Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm

#1Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/19/06 at 11:54pm

So, I had seen it once off-Broadway and loved it and expected nothing less, and I certainly got more. The set is awesome - it looks very, very good. I noticed the second act had been changed a lot from the off-Broadway run, and it was a bit harder to realize that Wendla had had an abortion - and I thought that putting "Whispering" in the midst of all that was taking place, made it a lot more dramatic, but I talked to Dunken Sheik afterwards and he said they're going to add another scene in making the abortion, etc. clearer.

Stephen Spinella and Christine Esterbrook are far superior to the two adults who were at the Atlantic, in my opinion. Everyone that transfered was great, and sounded phenomenal.

I hated the hand mikes the first time off-Broadway, but now I was used to them so they didn't bother me at all.

The show needs a tiny bit of tweaking, but it's fantastic nonetheless. If it took home Best Musical in June, I'd be ecstatic.

The most amazing part of the night was during the bows. They bowed once, went off, came back on and bowed again, and then went back off, and the entire audience [orchestra and mezz] kept standing and clapping for what seemed like an eternity. The conductor had to call backstage TWICE to get the cast to come back out to bow for a third time. They all came back, buttoning their costumes back up, and then when they signaled to applaud the orchestra, the orchestra got up and bowed with them too and that last a minute or two, and they just stood onstage with their arms around each other in awe of audience, while we were in awe of them.

How often does that happen at the theatre?

BluCat500 Profile Photo
#1re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/19/06 at 11:57pm

When I saw the matinee yesterday, the audience stood and clapped a good two minutes after the cast left the stage, they didn't make a return bow though, maybe they were still a bit puzzled as how to react to such a reception.

So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.~Office Space

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#2re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 12:06am

I am so syked to see it in December...I have only heard good things about it.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world. http://ericmathew.blogspot.com/

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#3re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 12:52am

Just saw the evening performance on the 19th* at 7 PM as well, and let me tell you - it was fantastic. I thought the score was beautiful as much as it was hip, Lea Michele was spectacular, and Stephen Spinella and Christine Esterbrook were fantastic. I was entrhalled, moved, completeley invested in it from beginning to end - I think it's a show that really speaks to the youth.

Loved the infinte ovation at the end.

Really, a fantastic piece of theater. "Totally Fu*ked" is one of the best songs I've heard in a long time. Adored the hand mikes, and absolutley adored that the ensemble was part of the audience. HIGHLY recommended.

EDIT: Wait, I was at the same performance as everyone else. the 19th at 7. haha forgive me I was tired. Updated On: 11/20/06 at 12:52 AM

BroadwayChica Profile Photo
#4re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 2:39am

I guess I should put a spoiler warning here:


There. Anyway, I saw the show on Friday night, and I thought it WAS pretty clear that Wendla died from complications from an abortion.I didn't see the Off-Broadway producton, but, I mean, how much clearer could it be? I thought it was appropriately subtle, and the audience is smart enough to pick up on it.

Anyway, love the score. But overall, while I think it's a good show, it didn't meet my expectations. It had the potential to be great - but it isn't.

Still want to see it again, though, after it opens. The audience was also very enthusiastic on Friday.

#5re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 3:01am

I saw the show 11/19 at 7pm as well and have to echo all of the positive sentiments. It's definitely possible to analyze the show and find its flaws, but in the end it's smart, edgy, and exciting. The music is just awesome and addictive. I couldn't get the strains of "Mama Who Bore Me" out of my head as soon as they were first uttered.

I'll definitely be going back again. I think any young person can relate to the show and its message...and any informed adult. Just wonderful.

Between "Grey Gardens" and "Spring Awakening" with a dash of "Mary Poppins," I'm in musical theatre heaven.

And...that ovation was crrrazy. I've never seen anything like that. I thought it was terribly awkward that the cast took so long to come back out, but I guess they're still learning how to respond to audience reaction. Most audience members seemed to love the show.

#6re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 3:01am

I saw the show 11/19 at 7pm as well and have to echo all of the positive sentiments. It's definitely possible to analyze the show and find its flaws, but in the end it's smart, edgy, and exciting. The music is just awesome and addictive. I couldn't get the strains of "Mama Who Bore Me" out of my head as soon as they were first uttered.

I'll definitely be going back again. I think any young person can relate to the show and its message...and any informed adult. Just wonderful.

Between "Grey Gardens" and "Spring Awakening" with a dash of "Mary Poppins," I'm in musical theatre heaven.

And...that ovation was crrrazy. I've never seen anything like that. I thought it was terribly awkward that the cast took so long to come back out, but I guess they're still learning how to respond to audience reaction. Most audience members seemed to love the show.

#7re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 7:33am

Boy, I must be in the minority. I didn't find it fantastic or moving.
Updated On: 11/20/06 at 07:33 AM

fflagg Profile Photo
#8re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 8:06am

If you are under 25 and think RENT and Q are great theater then this show is for you. No doubt its audience, and prob flamer Isherwood or Holden [who has a major boner for Sheik] from the Times, will say this is a better show than GREY GARDENS.

Those with saner minds will see SPRING as a vulgar and annoying show.

Let it run; at least it means people are employed.

Do you know what happens when you let Veal Prince Orloff sit in an oven too long?

#9re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 8:57am

fflagg- FYI. I am 44 years old and not a Rent fan. I thought Spring Awakening was one of the freshest things I have seen on Broadway in a while. Count me as someone who also has a hard-on for the music. Have you heard it? Not sure where all of the judgemental venom is coming from. just my 2 cents.

mightydog Profile Photo
#10re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 9:36am


Here is the definiton of vulgar from the Merriam Webster Dictionary. Now which is it that you think Spring Awakening fits under? If you picked #5 I hope you don't have cable or watch TV after 10PM.

Main Entry: vul·gar
Pronunciation: 'v&l-g&r
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin vulgaris of the mob, vulgar, from volgus, vulgus mob, common people
1 a : generally used, applied, or accepted b : understood in or having the ordinary sense
3 a : of or relating to the common people : PLEBEIAN b : generally current : PUBLIC c : of the usual, typical, or ordinary kind
4 a : lacking in cultivation, perception, or taste : COARSE b : morally crude, undeveloped, or unregenerate : GROSS c : ostentatious or excessive in expenditure or display : PRETENTIOUS
5 a : offensive in language : EARTHY b : lewdly or profanely indecent
synonym see COMMON, COARSE
- vul·gar·ly adverb

Updated On: 11/20/06 at 09:36 AM

McFrenzied Profile Photo
#11re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 10:25am

RENT has a lot of weaknesses in its book. Spring Awakening is actually a classic play..and a smart one at that. Beyond the issues of being a teenager which we can all relate to, it also highlights issues of being an individual within a repressive society, and the fine line between subsuming ones' primal instincts into being productive members of a society and corseting oneself altogether. It certainly isn't fluff or immature or unsophisticated, which is what it sounds like you're insinuating. Thank god that serious, good theatre (which also has some fun, in this case) is back!

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#12re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 10:59am

not really, fflagg. I actually despise all things "Rent", "Q" is just fluff for me, and I'm more of an R&H fan. I was actually very wary of whether I would like the show or not.

However, it's really energetic, different, the music is beautiful, the acting is fantastic, the voices are spectacular, and the source material is VERY strong. It's not vulgar, rather, quite tasteful, and i think it's going to do a world of good for youth audiences.

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#13re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 10:59am

Double post. Updated On: 11/20/06 at 10:59 AM

Luvinbroadway Profile Photo
#14re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 11:55am

Saw it too and was totally entertained...
Age 39!
I found it innovative and refreshing. The cast is wildly talented.

uncageg Profile Photo
#15re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 12:06pm

My best friend and I saw it at the Atlantic in June and loved it. Wea re ages 44 and 45. And the night we saw it, the audience was made up of all adults. I think I saw maybe one teen there. And the audience loved it.

Just give the world Love.

#16re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 12:23pm

I don't think age has anything to do with whether or not you'll like this. In my opinion, it has to do with how open one is to something new.

One other thing, I think the transition between "Those You've Known" and "Purple Summer" needs to be made smoother. It felt like those two songs weren't connected at all.

I'm sorry that people here can't handle slight criticism of a show that is nearly [in their eyes, and mine] perfect, but you can't have a real discussion board if you're only discussing the positives of everything, and I'm not bashing the show in any way - I loved it and will go back several times, there were just some things that need a little bit of work.

carnimiriel Profile Photo
#17re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 2:23pm

sundaymorning6am, I think we should all be able to objectively discuss the positives and negatives of a show we like. However, fflag said that "Those with saner minds will see SPRING as a vulgar and annoying show", which is both a judgement on the people who like the show and not an objective-sounding critique. Which is slightly offensive.

#18re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 2:32pm

I think the whole point of Spring Awakening is that we shouldn't see some of the subject material discussed in the show as "vulgar" or obscene. Just my two cents and one of the things I got out of the show...which I loved btw.

whatyouown223 Profile Photo
#19re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 5:51pm

sundaymorning- can you please put a spoiler warning in your thread...i know now that Wendla gets an abortion and I didn't want to..thanks.

lite2shine Profile Photo
#20re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 6:03pm

I was there (11/19 7pm) too and I liked the music (will def buy the CD) but I thought the venue is too large for this intimate show. My friend who saw the show at Atlantic twice (preview and towards the end) said you feel like you are in a live concert gig when he saw it at Atlantic. Not at Eugene O'Neil. I wish it was transferred to a smaller venue.

Also, what's up with the second to the last number at the cemetery? I wouldn't say they need to follow the original script, but the number didn't do anything for me.

For those who saw the show at Atlantic, did they have the square swing thingy at the end of Act 1 where Wendla makes out with the boy? Do they use it so that people in Orchestra can see what's going on?

#21re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 6:41pm

Yes, they had the hayloft hanging at the Atlantic.

Oops! Sorry about the spoiler.. I guess!

aspiringactress Profile Photo
#22re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 6:42pm

...I think it exists for more than just sight lines. The swaying is a manifested representation of what the two of them are feeling.

"We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in it's flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung, the dance when it's been danced? It's only we humans who want to own the future too." - Tom Stoppard, Shipwreck

mightydog Profile Photo
#23re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 6:49pm

I saw it at the Atlantic and yes they hoisted the platform above the stage. If you listened to the dialogue you would have heard Wendla refer to Melchior being in a hayloft.

I did not think the theatre was too large. If anything the O'Neill allows the piece to breath, which the Atlantic did not.

Folks this is not traditional musical theatre. Love it or hate it we should be celebrating the fact that it is not just more of the same old thing. How many movicals can you see in a life time?

#24re: Spring Awakening 11.19.06 - 7pm
Posted: 11/20/06 at 7:17pm

Is there a rush for this show? Or just cheap seats that are available at the box office on the day of the show?