
Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!

Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!

#1Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 9:21am

Hi everyone,

Today I launched my new theater diary app, Mezzanine, on the App Store. The app was heavily influenced by the feedback I received here and via email from BWW testers, and it wouldn't be the app it is today without your help. Thank you!

You can see a few screenshots and download the app on the App Store here: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1441959317?ls=1

For those of you who are new to Mezzanine, it's a free iPhone and iPad app that lets you log the shows you see, add ratings and reviews for each one, and build lists of shows (top tens, wish lists, etc). Think Letterboxd or GoodReads, but for theater.

I also recently added a feature that lets you scan a Playbill to have it automatically added to your diary - you can see it in action here: https://twitter.com/mezzanineapp/status/1197330020647260161

If you have been testing Mezzanine and now want to switch to the official release, simply download it from the App Store. Your account, diary entries, and lists will all be there just as you left them. You can of course also choose to remain a beta tester if you wish to keep early access to new features as they are added and want to continue shaping the app as it develops.

Again, thank you so much for all the suggestions and the encouragement along the way. This has been a labor of love for me and I'm excited to share it with a wider audience.

Updated On: 1/25/20 at 09:21 AM

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#2Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 9:52am

Highly recommend this app to any theater-goer, both avid and infrequent. A fantastic way to keep track of the shows you’ve seen, rate the show, leave a comment or a memory, keep track of how much you spent on tickets, etc. I’ve been using it for about six months now and can not recommend it enough. Thanks, Ben!

#3Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 1:14pm

This looks and sounds great but... Android.

DoTheDood Profile Photo
#4Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 1:16pm

perfectliar said: "This looks and sounds great but... Android."


#5Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 4:37pm

Does it have the option to add touring productions as opposed to just broadway shows?

#6Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 4:39pm

It does, in fact you can add anything missing yourself manually if it’s not listed in the app.

seahag2 Profile Photo
#7Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 4:49pm

downloaded today!! thank you for making this much needed app <3

so I smile like Mona Lisa and I lay my Visa down

#8Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 4:49pm

Awesome! Looking forward to trying this out

#9Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 4:49pm

Awesome! Looking forward to trying this out

Scarlet Leigh Profile Photo
Scarlet Leigh
#10Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 7:15pm

DYING to try this out but team Android over here as well. 

Now that it's been launched for the App store, did you have any plans for adapting it for Android in the future or will it remain apple exclusive?

#11Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 7:20pm

No plans in the near future unfortunately, only because I’ve been making apps for iOS for 10 years but have zero Android experience. I would love a chance (and the time) to learn to make an Android app though, so if the iOS app finds an audience and I finish adding most of the key features I’m planning, then I could see an Android app being next on the list. It’s definitely the most common request so I hear you for sure!

seahag2 Profile Photo
#12Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 8:05pm

ben, what are the possibilities of making a website version? 

so I smile like Mona Lisa and I lay my Visa down

#13Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/25/20 at 8:20pm

seahag2 said: "ben, what are the possibilities of making a website version?"

It’s possible, but nothing planned for the immediate future unfortunately. 

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#14Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/28/20 at 11:25am

Sadly, my iPad is about 5 years old and can't support the new software this app needs. But if I ever decide to shell out money for a new one, I'll be sure to download. Congrats on the good feedback.


#15Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/30/20 at 5:40am

Really enjoying this app!

Is there the possibility of adding a function where a user can upload an image or a poster for a production that isn't in the system / that they've added manually?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#16Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/30/20 at 5:43am

Yup ..android, android, android!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#17Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/30/20 at 9:25am

confyde said: "Is there the possibility of adding a function where a user can upload an image or a poster for a production that isn't in the system / that they'veadded manually?"

Yes, I would like to add this feature. I have to be careful about any photo uploading because image hosting can get pretty expensive for a free app, but it is on my to-do list. In the meantime, I monitor all added productions and try to add artwork for any that pop up more than once or twice. Thanks for the suggestion!

uncageg Profile Photo
#18Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/30/20 at 10:44am

Android here also! Oh well!

Just give the world Love.

#19Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/30/20 at 9:34pm

I was super excited when I saw this thread since I've been keeping my own list ever since the Playbill Memory thing went down. This app looks great!!. Can't wait to delve further in. Thanks so much for creating and running it Ben!

ModernMillie3 Profile Photo
#20Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 1/30/20 at 11:22pm

People still use iPhones? Wow. Yes, please make an Android version of this!

#21Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 12/25/20 at 12:01pm

What a wonderful app! I am currently not near my Playbill collection, and won't be for another month, but as soon as I get home, I can't wait to add the many shows I've seen over the years.

Thank you Ben.

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.

#22Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 12/25/20 at 12:07pm

Thanks for trying it out!

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#23Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 12/25/20 at 3:06pm

I'm eager to try this app out someday. Sounds very neat and organized. 

Oh look, a bibu!

#24Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 12/25/20 at 3:36pm

Waiting for the day, hopefully sometime in 2021, that I can start adding shows again. Love the app!

#25Mezzanine, my theater diary app, is available now on the App Store!
Posted: 12/26/20 at 2:39pm

These days, I'm a UX/UI Designer. I am extremely impressed at how simple and easy to use Mezzanine is. What a great app. Ben, you found a need and designed / developed a wonderful user experience. Thank you.

ARTc3 formerly ARTc. Actually been a poster since 2004. My name isn't Art. Drop the "3" and say the signature and you'll understand.
