
Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...

Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...

#1Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/3/12 at 11:35pm

I've yet to see one article where Mr. Sprecher owns up to his mistakes, takes responsibility and displays the attributes of a true leader. Instead, this situation has clearly become the "blame game". Articles on many Broadway sites read more like propaganda pieces trying to detach Mr. Sprecher from any wrong doing, squarely placing the blame on an alleged deceased investor, potential con man and anonymous email. Whether Karen Mason's statement was heartfelt or simply a favor to Ben Sprecher is irrelevant. Combined with very one-sided articles promoting Ben, this all stinks of PR spin.

And that's simply why I don't have much respect for Mr. Sprecher. Instead of manning up to a situation he created, his entire strategy is based on being defensive and deflecting blame. At the end of the day even if Ben was lied to and 100% innocent from any wrongdoing, he is still FULLY responsible for his neglect to Rebecca's best interests, the cast, crew and the property's other investors.

I've raised money for several Broadway shows previously. It's a must to conduct proper due diligence and research. To base 1/3 of your show's capitalization on such a shadowy figure is supremely irresponsible. He was short on money and time, so Ben put all his chips on black and at that moment relinquished control of his show. Unfortunately the "roulette wheel of life" came up red. As a savvy businessman, one is supposed to make well thought out decisions not take big gambles using associate's money.

A competent producer would have mitigated his risk and delayed the show, BEFORE any of this nonsense could have ever been allowed to happen. If he was missing money, Rebecca should have been delayed long ago instead of accepting such a risky proposition.

Instead, Ben has not admit to this or taken responsibility publicly. He's just trying to squirm his way in and out of the situation, presumably thinking he's saving face. However if I was an investor I'd never trust my money with someone of this nature. By the way, in life many people make mistakes and are forgiven. How you handle the aftermath of a mistake is often more crucial than the initial error itself.

Updated On: 10/4/12 at 11:35 PM

#2Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 8:58am

The only people who should be pissed off are the original investors and the cast and crew who are out of jobs. I was actually looking forward to seeing the show but I'll get over it.

There was a line in ALL THAT JAZZ where the producers announce that NY/LA has been "postponed" and one of the cast members mutters "I turned down a series for this."

PalJoey Profile Photo
#2Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 9:04am

Wow. You're so smart. Maybe you should be a Broadway producer.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#3Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 1:51pm

Thanks for joining us yesterday, Broadwaybob2, just so you can copy and paste your righteous indignation all over BWW.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

#4Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 2:00pm

Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...

I was at Ben's home when he read this. Since then he's sat, looking out the window at the rain. Occasionally, someone rushes in to try to get him to talk to a bank, a creditor, the theater, the costume shop- he just gestures them away and sadly shakes his head whispering "Bob, Bob...."

Updated On: 10/4/12 at 02:00 PM

#5Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 3:15pm

You got it everythingtaboo. Anytime!

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
newintown Profile Photo
#7Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 3:23pm

The story is already tired.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#8Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 4:17pm

That's a very eloquent letter.

nygrl232 Profile Photo
#9Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 4:21pm

Do the show off broadway. Rent a barn. Perform it on a cruise ship. Cram everyone into a blackbox theater. It'll be the new Rent.

newintown Profile Photo
#10Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 4:25pm

I imagine that an Off-Broadway Rebecca would be much like an Amish elementary school production of Cats (although, now I've mentioned it, that sounds much, much, much more interesting).

The point is - without the spectacle, you just have nonsense.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#11Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 4:32pm

I think it's prudent to delete these posts of mine about Ben. I'm glad I posted them and that you guys saw them, but now I'm delegating them to post heaven! (or hell)

Updated On: 10/4/12 at 04:32 PM

tazber Profile Photo
#12Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 5:05pm

Atta' girl, Jane!

I always wonder what people hope to accomplish by airing their dirty laundry here. I mean, it's good dish and all, but do they expect us to just take their word for it because they're the poster? It actually lessens their credibility, imo.

And even if Sprecher came on and gave his side of the story....so what?

Are we supposed to start some kind of anti-Sprecher Facebook petition?

But as gossip fodder it's delicious! So please keep ranting on.

....but the world goes 'round

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#13Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 5:06pm

Did he get handsy with you, Jane? Show us on the Mrs. DeWinter doll where he touched you.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jane2 Profile Photo
#14Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 5:12pm

Haha Matt! No, not to play coy I will mention it in factual terms.

It's best i delete!

Updated On: 10/4/12 at 05:12 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#15Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 5:25pm

That sucks. I think you would have sold the hell out of those Rock of Ages bustiers.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jane2 Profile Photo
#16Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 5:41pm

buh bye, post!

Updated On: 10/4/12 at 05:41 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#17Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 5:54pm

I'm not surprised in the least. If I ran into you, I'd probably end up exiting the theatre with no memory of the last two minutes carrying a Forever Dusty bag containing a diaphragm and a box of Kotex wondering where the $40 in my wallet went.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 10/4/12 at 05:54 PM

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#18Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 7:11pm

Good for you, Jane, on upholding the law.

(No snark here. I just thought that needed to be said.)

Jane2 Profile Photo
#19Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 7:25pm

thanks Gaveston!


Caring Soul Profile Photo
Caring Soul
#20Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/4/12 at 11:09pm

So he did not want to allow you to sell sexual paraphernalia at a sex show because of your age? Great Scott, your horrific nightmare makes the Rebecca fiasco pale in comparison.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#21Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/5/12 at 10:14am

^ WHOOSH! What's that noise? It's my point flying right over your head.


Wynbish Profile Photo
#22Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/5/12 at 10:17am

Jane, I hope you don't mind if I use that quote in a future conversation in my life. If it's on here, I will give due credit.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#23Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/5/12 at 10:25am

This entire situation has devolved into the theatrical equivalent of Monday-morning quarterbacking. No surprise there.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

Jane2 Profile Photo
#24Why Ben Sprecher pisses me off and is not a competent producer...
Posted: 10/5/12 at 11:27am

Wynbish, why certainly. I myself stole it from someone else!

