and her runway was very cool. I actually like BOA, but I'm not sure how she was in the top again. And Scarlett isn't doing it for me yet. I love Priyanka's personality, but I think her drag is sloppy. Her wig lines kill me.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#28Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/23/20 at 10:30pm

This show is ridiculous. These judges have ZERO taste and it’s just getting embarrassing. Priyanka getting all that praise for that ratty ass piece of fabric? What the hell runway were they even watching?
And Jimbo being in the bottom 3 and them saying he’s starting to “fade”? HUH? It’s so interesting how this season proves that even more than the Queens, this franchise NEEDS Ru and Michelle.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#29Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/24/20 at 7:56am

110%, Jordan. What is wrong with these judges? My husband said it feels like the kids are playing judge while mommy’s away. I said it feels more like the Stanford Prison Experiment. Their taste level is horrible and they’re actively being nasty in their critiques.

I think what this season without the usual judges proves is that you really have to earn the trust of your queens and your audience before your opinions carry any weight. None of these judges have earned my trust, and so their critiques don’t hold water. The things they’re praising are questionable at best.

I did agree that Team Plastic was the best.

What are they seeing in Priyanka? She looked like a mess last week and worse this week, and they’re praising her. I don’t get it.

If I were Jimbo, Ilona would’ve gotten a lot more words out of me in the workroom. What in the HELL? I get it. Nerves are nerves but... girl. And the fact that Jeffrey said Jimbo is fading into the background based on this one week? After they praised the outfit itself? Just absolutely wild to me. Jimbo was far from my favorite, but it almost feels like Jeffrey heard that critique once and thought he’d take it for a spin.

This season remains highly watchable, but I have zero confidence in the judges making the right decisions along the way so everything could easily go off the rails.

Updated On: 7/24/20 at 07:56 AM

ClydeBarrow Profile Photo
#30Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/24/20 at 10:48am

At the beginning of the episode I commented that Canada is a really great addition to the franchise and this challenge was a great idea...then came the judging. They are honestly cuckoo bananas and I think they are saying the exact opposite of reality. 

I did not think the Plastics should have won. All of their outfits looked like plastic fencing glued to some tarp and spray painted.

The critiques of BOA are so stupid. Why can't she be fun in her runway looks? Last week she showed that she can do a very polished face/wig but then be stupid wearing the Borat mankini with a huge muff. The critique of Jimbo was actually absurd. She said that she was going for a Marie Antoinette powder make-up moment and then Jeffrey starts complaining that her arms aren't painted. I don't think women powdered their arms back then too. It all just seemed like really nasty and unwarranted critiques of Jimbo.

Good riddance to Tynomi because I was tired of everyone telling us what a sickening queen she was and she was showing us blah nothing. Plus how do you not know any of the words to Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend? 

"Pardon my prior Mcfee slip. I know how to spell her name. I just don't know how to type it." -Talulah

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#31Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/24/20 at 4:44pm

My my. All of you professional drag queens with nuanced critiques, which is clearly coming from years of showbiz experience, are really enlightening this thread. 

It's a TV show. Chill out man. Enjoy the things you like, but there's absolutely nothing to be gained by trash talking an artist who is on TV, with their heart of their blouse sleeves.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#32Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/24/20 at 4:48pm

Valentina3 said: "My my. All of you professional drag queens with nuanced critiques, which is clearly coming from years of showbiz experience, are really enlightening this thread.

It's a TV show. Chill out man. Enjoy the things you like, but there's absolutely nothing to be gained by trash talking an artist who is on TV, with their heart of their blouse sleeves.

And you’re contributing immensely to this thread.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#33Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/27/20 at 8:27am

Jordan Catalano said: "This show is ridiculous. These judges have ZERO taste and it’s just getting embarrassing. Priyanka getting all that praise for that ratty ass piece of fabric? What the hell runway were they even watching?"

Very much this. I could not believe how much they were praising Priyanka. They're clearly playing favorites (Brooke is very good friends with Priyanka off the show). She and BOA should have been the bottom 2 for sure. And of the winning team, Rita was definitely the worst of the 3 for me. Yes her makeup was amazing, but the dress had no shape. The win should have gone to Scarlett or Kiara.

And Jimbo being in the bottom 3 and them saying he’s starting to “fade”? HUH? It’s so interesting how this season proves that even more than the Queens, this franchise NEEDS Ru and Michelle."

Regarding Michelle and Ru, I'm rewatching Drag Race Thailand right now and am reminded of how WONDERFUL Art and Pangina are. I don't think the franchise needs Ru and Michelle. I think the franchise needs people who live and breathe drag every day of their lives and who aren't TRYING to be Ru and Michelle. The biggest problem with Canada is that they're trying to shoehorn their judges into a Ru mold which comes off as insufferable (I want to punch Jeffrey in the face every time he opens his mouth). But Art and Pangina aren't doing an imitation of Ru but rather their own thing, and it works beautifully.

Updated On: 7/27/20 at 08:27 AM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#34Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/27/20 at 12:27pm

I think that’s fair, regarding the judges. I actually never watched Thailand so I think I’ll do that. I just noticed that only season 2 is on WOW, though. Do you know where I could find season 1?

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#35Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/27/20 at 8:01pm


The English subtitles are really good here (much better than the WOW Presents ones).

TheSassySam Profile Photo
#36Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/28/20 at 10:15am

Valentina3 said: "My my. All of you professional drag queens with nuanced critiques, which is clearly coming from years of showbiz experience, are really enlightening this thread.

It's a TV show. Chill out man. Enjoy the things you like, but there's absolutely nothing to be gained by trash talking an artist who is on TV, with their heart of their blouse sleeves.

I'm a drag queen! Some of the queens are overhyped this season, but it's the judges' show, not ours. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#37Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/30/20 at 10:25pm

“You talk about having sex a lot but the only thing you’re fu*king is stupid.” might be my favorite read ever.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#38Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/30/20 at 10:47pm

Ok so it was about time for Jimbo to win. Long overdue. And have these judges ever actually ever seen a drag show? Because their reactions to the most basic drag moves are like they just saw Jesus turn water to wine. Granted, that was a pretty good lipsync tonight but...calm down.

Oh and at judging, al I could think of looking at Brooke was Bette Midler in “Hocus Pocus”

Updated On: 7/30/20 at 10:47 PM

blaxx Profile Photo
#39Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/31/20 at 12:21am

Jordan Catalano said: "Ok so it was about time for Jimbo to win. Long overdue. And have these judges ever actually ever seen a drag show? Because their reactions to the most basic drag moves are like they just saw Jesus turn water to wine. Granted, that was a pretty good lipsync tonight but...calm down.

Oh and at judging, al I could think of looking at Brooke was Bette Midlerin “Hocus Pocus”

Brooklyn talks as if she was a comedy goddess. Hello girl, you have no place to judge.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#40Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 7/31/20 at 10:13am

Jordan Catalano said: "“You talk about having sex a lot but the only thing you’re fu*king is stupid.” might be my favorite read ever."

When I tell you I screamed. Lemon is so clever.

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#41Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 8/4/20 at 4:34am

Lemon looks Soo much like Scarlett Envy to me when in drag. I Swear some of the early challenges I forget that it's not Scarlett I'm seeing. Lol

Darreyl with an L!
Updated On: 8/4/20 at 04:34 AM

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#42Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 8/4/20 at 4:34am

Lemon looks Soo much like Scarlett Envy to me when in drag. I Swear some of the early challenges I forget that it's not Scarlett I'm seeing. Lol

Darreyl with an L!
Updated On: 8/4/20 at 04:34 AM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#43Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 8/4/20 at 11:04am

Oh god, she really does!

Now if I could just figure out who Priyanka reminds me of!

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#44Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 8/4/20 at 12:32pm

Jordan Catalano said: "Oh god, she really does!

Now if I could just figure out who Priyanka reminds me of!

When you do, let me know because I can't place it either ha. She is very charismatic on TV, even with an ugly wig. I loved this episode. The top 3 (and I think even the safe queens) really brought it. It was a hoot.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#45Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 8/4/20 at 3:15pm

I'm in a bit of a Drag Race withdrawal phase.

So clue me in, girls-- what platform are you all watching Canada Drag Race on? Do I need to subscribe to something or other? (Consider me technologically illiterate.)



Valentina3 Profile Photo
#46Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 8/4/20 at 4:06pm

Someone in a Tree2 said: "I'm in a bit of a Drag Race withdrawal phase.

So clue me in, girls-- what platform are you all watching Canada Drag Race on? DoI need to subscribe to something or other? (Consider me technologically illiterate.)



I have been doing it on WOWPresentsPlus. It's fairly cheap. If you don't want to pay, I think there's a trial run you can subscribe to, but I'd recommend doing it a few weeks from now so you can watch all the episodes. FWIW, it's actually dirt cheap and has a lot of content.

VH1 recently acquired Canada's DR and released the pilot episode for free so at least the 1st ep is available on vh1 dot com as well.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#47Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 8/4/20 at 4:38pm

^ Besos, Valentina!

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#48Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 8/4/20 at 9:37pm

Jordan Catalano said: "Oh god, she really does!

Now if I could just figure out who Priyanka reminds me of!

Priyanka looks like Honey Mahogany from Season 5.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#49Canada’s Drag Race (With Spoilers)
Posted: 8/4/20 at 9:39pm

Holy crap she does! Is that who I’m thinking of??? I think you cracked the case!
