The musical tells the story of Jackie's infamous love affair and his genius comedy that made him a house hold name. Featuring show stopping numbers: Celebrity Seekers, Big Blue Eyes, Ordinary Man, Mama is Always Right, Today, Tomorrow or Next Year, Chains That Bind, Much Truth in Jest, I Never Met This Yenta and much more.
(Alternate)Mary Lauren, a versatile talent in acting, singing, dancing, and choreography, showcased her multifaceted skills in "702 Punchlines & Pregnant: The Jackie Mason Musical."
(The Enraged Fan)Eric Anthony Lopez, who previously graced The Majestic Theatre in his Broadway debut as Passarino, is part of the cast of "702 Punchlines & Pregnant: The Jackie Mason Musical."
Jasmine Renee Thomas, a Houston native and alumna of the Sarofim School of Fine Arts, showcased her talents in the Off-Broadway production of *702 Punchlines & Pregnant: The Jackie Mason Musical* at St. Luke's Theatre.
Ian Wehrle, who provided sound design for "The Jackie Mason Musical" at St. Luke's Theater, is a seasoned composer and sound designer with a diverse portfolio that includes work with Abingdon Theatre Co., Pan Asian Repertory Theatre Co., and the New York Film Academy.
Jennifer Yadav, an accomplished NYC-based actress, singer, director, writer, and teacher, brought her extensive experience to the stage in "702 Punchlines & Pregnant: The Jackie Mason Musical."