
McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway

McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway

#1McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:29pm

Was just talking about this a few days ago and how lucky London was to get it. Had no idea they were going to do it in NYC...I'm really excited for this.

Vespertine1228 Profile Photo
#2McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:32pm

Ugh. I'm sorry. They're fabulous fabulous actors, but Waiting for Godot was just done on Broadway 4 years ago. No play needs to be revived every 5 or 6 years. No matter how great it is.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#2McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:35pm

Maybe it's just that I had to write 20 pages on this play while in college, but god, I am so sick of it and even though I love Stewart and McKellen, probably would never sit through it again.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

#3McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:37pm

It was done in London around the same time as the Nathan Lane/Bill Irwin Roundabout production but its a bit soon to revive although its a novel idea to do it in rep with No Mans Land.

Updated On: 1/24/13 at 03:37 PM

#4McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:38pm

I do agree that it is rather soon for a revival, but as someone who missed the last one, and has actually never had the chance to see it live, I am thrilled at the chance to see it with these actors.

Tom1071 Profile Photo
#5McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:42pm

I don't care who is in it, I couldn't think of a more tedious play to be revived twice in a decade.

Overkill Profile Photo
#6McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:43pm

Not only that, but it's a different production, with two very different actors. Not to mention they're doing it in REP with No Man's Land... I think it's genius and can't wait to see such quality on Broadway! Whether or not you enjoy the shows, you know the performances will be amazing. SO excited!

#7McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:44pm

Sorry. The opportunity to see two brilliant actors in two brilliant plays in repertory is a feast too rich for words. I don't care if they were done yesterday, they're both masterpieces and the actors are two of the greatest in the English-speaking theater.


bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#8McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:45pm

I studied Waiting For Godot in depth last semester. I do not think I could ever sit through a production of it. I'm not into theatre of the absurd though.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

#9McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:51pm

Awesome. Professor X and Magneto doing another project together.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#10McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:52pm

The Gate Theatre's production also played in New York back in 2006, with the same cast as the Beckett On Film version - I wish I'd seen that, because to me that is the definitive production, but this upcoming version looks pretty good too.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
Updated On: 1/24/13 at 03:52 PM

Play  Esq. Profile Photo
Play Esq.
#11McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:53pm

Wow...just WOWWWW people.

IT'S FREAKIN McKELLEN AND STEWART! I would watch them next week in the first Broadway revival of The Anarchist! I for one am very excited about this news - especially after this drab Fall we had, I'm finally looking forward to something on Broadway that's not from Steppenwolf. Don't care if I have to wait a year to see it.

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#12McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 3:55pm

Way too excited for this. Cannot wait.

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#13McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 4:08pm

Ugh I hated the last production so much and I so wish they had done this production in New York instead. I am so conflicted. I am so excited to see these two acting gods on stage together, but I HATE this play with every fiber of my being and don't want to sit through it again. Oh well. At least No Man's Land should serve as a distraction.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#14McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 4:28pm

^ This. I'll see it again for these two, but I am NOT a fan of this show.

#15McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 5:10pm

Estragon: I can't go on like this.
Vladimir: That's what you think.

Wow! Two of English language's best living actors starring in what most scholars and drama critics consider the greatest English language play of the 20th century.

Estragon: Nothing to be done.
Vladimir: I'm beginning to come round to that opinion.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#16McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 5:13pm

SO excited for this, especially the Pinter piece. Don't get me wrong, Waiting for Godot is wonderful and I'd love to see it live, especially with these actors, but how often do we get such phenomenal actors in a revival of a Pinter play? I definitely hope I get to see this.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#17McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 5:26pm

Am I the only one who finds Patrick Stewart pompous?

#18McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 6:11pm

I'm pretty sure Patrick Stewart finds Patrick Stewart pompous from time to time.

In other words, no. I appreciate some of his work, but at times, hoo boy, can that man chew some scenery.

#19McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 6:20pm

yes its beyond annoying can we have something different, its not hard

Kad Profile Photo
#20McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 6:36pm

...you guys DON'T have to go see Waiting for Godot, you know. You can see the same two actors in No Man's Land, which hasn't been done on Broadway since '94.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#21McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 7:53pm

This is one of those shows that makes up the trifecta of shows I should know and know nothing about - this, Hamlet, and Our Town. I know Godot never shows. I have no interest beyond that.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

Kad Profile Photo
#22McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 7:56pm

Well perhaps you should take this opportunity to enlighten yourself.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

chewy5000 Profile Photo
#23McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 8:12pm

Why not do Happy Days instead? That would be far more interesting.

Kad Profile Photo
#24McKellen/Stewart Waiting for Godot on Bway
Posted: 1/24/13 at 8:27pm

...because of one the roles is a woman?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
