
NTL “All About Eve” Screenings

NTL “All About Eve” Screenings

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#1NTL “All About Eve” Screenings
Posted: 4/11/19 at 8:15pm

Anyone else attending this evening? I saw the production a few weeks ago and am interested in seeing how the production translates.

Posted: 4/12/19 at 10:29am

It was playing nowhere in the entire tri-state area. How was it? My friend in San Diego loved it. 

Posted: 4/12/19 at 10:38am

It's very odd there are no scheduled screenings in the NYC area for this or All My Sons. NTLive usually puts them on sale months in advance and in several locations. I basically check daily and there's a Lehman Trilogy scheduled for September but nothing for these two yet. Very unlike them.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
Posted: 4/12/19 at 11:57am

The only shows scheduled in Chicago for screenings are The Audience and Hamlet in June.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Posted: 4/12/19 at 12:30pm

I'm actually wondering if they're being a bit more reserved with screenings on "bigger" productions that have hopes of a transfer of some kind. I know we have an All My Sons currently playing but it wouldnt be out of the question if this production gets vastly superior reviews (who knows if it will) it could play St Anns/BAM. All About Eve could be eyeing a limited broadway run even with a change of cast or two. 

veronicamae Profile Photo
Posted: 4/12/19 at 12:56pm

nasty_khakis said: "It's very odd there are no scheduled screenings in the NYC area for this or All My Sons. NTLive usually puts them on sale months in advance and in several locations. I basically check daily and there's a Lehman Trilogy scheduled for September but nothing for these two yet. Very unlike them."

They replied to someone on twitter stating that their rights on All About Eve didn't allow screenings in the NYC area.

Posted: 4/12/19 at 1:04pm

Then it must almost certainly be they either have NYC plans for the show OR some other entity owns the broadway rights to the property in general. 

Posted: 4/12/19 at 7:54pm

At the beginning of the screening, when the host mentioned upcoming NT Live broadcasts, she mentioned that showings of All My Sons in North America would be happening later this year. I assume that means sometime after the Broadway production has closed.

As someone who adores All About Eve and is usually mixed on Ivo van Hove's work, I found this production pretty forgettable. No aspect of this production equals the brilliant film (it would be mightily impressive if it could) but there weren't as many radical departures as I expected there to be. Mostly, you're just watching the movie onstage, without Bette Davis. In this production, I found most of the characters pretty unsympathetic, probably in part because van Hove seems on a mission to stifle as much of the humor as possible. The screenplay is so sharp that the laughs do still come, just in a more subdued way.

I was apprehensive about seeing this because I think the film is pretty nearly perfect, and as I said before, I have not loved what I have seen of van Hove's work in the past. I mainly went to see it because of Lily James, and she was the strongest part of this production for me--that is, until the final scenes. For much of the play, strangely, I found myself siding with Eve, seeing her as an ambitious woman playing the necessary game to achieve what she wanted, rather than as a manipulative schemer looking for the easy way out rather than paying her dues. But then, at the end of the play, starting in the bathroom scene with Karen, she sort of became unhinged, and the last couple scenes were indulgent in the amount of crying and shouting she did. What started out as a really insightful take on the character just became detached from reality by the end.

I imagine that if you went in without having seen the film, you would still be enamored with the script. It's really a sign of how great that piece of writing is that many of the jokes still land even with menacing music underneath. However, it just doesn't hold a candle to the film, and it sort of raises the question of "Why?"

Posted: 4/14/19 at 3:02am

I'm seeing it in Palo Alto, CA, on Sunday, May 5th.

Posted: 4/14/19 at 7:40am

Ravenclaw said: "II found myself siding with Eve, seeing her as an ambitious woman playing the necessary game to achieve what she wanted, rather than as a manipulative schemer looking for the easy way out rather than paying her dues. But then, at the end of the play, starting in the bathroom scene with Karen, she sort of became unhinged, and the last couple scenes were indulgent in the amount of crying and shouting she did. What started out as a really insightful take on the character just became detached from reality by the end.

And this ladies and gentlemen is how Donald Trump is the president of the United States...

Updated On: 4/14/19 at 07:40 AM

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
Posted: 4/14/19 at 7:46am

If anyone wants to escape the city to Bucks County, PA for a weekend, there’s a screening at the County Theater on May 5th!
