Why ask about the Show Curtain?

PRFRMR20 Profile Photo
#1Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/12/10 at 6:13pm

This is a stupid question - and definitely not meant as an insult to those who ask...

I have always wanted to know why so many people on BWW ask about the show curtain? Does it matter? Are you that invested in the show curtain? - I usually look through the playbill, reading bios, up until the house lights come down and barely notice it (I can only think of 2 that have stood out from the hundreds of shows I have seen). Why so much interest???

Updated On: 9/12/10 at 06:13 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/12/10 at 6:19pm

Personally, I'm with you...even if I notice it, I'm not likely to REMEMBER it.

However, there are lots of folks that DO care!

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

PRFRMR20 Profile Photo
#2Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/12/10 at 6:25pm

And that's fine - as I said I was not criticizing them asking!

I just don't get why so many people ask others to describe a piece of cloth that covers up the set? Hell, I could describe a show curtain in detail and I'm sure you still wouldn't be able to picture exactly how it looks!
Updated On: 9/12/10 at 06:25 PM

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#3Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/12/10 at 6:25pm

Because some of them are interesting to look at... Why ask about the Show Curtain?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#4Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/12/10 at 6:28pm

I know your weren't criticizing...I was just agreeing and marveling about those that do.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#5Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/12/10 at 6:34pm

I'm not one of the people who usually ask, but I will admit that if the show curtain is particularly effective, you can spend a lot of time looking at it, waiting for the lights to go down. One of my all time favorites - the SWEENEY revival, all slashed up. Creepy and fascinating.

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#6Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/12/10 at 6:40pm

I have always been very interested in show curtains. I do not know why, but I always look forward to seeing the curtain. I'm not sure why I am so interested in the curtain, but I am definitely one of those people who always wants to know what the curtain is!

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

mikem Profile Photo
#7Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/12/10 at 6:41pm

I am also not someone who normally asks, but I don't think it's that strange that people here ask about the show curtain, because it's not something that you can normally get a sense of without having seen the show. There are rarely pictures of it online, so if people can't see the show and want to know what it looks like, they have to ask here. That doesn't mean that people are obsessed with it -- it just means they're curious. It's like wanting to know what the Playbill or the logo looks like.

And it gives you a little bit of a sense of what the creative team is thinking. And every so often, the show curtain is very cool.

"What was the name of that cheese that I like?" "you can't run away forever...but there's nothing wrong with getting a good head start" "well I hope and I pray, that maybe someday, you'll walk in the room with my heart"

#8Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/12/10 at 7:12pm

mikem - what a perfect response!

#9Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/12/10 at 7:47pm

The same question could probably be asked about why so many people here are concerned about the understudies for every in-coming show.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#10Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/13/10 at 8:44am

I also think that when people ask, it is because they want to know if the show has a 'designed' curtain, drop or scrim rather than if the show just uses the house's red curtain.

I doubt anyone is really interested in the look of a red curtain unlike shows such as WIcked, Lion King, etc that have a 'curtain' that is designed for the show. Or Phantom that has a pre-set stage.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/27199361@N08/ Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

JMPlayer6 Profile Photo
#11Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/13/10 at 9:47am

I'll answer it ...

I'm not into show curtains myself, except perhaps in those cases where the curtain is specially made for the show (such as for Wicked) ... and, even then, only marginally so.

BUT --- For me, part of the whole theatre experience is the theatre itself. Some theatres are just beautiful to behold, and I do enjoying looking at all the detail all around. So, using that as a basis to extrapolate, I'd say that, for some, the curtain is part of the theatre experience, too. Perhaps it is considered by them to be integral, or joined at the hip if you like, to the very theatre itself, and hence linked to the entire theatre experience.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#12Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/13/10 at 10:02am

But shouldn't the question be "IS there a show curtain?" Everyone asking always assumes there is one, but more often than not, there isn't.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

allofmylife Profile Photo
#13Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/13/10 at 10:21am

If there is room on this site for arcane discussions of understudies, there is room for discussion of show curtains. Until one goes up, the other cannot go on.

http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=972787#3631451 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=963561#3533883 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955158#3440952 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954269#3427915 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=955012#3441622 http://www.broadwayworld.com/board/readmessage.cfm?thread=954344#3428699

phantomcrazy14 Profile Photo
#14Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/13/10 at 5:37pm

I agree with what others have said about liking the "feel" it gives. I actually only look in the Playbill to see if there's any understudies and I save it for later that night to re-live it a little. But also, I draw non-stop, and I have "theatre boxes" Its a cardboard box and I make the sets for shows I like (complete with "pulley sytems" and the proscenium and curtain) I've spent hours trying to find pics of curtains for shows I haven't seen. Sorry, kinda a long answer

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#15Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/13/10 at 6:34pm

"This is a stupid question - and definitely not meant as an insult to those who ask..."

But you DID insult them.

The only stupid question is an unasked question.

Just because it means nothing to you, doesn't make it stupid.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

best12bars Profile Photo
#16Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/13/10 at 7:18pm

I totally get the interest in show curtains. I'm not myself obsessed with them or anything, but I understand why people dig them.

I'm a visual guy, by profession in graphics, and by nature in general.

For me, a show curtain is a visual "overture" of things to come. The first sight you see when you get inside the theatre is the show curtain or initial setup (if there isn't one). It's the visual equivalent of those first few notes in the orchestra when the overture begins.

Together they serve as the initial impact and impression of what's to come.

I love that.

And, as with everything else, there are good ones and bad ones. So no issues here. I may not chime in with the "my favorite show curtain" threads, but I understand exactly why people do.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

PRFRMR20 Profile Photo
#17Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/13/10 at 7:45pm

Theatrediva- I agree that "The only stupid question is an unasked question" but I think you should re-read my posts... I never said asking about show curtains was "stupid," so please tell me how I "DID insult them."

The only possibly negative thing I said was "Does it matter?" and that was asked in a completely matter of fact way. As in, does the curtain affect your upcoming 2-hour theatrical experience? Would an old-fashioned red show curtain ruin the show for you??

ALSO, don't know if you remember but you know me - we've worked together...
Updated On: 9/13/10 at 07:45 PM

#18Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/13/10 at 8:41pm

I agree with best12bars. A really bad show curtain, even on an otherwise excellent production, can really make you not like the whole experience. I saw a regional production of Angels in America with performers and direction that were in many ways better than the original Broadway cast. The show curtain? Just blah. And my memory of the show is really downgraded thanks to that.

My nanna always said, "You only get one chance to make a good first impression." Producers take note!

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amoni Profile Photo
#19Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/14/10 at 9:21am

Have you gone through the show curtain thread here PRFRMR20? You will see some are every elaborate, some simple. It's the first part of the show you see. There's no great mystery to it.

PRFRMR20 Profile Photo
#20Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/14/10 at 12:51pm

Yes, I have looked at that thread. But I was asking more about people who ask about it on the threads of new shows (e.g. the show curtain at Leap of Faith - the post that made me ask this).

For example, on the thread about Mrs. Warren's Profession someone described the show curtain as "various colored rectangles contained within a single larger rectangle. There was some variation in shading as well on a couple of them." Or, what about someone's description of Promises, Promises - "blue with colored squares all over it. Very retro looking." DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THESE REALLY LOOK LIKE?? Like me, I am sure the answer is no - so why ask on a message board where (unless posting an illegal picture) all one can do is to describe something that truly can't be pictured.

Also, on the "show curtain thread" - people commented on shows like American Idiot having a traditional show curtain. Does that ruin your experience because you weren't put "in the mood" before the house lights dim? Can you not enjoy the show if it lacks a show curtain. (Also, all the shows that have just the opening set with no curtain - which happens to be my favorite)

FindingNamo gave one of the most interesting responses. But, really the show curtain that covered the stage for 30 minutes and then 15 of intermission ruined your enjoyment of performers and direction better than the original cast? What about all the shows on Broadway with a traditional show curtain or no show curtain - are all those shows "downgraded" as well?

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#21Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/20/10 at 8:44am

"I never said asking about show curtains was "stupid,"

"This is a stupid question"

You did, Blanche. It's right there. And then you go on and on in the above post...

I don't understand why you have such a problem with people asking or describing what they saw? It's just the same as any review of a show, some people might describe a scene one way, while someone else would describe it another. What does it matter?

This board is filled with descriptions of things that we can't post pictures of.

So, instead of calling the question 'stupid', why don't you just ignore the thread?

You can PM me if you want to, as I have no idea who you could be.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#22Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/20/10 at 9:36am

"This is a stupid question" refers to his own question about people who post about show curtains.

#23Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/20/10 at 10:56am

fwiw, i think the OP went pretty far out of her way *not* to be insulting.

just my $0.02.

"You, sir, are a moron." (PlayItAgain)

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#24Why ask about the Show Curtain?
Posted: 9/20/10 at 11:06am

^ I agree.