LimelightMike Profile Photo
Posted: 4/17/19 at 4:12pm

Post 'em here!

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
Posted: 9/28/19 at 2:51am

Saw Hadestown tonight. I’ll try to keep this brief as I’ve been up 22 hours after travel day from hell (pretty fitting given our show of choice).

I really, really liked this. I’d actually love to see this again. Made a point of only listening to the full cast recording once so I wasn’t overly familiar with the plot twists. I think that was still a sound strategy, but I did have trouble sometimes understanding early on exactly what was going on since I didn’t always decipher the lyrics.

We had the full original principal cast except Khaila Wilcoxson was in as Eurydice. Wasn’t sure how I felt about her performance until her version of Flowers blew me away. All the people you expect to be spectacular were. Especially Amber Gray, but also Patrick Page and Andre De Shields. But who totally surpassed my expectations was Reeve Carney who bought a vulnerability and naïveté to Orpheus that I found heartbreaking. Also, I can totally confirm that Timothy Hughes (worker) is total man candy.

Because of my horrid travel day, we had to move dinner reservations (Chez Josephine) til after the show, but we did stage door and Reeve, Khaila, a couple of the fates, plus Timothy Hughes came out. possibly more came out but we had to leave to make a reservation. I had them sign my window card which I will cherish. Stagedoor wasn’t crazy. I was able to talk to the performers as they signed which was nice. It was also a great, enthusiastic audience and I didn’t hear one phone go off!

As far as merchandise, at Intermission I only wanted window card and magnet, but decided to wait until after Act 2. By ending, I ended up buying window card, magnet, flask, plus tin mug. They also had a guy handing out the flowers at stage door. My friend also brought me a sticker.

Overall, a great beginning to my trip.

Sorry for any typos. I am tired AF and my eyes are blurry.

Updated On: 9/28/19 at 02:51 AM

Joe Mayo
Posted: 9/28/19 at 9:34am

Miles2Go2 said: "Saw Hadestown tonight. I’ll try to keep this brief as I’ve been up 22 hours after travel day from hell (pretty fitting given our show of choice).

I really, really liked this. I’d actually love to see this again. Made a point of only listening to the full cast recording once so I wasn’t overly familiar with the plot twists. I think that was still a sound strategy, but I did have trouble sometimes understanding early on exactly what was going on since I didn’t always decipher the lyrics.

We had the full original principal cast except Khaila Wilcoxson was in as Eurydice. Wasn’t sure how I felt about her performance until her version of Flowers blew me away. All the people you expect to be spectaukrar were. Especially Amber Gray, but also Patrick Page and Andre De Shields. But who totally surpassed my expectations was Reeve Carney who bought a vulnerability and naïveté to Orpheus that I found heartbreaking. Also, I can totally confirm that Timothy Hughes (worker) is total man candy.

Because of my horrid travel day, we had to move dinner reservations (Chez Josephine) til after the show, but we did stage door and Reeve, Khaila, a couple of the fates, plus Timothy Hughes came out. possibly more came out but we had to leave to make a reservation. I had them sign my window card which I will cherish. Stagedoor wasn’t crazy. I was able to talk to the performers as they signed which was nice. It was also a great, enthusiastic audience and I didn’t hear one phone go off!

As far as merchandise, at Intermission I only wanted window card and magnet, but decided to wait until after Act 2. By ending, I ended up buying window card, magnet, flask, plus tin mug. They also had a guy handing out the flowers at stage door. My friend also brought me a sticker.

Overall, a great beginning to my trip.

Sorry for any typos. I am tired AF and my eyes are blurry.

I was also at the show last night and went in blind (though I was aware of enough of the mythology to track). Thought the show was fantastic.

 Patrick Page delivered one of my favorite individual performances of anything I've seen. He was perfect for the role.

Rest of the regular cast was excellent, especially Grey. Khailia was more than competent, though not a standout in my opinion (which is not a slight considering the remarkable cast surrounding her) would like to see it again with Eva.

Had orchestra seats, but think front mezz might be the best seats in the house.

You didnt miss anyone else at stage door miles, page, grey or andre did not come out.

A PSA (especially for the females), it's the worst bathroom situation of any theater I have been to, so take that into account as you might want to watch the last number standing in the rear orchestra.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
Posted: 9/28/19 at 9:48am

We were right mezzanine Row G, mid-row. Spectacular view, but bad legroom (I’m 6’2 with bad knees).

Joe Mayo
Posted: 9/28/19 at 9:54am

Miles2Go2 said: "We were right mezzanine Row G, mid-row. Spectacular view, but bad legroom (I’m 6’2 with bad knees). "

Legroom isnt that much better in orchestra.

I bailed on the best legroom seat in the house (C14, which was a PV lottery seat at far stage left) to move 4 rows back.

Definitely had better visibility and sound. Like you, I had a tough time discerning all the lyrics in the opening number from C14, but was much better in G11.

Posted: 9/28/19 at 11:32am

I’ve seen Hadestown 3 times-all with the original cast, except one time with Jessie as Fate #1. Phenomenal every time. There are not many shows I would see multiple times, but I would see Hadestown again and again. A true piece of art and truly breathtaking. I’ve been in the ORCH each time. Once ORCH R in row R and twice center ORCH first row. I really enjoyed front row. I’m really short, so I loved being able to see everything, but I would like to try front row MEZ.

Posted: 9/29/19 at 7:30pm

We saw it twice on our trip in June.  All OBC except first time we also had Khaila Wilcoxson as Eurydice.  She has a blues type voice and bought great soul to the performance.  Eva Noblezada bought more purity and innocence through her voice.  I thought both were excellent takes on the character and I neither preferred one over the other.  As for the other main four, Patrick, Amber, Andre & Reeve, all were simply fabulous too.  I will say that Andre has a stage presence like nothing I've ever witnessed before.  

I, like others, could see this show over and over again.  The whole cast are a delight and the music moving, memorable, and entertaining.  

Posted: 9/29/19 at 7:52pm

Miles2Go2 said: "We were right mezzanine Row G, mid-row. Spectacular view, but bad legroom (I’m 6’2 with bad knees)."

I am seeing the show for the first time on October 8th.  I am in row G of the mezzanine mid-row, and have to admit that I am dreading sitting mid-row.  I am only 5'11" -- i have shrunk about 2 inches -- and almost always  try for an aisle seat, where I can slouch to my heart's content; didn't have a choice with this one.  

Re your prior comments, I have listened to the OCR a few times.  I can't say that I love it, but do I like it.  Interestingly, the one I like best on the OCR is Reeve Carney, who got the worst reviews.  I dislike all of Patrick Page's moments, but admit that I find all Bass voices extremely unpleasant.  My October trip includes Moulin Rouge (saw twice in Boston and had the same view as you), Oklahoma (which I have always hated, even though I love the score -- I think the current OCR is great, and incredibly sexy); Hadestown; and three other things TBD.  I learned a couple of years ago that an awfully of new shows are at TKTS in October, and have more shows that I want to see than slots available.  

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
Posted: 9/30/19 at 8:55am

I’m with you, Jarethan. We absolutely loved the show when we saw it this spring with the full original cast, and above all those great performers, the true standout for us was certainly Reeve Carney! Heartbreaking and other-worldly in all the right ways— his performance as Orpheus makes us tear up just thinking about it. He’s come a mighty long way since the abysmal SPIDER-MAN days.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#10HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 9/30/19 at 8:59am

Even in Spuder-man, he wax one of the best things about the show IMHO.

#11HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/8/19 at 10:44pm

I just got back from seeing the show.

Everyone on this board has had highly acclaimed shows that we have disliked and badly reviewed shows we have loved. Well, this falls into that categorization for me. I was bored out of my mind for virtually the entire show. On the positive side, the direction is very inventive, most of the cast was good to outstanding (although my misery level went up every time Patrick Page was on stage...his voice grated on my nerves), and a number of songs were very good.

My issue: for me, there was such a sameness to the show that I found myself actually wishing it was 80 minutes long and not so repetitive (I normally have a real issue with 80 minute shows...I think of most of them as playlets and mini-musicals). Also, I thought the approach to the role of Orpheus was bad. He came across as Special Needs to me. I liked Carney, just as I liked him on the OCR, but his role was not well written. I also found myself getting tired of the falsetto.

I will acknowledge that the audience seemed to be enjoying the show a lot...heck, my wife liked it (although she agreed with me re Patrick Page and the falsetto being over-used).

Finally, Amber Grey was out again. Her understudy was outstanding. Based on the number of performances she has apparently missed, maybe it is time to get rid of her and officially hire her understudy to take over the role on a permanent basis.

HighFlyingAdored97 Profile Photo
#12HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 8:15am

Jarethan said: "I just got back from seeing the show.

Finally, Amber Grey was out again. Her understudy was outstanding. Based on the number of performances she has apparently missed, maybe it is time to get rid of her and officially hire her understudy to take over the role on a permanent basis.

You sound completely ignorant. Amber Gray is injured right now. Did you want her to perform while her left arm is in a sling? Aside from her scheduled vacation and this injury this week she’s barely called out of the show.


"The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world." - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#13HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 10:23am

HighFlyingAdored97 said: "You sound completely ignorant."


Completely uncalled for. This type of language, and by default, YOU, are what’s wrong with this forum. Do you know Jarethan personally, or are you just using your online time to be  utterly rude to people you don’t even know?  


Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#14HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 10:44am

Jarethan, as one of the truly important voices on this board who has seen more shows than about anyone else around, I'm super-disapppointed that HADESTOWN didn't work for you, and Reeve Carney's performance in particular. I'd agree that there is a repetitive sameness to much of the show, although for me that sweet spot was so sweet that they could happily live there all night. It just goes to prove that there is no show out there that is right for everyone, no matter how highly regarded by some. Thanks for sharing your take.

HighFlyingAdored97 Profile Photo
#15HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 11:21am

dmwnc1959 said: "HighFlyingAdored97 said: "You sound completely ignorant."

Completely uncalled for. This type of language, and by default, YOU, are what’s wrong with this forum. Do you knowJarethan personally, or are you just using your online time to be utterly rude to people you don’t even know?


I’m not the problem. The problem is people like that user writing comments like “maybe it’s time to get rid of her and hire her understudy to take over the role.” I don’t wish for people to be fired from their jobs, especially people like Ms. Gray who has two kids to feed.

"The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world." - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

#16HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 11:37am

Kate than I felt the same way! I’m so over this singer-songwriter-guitar playing hero with a falsetto that seems so prevalent in modern musicals. Give me some full bodied vocals. Some powerhouse singers.

I also didn’t understand the act break! Makes way more sense to end with “wait for me,” since it says “I’m coming...” lights out. Instead we get this filler song that makes the whole thing end on a boring note. It should have opened Act 2 as it sets up the underworld better. We didn’t really need Gray’s song at the top of Act 2.

#17HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 12:11pm

Someone in a Tree2 said: "Jarethan, as one of the truly important voices on this board who has seen more shows than about anyone else around, I'm super-disapppointed that HADESTOWN didn't work for you, and Reeve Carney's performance in particular. I'd agree that there is a repetitive sameness to much of the show, although for me that sweet spotwas so sweet that they could happily live there allnight. It just goes toprove that there is no show out there that is right for everyone, no matter how highly regarded by some. Thanks for sharing your take."

Thanks.  Two things to add:  (1) my issue with Reeve Carney was not with his performance really...I think he performed it as written and directed, and I had issue with those choices.  My observation may be completely wrong, but I felt that he was written / directed to be sweet and ‘a dim bulb’.  While I liked his songs on the album, and the way he sang them, I will concede that I never have listened to it all the way through, so the sameness of the falsetto did not bother me.  2. I did not know Amber Gray was Injured; I had read several prior posts complaining about missed performances and assumed this was another one.  My bad.   

I have to admit that I get frustrated at the increased number of performers I have missed in the past 5 - 10 years, some very early in the engagement.  I do think people call out more than they used to, but have no way of proving it.  It was really rare when I was ‘growing up’.

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#18HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 12:26pm

HighFlyingAdored97 said: "I’m not the problem. The problem is people like that user writing comments like “maybe it’s time to get rid of her and hire her understudy to take over the role.” I don’t wish for people to be fired from their jobs, especially people like Ms. Gray who hastwo kids to feed."

You’re the one who could have eliminated the word IGNORANT from your little rant. Stooping to that level, instead of trying to be more polite and rephrasing your post, jumping out there and degrading someone by name-calling, YES, that makes you part of the problem. 


Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#19HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 2:39pm

My interpretation of Orpheus was that he was on the autism spectrum and that interpretation works brilliantly for me. With this perceived limitation also came this brilliant gift. Some might even say the limitation isn’t a limitation at all, but is the gift. Just my two cents.

ModernMillie3 Profile Photo
#20HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 3:55pm

As Hermes says the "boy was touched". That could mean many things, but my interpretation was he was incredibly special, sensitive, incredibly empathic, and loving. Not many actors can sing like Reeve can, the exception of course being Damon Daunno (the original Orpheus).

Anyone saying anything negative about Amber Gray's attendance record is just silly, considering she has had excellent attendance for all of her shows she's been in. People saying she should be replaced in her role she created, simply because she was not there for THEIR performance is beyond ignorant and ridiculous.  

Lastly, anyone who finds Patrick grating is just plain laughable. His voice is unreal and booming, which is why is works for a GOD and a KING. 

Updated On: 10/9/19 at 03:55 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#21HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 4:14pm

Jarethan said: "I have to admit that I get frustratedat the increased number of performers I have missed in the past 5 - 10 years, some very early in the engagement. I do think peoplecall outmore than they used to, but have no way of proving it. It was really rare when I was ‘growing up’."


I think that's for a few reasons: we KNOW more about the importance of taking good care of both physical and mental health.  I think the days of "you perform unless you're dead" are long gone because of it.  Also, scores are much more challenging then they once were...making the need to get healthy even more important, as well as taking care of little things before they become big things. Lastly, we understand how important it is to not get the rest of the cast sick, if possible.


That being said in performers defense: I think people IN GENERAL call out sick more.  I have colleagues that use every single sick/personal/professional day that is in their contract.  EVERY SINGLE YEAR.  Except for my maternity leaves, I've never taken more than 5 (I get 15) in any given years (in almost 30).  I'm  not super human, I'm just from a different generation.  (And, it's easier (frankly) to not be out.)


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#22HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 7:02pm

Miles2Go2 said: "My interpretation of Orpheus was that he was on the autism spectrum and that interpretation works brilliantly for me. With this perceived limitation also came this brilliant gift. Some might even say the limitation isn’t a limitation at all, but is the gift. Just my two cents. "

Very credible and interesting interpretation.  On a personal level, I don’t think that would have altered my enjoyment.  My wife and I are sitting in Oklahoma — Damon Dianne is out, per my prior post re bing tired of actors missing performances.  My wife just commented again on how much she enjoyed Hadestown.  Individual tastes make the world go round.

ModernMillie3 Profile Photo
#23HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 7:51pm

*Damon Daunno* 

#24HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 8:33pm

ModernMillie3 said: "*Damon Daunno*"

Auto-correct...not stupid

#25HADESTOWN Reviews
Posted: 10/9/19 at 8:46pm

Long-time lurker. Made an account to post my experience, particularly as a thank you, since it was because of all your fantastic feedback throughout this forum that encouraged me to give Hadestown a shot and turned me from skeptic to absolutely enamoured in the month and half leading up to our visit to NYC. Apologies if this is too much information--and of course, obligatory spoiler warnings for those who haven't seen it.

We caught the matinee performance on Wednesday, October 2. The entire cast and orchestra was in.

We were absolutely blown away. I was worried that, as a recent convert, I had over-hyped the musical and that the experience would inevitably fall short of my expectations. The afternoon was poignant, beautiful, and heartbreaking. We are still talking and thinking about our experience a week later. If someone told me Hadestown is actually a spell that André de Shields weaves for two hours over an audience, I would believe it completely because I fully admit to being spellbound and in his thrall. This production, with this cast and these musicians, is truly special--so much so that I'm trying to figure out how I can get back to New York to see them again.

As has been previously reported, Anthony Chatmon II has replaced Ahmad Simmons in the Workers Chorus and he fits like a glove. Nothing betrayed the fact that he had arrived to the production just a week and a half earlier.

André de Shields and Amber Gray were even more fantastic than expected live. From the second André steps on stage, he commands the room like no one else and Amber's performance was nothing short of ballsy--leaving no question that she's giving you everything in the tank.

Eva had a bit of a tougher vocal journey in the first act. During "All I've Ever Known," when Eurydice sings "I don't want to go back to the lonely life" the falsetto Db5s of "lonely life" (1:45) vanished and the line ended abruptly. From there, particularly noticeable in "Chant," she made some on-the-fly choices to sing lower pitches of her normally soaring lines. Anytime she approached that Db5: "shelter us" at 2:12 and "harbor me" at 4:52, she hit the A4 (to Ab4) instead. For her last "shelter us" at 4:58, she finally hit it (the Db5), but didn't dare try for the Eb5 on the final "harbor me."

That said, I don't know what she did during the intermission, but her Act II was perfect. "Flowers" was flawless. Very happy she chose to go on despite some challenges from the top--she gave a wonderful performance and the purity of her tone is gorgeous.

The real shock was Reeve Carney's Orpheus. I had gone in having read the divided reviews: the comparisons between him and Damon Daunno; that he was the only lead not nominated for a Tony. Had no problems with his portrayal of Orpheus as being "touched;" interpreted it as others have noted as similar to being on the spectrum that would cause him to lack the social awareness to tell Eurydice to "Come Home with Me," but in turn have access to world-changing, savant-like powers of music. I confess I was in the camp that didn't particularly care for the strain in his head voice on the recording, which was why it was such a surprise to witness how deeply moving Reeve's portrayal was. 

The excruciating sensitivity with which he performed "Epic III" elevated Anaïs's music and lyrics to the sublime. It transformed my experience of a song that I already thought beautiful to something that I have trouble putting into words. Live, Reeve's head voice comes across much less strident and there's this added layer of tenderness and fragility that is wholly unexpected, not unlike the repeated appearances of red carnations.

You could barely catch it despite us sitting so close, but when Hades responds in profile to Orpheus in "Epic III"--as Persephone reaches out to him--giant drops of tears fell from his face to the floor. Then, Patrick Page's voice wavered and broke with the heavy emotion of the moment in a way that isn't on the recording and absolutely destroyed me, leaving me sobbing. Up until then, I was a bit torn on Patrick, who seemed weary and nonchalant in the first act (which could very well be a character choice). However, he was in fine vocal form overall, and really punched up the energy in the second act, especially during "Chant (Reprise)."

As has been praised countless times, the lighting and set design perfectly service the story. The journey out of the Underworld was haunting and when Orpheus turns during "Doubt Comes In," a lady a few seats away audibly gasped.

It was an enthusiastic and immediate standing ovation; the audience remained standing during "We Raise Our Cups."

Seats: We sat in the centre of the second row of the Orchestra (Row D). Incredibly immersive, especially during the theatrics of "Wait for Me." None of us experienced neck pain from these seats and we are on the shorter side ( 5'2" to 5'5" ). At times, it felt almost uncomfortably close to the action although there's definitely something to be said for when you can count the beads of sweat on a performer's head. If I were to see it again at the Kerr, I'd ideally aim for Orchestra Row F or G, or change it up and get a perspective from the first few rows of the Mezzanine.

Merchandise: For those who are seeing the show between now and the official release of November 1, the merchandise table has advance copies of the OBC CD for sale (I did not see the vinyl available). I picked up a copy of the CD, magnet, and Hermes silver feather enamel pin. I haven't yet had an opportunity to open the CD and read what's included in the liner notes. I regret not picking up a window card poster or generally grabbing more. I saw someone ask on another thread--as is consistent with what's available online, there are no souvenir programs available.

Stage Door: For a weekday matinee, there was a sizable crowd of about 50 clustered outside. We did not stay to see who came out to sign, but they were still handing out flowers and those at the front of the barricade were kind enough to pass me back a flower as a souvenir of our incredible afternoon.

Updated On: 10/16/19 at 08:46 PM
