Cosplay during shows

Broadway Buddy
#1Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 1:19pm

Thoughts on cosplay? Does anyone think its distracting? Im seeing Beetlejuice for the 3rd time on Friday and I want to cosplay as Otho because why not. Also Kelvin gives backstage tours to anyone who dresses up in cosplay as his character. Dont know if itll be distracting to the people behind me or not. I definitely wont do it if its not recommended by most people in this chat because Im highly against rude theatre behavior, but Im a fan of the show and Kelvin so I thought it would be fun and cute. Share thoughts and stories possibly below.

bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#2Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 1:24pm

As long as you don't have giant costume pieces that block others' view, if you want to, go for it. It's not something that's super common - although I think Beetlejuice is a show that's more likely to have cosplayers than other show might - but as long as you're not causing a distraction, you do you! There are a lot of much ruder and more disruptive behaviors that bother me more than someone dressing up in a costume. 

#3Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 1:25pm

I'm not into Beetlejuice so I have no idea what that cosplay entails, but personally I say you do whatever will make the experience the most enjoyable for you. With the caveat that it not have any large hat/wig etc that might block others' view of the stage. And it seems like Kelvin enjoys it and people have done it before so I'd say go ahead!

Wick3 Profile Photo
#4Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 1:57pm

I say go for it. 

If you do have a large wig (which I doubt you will as Otho) that you won't be able to remove during the show, try to get a seat on the last row or aisle seat on the extreme sides. 

Enjoy and have a great time!

Huss417 Profile Photo
#5Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 2:55pm

There was another thread on cosplay so thought you might want to take a look.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

AADA81 Profile Photo
#6Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 3:38pm

As a general rule I think cosplay at a show is wrong.  Not only is it distracting, I think it's disrespectful to the actors onstage, who should have the audience's full respect and attention at all times because that is what the whole experience of theater is about.  It's about EVERYONE in that theater at that moment in time: every actor on stage, every musician in the orchestra pit, every single person in attendance.  If one single person is distracted by someone playing dress-up, then it is absolutely wrong.  You are depriving an individual their right to enjoy a theater performance because you want the attention on you.

HOWEVER, having said that, if Kevin is publicly encouraging cosplay by offering free backstage tours, then this is sanctioned by the production and I say go for it.  It's a great opportunity and I think you should give it a try.  Why pass up something every theater-goer would love to do, if they could?

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#7Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 4:21pm

I saw some cosplay at Tanz der Vampire in Berlin.  When the lights go down and the show starts, it was in no way distracting to anyone.  If you are cosplaying a show, just use the common sense God gave an onion and don't wear anything huge that might block sightlines or encroach into another persons's seat. 

If seeing someone somewhere in the audience dressed in cosplay is enough to distract you from enjoying the show once the show has started, and the costume is not blocking your view of the stage or encroaching into your seat, it's not the cosplay person's fault.  You have bigger much issues to tackle.

And if you are an actor or a musician and an audience member in cosplay distracts you and prevents you from performing in a professional manner, you're in the wrong line of work.  Seriously.  Give back your union card and try being a paralegal or something.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

labellaragazza1 Profile Photo
#8Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 4:49pm

I occasionally work at Beetlejuice and there are plenty of patrons who come dressed up to that show in particular. I doubt you’ll be that out of place, if at all. Dress up and enjoy the show

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#9Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 9:38pm

Unless you are under the age of 10 or clinically insane, then hell to the no. I don't care what "Kevin" says or does; he is wrong to encourage such nonsense.

The theater is a GROUP medium. One should do everything possible to blend into the group of spectators, including dressing normally, being quiet (except for conventional opportunities to applaud, cheer, etc. after musical numbers), and refrain from clinking the ice in your drink.

It is a sign of our declining civilization that the OP even has to ask. This is not a snark at him. (And, yes, I'm the one usually reminding people that the tradition of silence in the house only dates back about two centuries and only in European theater. Nonetheless, it's the convention we have.)

uncageg Profile Photo
#10Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 9:50pm

I saw it during previews and there were a ton of people in black and white stripes and just black and white clothing. I loved it. I know that isn't dressing up as a character, but it was so fun to see.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 9/23/19 at 09:50 PM

#11Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 10:04pm

uncageg said: "I saw it during previews and there were a ton of people in black and white stripes and just black and white clothing. I loved it. I know that isn't dressing up as a character, but it was so fun to see."

I agree. As an audience member at the DC tryouts, I got a kick out of seeing other audience members in black & white stripes and Lydia wigs in the lobby. It added to the fun. I mean, it’s Beetlejuice, for God’s sake. It’s not as if people were interfering with the show in any way.

#12Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/23/19 at 10:35pm

I love cosplay and really enjoy cosplaying in spaces where it is part of the experience, like broadwaycon. 

My personal feelings is that it's not appropriate to go all out cosplay to a broadway show, the same way it is not appropriate to go in pajamas. Beyond that, I would worry that people involved with the show would think I was creepy obsessive and that's a stress they don't need to deal with. Now, not all people agree with me and lots of people who aren't creepy obsessive cosplay to shows. I have a friend who has. But I am not personally comfortable with it and said if they were cosplaying that was fine but I'd go see a different show.

My preference is the 'broadwaybounding' type of outfit that fits the show without directly copying it. I love spending a bunch of time mulling over the colour palettes, textures, themes of the show and putting something together that reflects that. For Comet my partner and I wore bold reds, elaborate rhinestone jewelry, a fancy hat (removed before show started). For Hadestown I wore a brick red skirt in a 30s cut. 

It's fun and fitting without being over the top, so that's my choice, but I don't think it's a sin if you cosplay or anything. 



#13Cosplay during shows
Posted: 9/24/19 at 9:56am

Have you heard of Disneybounding? I feel like you're more likely to see someone dress vaguely in the style or color palette of a show that full on cosplay the way you would for Broadwaycon or Halloween. But like others have said, as long as you're not blocking anyone's view with a big hat or a Hairspray-sized wig, have fun. Why not?