Tony Award-winning actor Jason Alexander recently assumed the role of 'Norman Drexel' in Larry David's hit comedy Fish In the Dark, directed by Anna D. Shapiro, at the Cort Theatre (138 West 48th Street). Alexander steps into the role created by David in the comedy about a death in the family. The limited engagement run of the production, originally scheduled through June 7, is extended for six weeks through Saturday, August 1 at the Cort Theatre (138 West 48 Street).
Below, check out new production shots of Alexander in action!
Jason Alexander will join the cast of Larry David's hit comedy about a death in the family, Fish In the Dark beginning Tuesday, June 9 at the Cort Theater (138 West 48th Street). Check out a first look at the cast welcoming Alexander below!
Jason Alexander will join the cast of Larry David's hit comedy about a death in the family, Fish In the Dark beginning Tuesday, June 9 at the Cort Theater (138 West 48th Street). Check out a first look at the cast welcoming Alexander below!
FISH IN THE DARK, the new comedy written by and starring Larry David, is running for an 18-week limited engagement through Sunday, June 7 at the Cort Theatre. Opening night is Thursday, March 5. The comedy, directed by Anna D. Shapiro, also stars Rita Wilson, Rosie Perez, Jayne Houdyshell, Ben Shenkman and Lewis J. Stadlen, heading a cast of 18, BroadwayWorld brings you a first look at the cast in action below!
Fish In the Dark, the new comedy starring and written by Larry David, the creator and star of HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm and co-creator of Seinfeld, begins previews at Broadway's Cort Theater on February 2nd and open on March 5 for a limited 18-week engagement through Sunday, June 7. Below, check out photos of the marquee at the Cort Theatre!