Ghostbusters 2016

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#25Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/17/16 at 9:25pm

The scene where Wiig & McCarthy read internet comments about themselves I'm really curious if that was added later on as a comment to all the hatred. 

It was and they were actual comments they found.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#26Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/17/16 at 9:47pm

Caught it today. Mildly entertaining and completely disposable. I was totally onboard with what Kate McKinnon and especially Leslie Jones were doing throughout. But why were Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig so straightjacketed through the whole thing? That final sequence where one girl is diving through a vast amount of green air to rescue another girl in some infinite time-space portal? That's when the movie literally put me to sleep. I mean, snoring.

But all they had to do to keep me wide awake would have been for Chris Hemsworth to lose his shirt (and then his pants) halfway through the 2 hours. That casting was pure genius and the dumb babe joke with Chris NEVER got old. He was the true breakout star in my book.


Kad Profile Photo
#27Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/18/16 at 10:13am

I thought this was the perfect sort of fun summer film. Entertaining, silly, and just a fun watch. Wiig and McCarthy, remarkably, were the straight men to the whole thing (though McCarthy does get a few physical comedy bits).

McKinnon stole the show for me, and of course Hemsworth (apparently the whole interview scene was largely improvised, including the bit about his dog).

I'm not a huge devotee of the original Ghostbusters- I think it's fine and all- but my stance has been there's no point in losing your **** over a remake. The original exists and will continue to do so, and let's face it: the fanboy dream of Ghostbusters 3 was never going to happen at this point. The fact this is a remake/reboot of a film with a devoted (and largely male) following being done with ladies just made it the perfect flashpoint for a particularly loathsome and vocal minority on the internet.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#28Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/18/16 at 10:37am

My favorite joke was the mayor from jaws bit. And during that scene you can see the HEDWIG posters and Belasco theatre outside the window!

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#29Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/18/16 at 10:51am

That bit about his dog was my favorite part of the whole movie. That and his logo drawings.

I'm really surprised so many people loved McKinnon! Honestly, every look she gave or word she said just irked me.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#30Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/18/16 at 11:14am


I’m no great devotee of the original film, either. I find the performances winning and much of the story and direction charmless. But at least it was unique. Before the concept or casting for the new iteration was announced, my biggest hesitation was that it would be an off-the-production-line money grab, and then the trailers did nothing to assuage that concern.

Kad, it’s interesting you point out Wiig as one of the straight men because, while I do find her funny, I prefer her when she’s underplaying. She's a terrific dramatic actress, and her best comedy has great pathos. I think she and McKinnon have proven they can elevate iffy material, McCarthy tends to collapse under it, and Leslie Jones – well, I’ve never found her funny. So the casting is a mixed bag for me. I’m very interested but not clamoring to see it. The whole aura surrounding it just strikes me as uninspired.


Kad Profile Photo
#31Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/18/16 at 11:16am

I think Jones is funny, but only in certain circumstances (like when she is doing her own material). I think much of her sketch work on SNL falls flat.  I liked her in this, though.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#32Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/18/16 at 11:32am


To be fair, I've only seen her on "SNL" -- well, and those Allstate ads. I'll have to check out her stand-up.


Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#33Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/18/16 at 8:47pm

Re the Psycho remake


I did not remember Norman masturbating when he saw Marion Crane in the original.



Poster Emeritus

sabrelady Profile Photo
#34Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/18/16 at 9:25pm

You are correct sir. There were about six scenes that were added ( which should invalidate the "shot for shot" ethic but technically speaking, since  all the other shots WERE present   -I guess not)" Mrs Bates" was also more visible.  Hirchcock had a saying "There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it." 

Guess they forgot.

#35Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/19/16 at 10:05am

As a big fan of the original, I thought this was fine. Found it more refreshing and funny than I had expected...Wish it would have been R rated...


sabrelady Profile Photo
#36Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/20/16 at 9:58pm

SO- really enjoyed this. Not earth shaking but neither was the previous iteration. It was fun then and fun now. 

Some things didn't play so well for me. I felt they could have done the StayPuft Marshmallow Man or the Giant Ghost but not both. It is essentially the same bit. Some of the momentum got lost.  It was one more tip o the hat than was necessary.( and there were LOTS of those)

I officially Hate Chris Hemsworth. Not fair that he is tall, blond, has a cute accent, is so pretty and can mooove but he is funny too??!!  (yes  got the himbo bit wasn't for everyone- but thought it was the same "Bubble" that Liz Lemon noted in 30 Rock and  I liked it then too)

I LURVED Kate McKinnon! She was a lesbian science geek Harpo Marx (who spoke)!  I want a tee shirt that says "you got Holtzmanned". I want her necklace. She was so over the top she actually went into orbit and in a good way!Ghostbusters 2016

Ernie Hudson's cameo was an embarrassment. Compared to the bits the others got, seriously pitiful.

Leslie Jones got a few good bits and Melissa & Kirsten  played well off each other but hey they already had an established rapport from Bridesmaids so not surprised.

From the post credit scene it seems like they want a sequel but really, if you go back to the well too often all you get is mud. Just sayin'.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#37Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/20/16 at 10:14pm

The sequel had been announced by Columbia. I hope that Feig finishes up SPY 2 before starting on that, though. Because SPY is one of the funniest films I've ever seen and I can't wait for more of that. 

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#38Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/20/16 at 11:41pm

Saw it tonight and had a very good time. It's not a timeless classic but any means, but it's loads of fun and perfect for the summer. I thought all four women did good work, but Jones and McKinnon stole the show for me. Jones took an unwritten character and gave her a lot of heart (and was of course incredibly funny) and McKinnon is so delightfully weird that I loved every second she was on screen.  "It's 2040 and the President's a plant." made me straight up cackle in the theatres. I also sort of want her hair. Hemsworth is also very charming, and damn is that man hot. 

I've never seen the original Ghostbusters, so I had nothing to compare it to, but it's a good movie that doesn't strive to be anything more than fun and succeeds. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#39Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/21/16 at 12:24am

There's a living human who's never seem the original GHOSTBUSTERS?

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#40Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/21/16 at 12:49pm

I didn't think Ghostbusters was ever considered one of those movies that everyone has seen. But no, never seen it at all. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#41Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/21/16 at 7:37pm

Definitely never seen it (but I wasn't alive when it was released, so I must have missed the fad)

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

CapnHook Profile Photo
#42Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/22/16 at 11:56pm

A big disappointment and barely entertaining. I have seen worse, but I wanted to enjoy it much more than I did. 

The original was spooky, and still made you laugh. It had serious undertones. It was great. 

the 2016 film didn't take itself seriously, which was a choice and I went along with it. But for as unserious as it just wasn't all that funny. Not funny, not scary, and mainly just stupid.

i also thought it was in poor taste to have the building demolish in the way that it did. Perhaps 9/11 is still too raw for me, but when the setup of those shots of the giant ghost demolishing the skyscraper resembled the many pieces of footage of WTC, it took me out of the film for a moment. Not at all intentional, but I think perhaps the effects and cinematography could have eradicated that connection. But then again, maybe it was just me.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

sabrelady Profile Photo
#43Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/23/16 at 10:41am

No Capn, not just you. All those shots of "New Yorkers " looking up to the skies in terror... I remember thinking "could filmmakers just stop destroying New York?"

Broadwaywest Profile Photo
#44Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 7/23/16 at 12:51pm

I saw it last night and I had a blast. I do think the third act is kinda overblown and use some tightening. Also, the villain was about as interesting as bland paste, but who cares. It's all about the jokes and I laughed...alot. I thought all 4 leads had fantastic chemistry together, and dare I say better then the original guys. Loved McKinnon ( I was also reminded of Harpo) and Jones. It was also really nice to Mcarthy as more of a straight man. The relationship with Wig's character was also somewhat. I also really enjoyed how he incorporated the cameos. Did anyone else notice the bust of Harold Ramis? So for me this another hit from Paul Feig who is on a dynamite role with his last 4 films. I definitely look forward to a sequel as along as he is at the helm.


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#45Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 10/12/16 at 1:16am

I watched the extended version of the film that was released today and the extra 25 or so minutes that were added back to it, I think, make a FAR superior film and one that I can say I really really enjoyed. 

Kad Profile Photo
#46Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 10/12/16 at 11:10am

What was in the cut material that changed your reception of the film?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#47Ghostbusters 2016
Posted: 10/12/16 at 11:17am

I think it just made it feel much more like a "Paul Feig film". And they added a line or two that while I still don't think it worked completely, fixed and explained that ending. 
