My Fair Lady revival

TimesSquared Profile Photo
#1My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 1:33am

Saturday's "On This Day" post about a My Fair Lady anniversary made me give the OBC recording a listen after a very long time.

Does anyone agree that it's time for a revival? I know it's a huge show, and the two most-recent revivals did not do well, but wow, I'd forgotten what a wonderful musical it is!

I'd love to see an unknown young phenom play Eliza. Higgins would have to be a star I suppose, but I can't think of anyone at the moment who'd be right AND a box office draw.

Opinions? Casting ideas?

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#2My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 1:42am

It's a tough one to bring back because everyone's seen it five hundred times so there would need to be a big name to draw in the audiences, making the cost for an already very large cast even more expensive. And since there isn't too many "movie star names" who can vocally handle the role of Eliza, it would have to be a star as Higgins, someone of Hugh Jackman's status.

I'd love to see a full scale revival but without someone of Jackman's appeal, I don't see it being financially successful.

#2My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 2:04am

Sierra Boggess for Eliza!

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#3My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 2:26am

Actually, I like Ashley Brown for Eliza and Colin Firth as Higgins. Heck, let's throw Aaron Tveit as Freddy. I think a large scale revival would be welcome addition to Broadway. I'd almost rather see this than THE KING AND I even though they're both on the top of my dream list.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#4My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 2:32am

I don't care who they cast or how great they make it. I can not sit through this show ever again.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

binau Profile Photo
#5My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 2:48am

I'd rather sit through the fuzzy version of the PACIFIC OVERTURES TV broadcast dubbed senselessly with THE FROGS than watch this show.

"You can't overrate Bernadette Peters. She is such a genius. There's a moment in "Too Many Mornings" and Bernadette doing 'I wore green the last time' - It's a voice that is just already given up - it is so sorrowful. Tragic. You can see from that moment the show is going to be headed into such dark territory and it hinges on this tiny throwaway moment of the voice." - Ben Brantley (2022) "Bernadette's whole, stunning performance [as Rose in Gypsy] galvanized the actors capable of letting loose with her. Bernadette's Rose did take its rightful place, but too late, and unseen by too many who should have seen it" Arthur Laurents (2009) "Sondheim's own favorite star performances? [Bernadette] Peters in ''Sunday in the Park,'' Lansbury in ''Sweeney Todd'' and ''obviously, Ethel was thrilling in 'Gypsy.'' Nytimes, 2000

TimesSquared Profile Photo
#6My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 2:59am

Sadly, Jordan, you're probably right. I'm sure your concerns were the concerns of the producers of the last revival, which had a cast of 30, and scrimpy sets, as opposed to the original show's cast of 50 and legendary production values. And I guess that to draw an audience to such a well-known show, they thought they had to do a radical new take on it--and hire Richard Chamberlain. Oy.

But what if...?

I was sure South Pacific was unrevivable. Then I saw Lincoln Center's version.

HistoryBoy2 Profile Photo
#7My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 5:01am

Don't worry, there's still the Thompson-Mulligan-Firth film to keep us going.

westcoast_wannabe Profile Photo
#8My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 5:29am

I think Lincoln Center should revive it. Bartlett Sher and his team of designers could produce an absolutely gorgeous production. I don't think it needs a major celebrity to sell well. South Pacific didn't need one. As long as its a first rate production I think it could be successful. That said, I think it's wise to cast an established star as Higgins. The original cast a star in Rex Harrison and made a star of the then unknown Julie Andrews. It's a formula that suits the show well Higgins himself is an established well known member of society and Eliza rises from obscurity to become the toast of the ball.

To the people who are saying they couldn't sit through this show again:
Have you ever seen a really great production of My Fair Lady?
I used to hate this show. I thought it was the most long boring show ever written. I used to cite it as an example of where the songs are better as stand alone pieces than when they're incorporated into the show they were written for. I had seen two productions of the show and had never been able to get through the whole movie. Then a friend dragged me along to see the show in Sacramento a few years ago and I just went because it was free and I had nothing better to do and a night out of town with a friend would be fun enough to make up for having to sit through a show I hated. I was BLOWN AWAY! It was so funny and it flew by at such a fast pace. That night my opinion changed from thinking MFL was a boring dated slog to it being a thrilling and fresh masterpiece. My advice is don't write it off yet it might just be that you haven't seen the right production of it yet. It's a hard show to do well but when it's done well it is an amazing night of theater.

westcoast_wannabe Profile Photo
#9My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 5:29am

Oops double post Updated On: 8/20/12 at 05:29 AM

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#10My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 6:48am

I have seen it done well. I saw the national tour a few years back. It was the Cameron Mackintosh production with stunning scenery, great choreography, and overall just a beautiful production. I have also seen a couple local productions done well, and I have even designed the set for a production of the show. The show is just boring. It is three hours of pure boredom IMO. It had nothing to do with me having not seen the right production yet - I have seen it done remarkably well. I think the show is overdone and overhyped, and I don't really care to see it revived.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#11My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 7:53am

Colin Firth was rumored for a new film version.

I'd love to see Hugh Laurie on Broadway.

With Tim Curry as Alfred Doolittle.

madbrian Profile Photo
#12My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 8:00am

Higgins - Hugh Laurie
Mrs. Higgins - Maggie Smith
Rest of cast - I don't care

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

#13My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 8:06am

By two most recent revivals are you talking about the Cam Mackintosh one? Because I thought that production was really well put together. There is a new smaller production that will open in Christmas as the Crucible, a very prestigious theatre in Leicester, about two hours outside of London. It stars the guy from the TV show 24 (don't remember his name) as Higgns and is directed by Daniel Evans.

TimesSquared Profile Photo
#14My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 8:24am

The two most-recent revivals I was referring to were the '81 and '93 Broadway revivals.

I like the Hugh Laurie idea a lot. And having seen Sierra Boggess in the televised Phantom Anniversary production, I think she'd be wonderful.

#15My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 8:32am

...and if you had Hugh Laurie, you'd have to get Stephen Fry as Pickering.

westcoast_wannabe Profile Photo
#16My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 8:57am

Well then bwayphreak I guess it's just a show we disagree on then. We do agree on the Reagent Park Into the Woods video though. I love that recording and have agreed with everything you've said about it on here over the last few weeks.

Hugh Laurie would be great as Higgins. Daniel Craig could also be really great. I could see him giving a much different interpretation that's more erudite and aloof than cold and mean tempered. Not my first choice of actors, but would be fine and I'm sure sell lots of tickets, would be to repair Kelsey Grammer and David Hyde Pierce. With Grammer as Higgins and Pierce as Pickering.

defyingravity11 Profile Photo
#17My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 9:39am

At Seth's Broadway Chatterbox, Melissa Errico described the original concept for the 1993 My Fair Lady. It was very conceptual, but I think it could work very well (especially for such a well known show).

"In theater, the process of it is the experience. Everyone goes through the process, and everyone has the experience together. It doesn't last - only in people's memories and in their hearts. That's the beauty and sadness of it. But that's life - beauty and the sadness. And that is why theater is life." - Sherie Rene Scott

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#18My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 9:59am

What ever happened to the Derek Wills/ Eileen Rand revival?

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#19My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:02am

We do agree on the Reagent Park Into the Woods video though. I love that recording and have agreed with everything you've said about it on here over the last few weeks.

My Fair Lady revival

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Will42 Profile Photo
#20My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:54am

Just cast Colin Firh/ Hugh Jackman as Higgins, Anne Hathaway as Eliza and Angela Lansbury as Mrs. Higgins and it could run forever.

#21My Fair Lady revival
Posted: 8/20/12 at 10:55am

Eileen kept throwing drinks in Susan Hilferty's face and they had to call off the revival

Marla: I have to go sing about a life I never led.