
ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End- Page 1

ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#1ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/3/19 at 9:48am

Seeing the show in March, plus the NTL screening, which is exciting news! The show started previews on Saturday. Did anyone attend or does anyone plan on attending? I heard that, like Network, there is a lot of video feed used, which may be interesting. There was a rehearsal photo showing the point of view from the mirror when Eve (Lily James) is in her dressing room. Would love everyones thoughts and feedback as the show progresses and develops. Especially script and direction wise!

BWAY Baby2
#2ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/3/19 at 2:38pm

I am seeing it in London March 15- looking forward to it. Have great seats third row- l also would love to hear the reviews.

#3ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/4/19 at 2:44pm

Updated On: 2/6/19 at 02:44 PM

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#4ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/5/19 at 12:08am

I've seen a trickle of tweets saying that it was really good, except for the ending. One of them called the ending "jarring." So now I'm dying of curiosity about the ending. ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End I don't think it can be the same ending as the movie, which was powerful but not really jarring.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#5ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/5/19 at 1:00am

I’m seeing it next month and I can’t wait.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#6ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/5/19 at 2:15pm

I was hoping to see it on March 16th, but can't get tickets.  It's the only evening I have free.  ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#7ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/5/19 at 4:53pm

Not a purist, but have to concede a jarring ending in a van Hove "All About Eve" gives me pause. 

Possibilities are endless:

Eve and Addison in a Phoebe sandwich?  

The Sarah Siddons Society suddenly elevating in midair?

The set dripping blood?  

Updated On: 2/5/19 at 04:53 PM

#8ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/5/19 at 5:00pm

Mister Matt said: "I was hoping to see it on March 16th, but can't get tickets. It's the only evening I have free. ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End"

Just keep checking for returns on the official website, they have been coming up all the time.


There are tickets for both Saturday performances up right now.

Updated On: 2/5/19 at 05:00 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#9ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/5/19 at 5:01pm

I bet Margo kills Eve.

Or they scissor.

#10ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/6/19 at 12:53pm

I was at the first preview on Saturday. Sonia Friedman came out beforehand saying that the company had not yet run the full show with tech, nor had they finished teching the end of the play, but that they were going to go for it. 

There's not a particularly delicate way to put this but.... it was terrible. The direction and production on the whole were so pretentious and unfocused, it's hard to imagine it getting much better. Performances are fine, but it was the first time I genuinely felt like I was watching actors being held hostage on stage. There were no dynamics in the production, everything was treated with the same weight, which made it difficult to follow. It became about directorial gimmicks of filmed conversations (and parties) in bathrooms (why???), strange bits of narration, and just general lack of clarity in the story being told. No chemistry between any of the actors whatsoever. They totally missed Eve's cunningness and her ability to manipulate others, and Margo became a thankless role who eventually kind of disappeared from the play. Tonally it was all very strange. Like a dark, campy, pseudo-melodrama- which I don't think is wrong for All About Eve, but it never gelled. 

It was my first van Hove play, and from what I understand the Brechtian quality seems to be his thing, so maybe it's just my taste. I'm all for Brechtian, but let's be clear about what the story is that we're telling and why we are telling it in this way. 

And yeah, WOOF, the ending. I don't even know if I could spoil because it is truly so insane that it makes no sense. Let's just say that it includes people appearing out of a bed, smearing lipstick on their face, and playing the piano. Mhmm.

I've heard that they've changed it since Saturday and granted according to Sonia, they hadn't properly teched it. But oh man. Another instance of watching probably great actors being held hostage.

Happy I saw it, but trust no one who says it is good. :P  

Shannon Bo Dannon Profile Photo
Shannon Bo Dannon
#11ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/7/19 at 10:02pm

That review definitely worries me, but I'm still excited to see the show! I'm going at the end of this month. 

goldenboy Profile Photo
#12ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/9/19 at 9:51am

Never like this directors take on things. He is the new critics darling. Hopefully it won't last. But it seems to.

As for any production of All About Eve... how can it ever compare to the brilliance of the movie??
Why bother? Just watch the movie! It is perfection.

Although  I will say Applause was a delight with Lauren Bacall. And has tanked with anyone else in the role. 

devonian.t Profile Photo
#13ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/9/19 at 10:17am


One-trick pony finally being seen through?

#14ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/9/19 at 4:11pm

hpeabody930 said: "I was at the first preview on Saturday. Sonia Friedman came out beforehand saying that the company had not yet run the full show with tech, nor had they finished teching the end of the play, but that they were going to go for it.

There's not a particularly delicate way to put this but.... it was terrible. The direction and production on the whole were so pretentious and unfocused, it's hard to imagine it getting much better. Performances are fine, but it was the first time I genuinely felt like I was watching actors being held hostage on stage. There were no dynamics in the production, everything was treated with the same weight, which made it difficult to follow. It became about directorial gimmicks of filmed conversations (and parties) in bathrooms (why???), strange bits of narration, and just general lack of clarity in the story being told. No chemistry between any of the actors whatsoever. They totally missed Eve's cunningness and her ability to manipulate others, and Margo became a thankless role who eventuallykind of disappeared from the play. Tonally it was all very strange. Like a dark, campy, pseudo-melodrama- which I don't think is wrong for All About Eve, but itnever gelled.

It was my first van Hove play, and from what I understand the Brechtian quality seems to be his thing, so maybe it's just my taste. I'm all for Brechtian, but let's be clear about what the story is that we're telling and why we are telling it in this way.

And yeah, WOOF, the ending. I don't even know if I could spoil because it is truly so insane that it makes no sense. Let's just say that it includes people appearing out of a bed, smearing lipstick on their face, and playing the piano. Mhmm.

I've heard that they've changed it since Saturday and granted according to Sonia, they hadn't properly teched it. But oh man. Another instance of watching probably great actors being held hostage.

Happy I saw it, but trust no one who says it is good. :P


hpeabody930, could you post the ending you saw under the spoiler toggle that BWW has? Would be so interested to see what they did.

BWAY Baby2
#15ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/10/19 at 4:58pm

Seeing this in March- this review has me thinking I made a mistake booking this- btw- did not like View From The Bridge in NY- and hate the stupid droning background music this director seems to think is avant garde- for whatever reason- it is not avant garde- it is distracting and unnecessary.

#16ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/12/19 at 5:10pm

So this is just a Ivo troll thread now?

WTF would you pay all that money to see a show from a director you can't stand?

Going next Tuesday, can't wait.

I haven't seen the film I have been holding off until after the play.

#17ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/12/19 at 7:10pm

For what it's worth, I saw this last week and loved every minute of it. Yes, it's a little over directed and the ending is staged oddly, but it's Mankiewicz's movie brought to life. And if you've seen the movie, you know that's a great two hours of entertainment. I found it far more engaging than NETWORK and I would gladly see it again. I find it hard to believe somebody won't try and get this to transfer. 

BWAY Baby2
#18ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/12/19 at 9:22pm

Impossible 2- yes- you are not only impossible- you are rude and condescending. True- I did not like View From The Bridge- but I love the movie All About Eve- and am hoping for the best




#19ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/13/19 at 6:53pm

Saw it Thursday and it had no life.

For a play about the backstage lives of theatre actors it had no theatricality and dare I say camp?

Everything clashed so much from the time and place to the actors resulting in a distancing effect so strong the audience just felt drained at the end.

Gillian is great but it’s so restrained. Lily I didn’t like at the beginning it’s hard to pull off that ingénue she got better as the character was revealed but boy did those moments of horror just sail past.

All about Eve should be chilling, but the audience saw and were amused by each little revelation of Lily ‘please will you ask’.

The ending was just so impotent. I wanted that flash forward I saw in Company the night previous. I wanted to see Lily enter into the same vicious cycle that Margo does.

All in all it just plodded along to a fairly boring ending.
There’s one exciting moment at Gillian’s first entrance and after that the trick is done, and boring,

I’d love to see this done by a director who understands the history and campiness of these icons of film and the roles they played.

Shout out to Monica who was great as Karen.

#20ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/13/19 at 8:07pm

BWAY Baby2 said: "Impossible 2- yes- you are not only impossible- you are rude and condescending. True- I did not like View From The Bridge- but I love the movie All About Eve- and am hoping for the best

My comment wasn't aimed at you x

A Director
#21ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/14/19 at 3:05am

I bet it doesn't make it across the pond.


#22ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/14/19 at 5:07am

Sounds amazing. I think y'all should just stay at home and wait for the film to come on the telly x

Updated On: 2/14/19 at 05:07 AM

EthelMae Profile Photo
#23ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/14/19 at 8:35am

These photos from Broadway World today look fabulous. I’m counting the days that this production lands in New York.

SomethingPeculiar Profile Photo
#24ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/14/19 at 11:08am

EthelMae said: "These photos from Broadway World today look fabulous. I’m counting the days that this production lands in New York."

Hope you can count high... based on that NYTimes review, this ain't moving anywhere. Cate Blanchett might have been critic-proof, but Gillian Anderson & Lily James aren't.

#25ALL ABOUT EVE in the West End
Posted: 2/14/19 at 11:38am

SomethingPeculiar said: "EthelMae said: "These photos from Broadway World today look fabulous. I’m counting the days that this production lands in New York."

Hope you can count high... based on that NYTimes review, this ain't moving anywhere. Cate Blanchett might have been critic-proof, but Gillian Anderson & Lily James aren't.

Blanchetts play at the National has gotten far worse reviews than this has and there are massive returns on it for every performance.

Anderson has gotten fantastic reviews for her performance.
