The Royal Wedding

Cat Guy Profile Photo
Cat Guy
#1The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/15/18 at 2:41pm

I started this thread for those of us who have an interest in this weekend's wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. 

First up is the question of who will walk Meghan down the aisle, as at present it seems likely that her father will not participate.  My guess:  her mother.

Updated On: 5/15/18 at 02:41 PM

Cat Guy Profile Photo
Cat Guy
#2The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/18/18 at 10:19am

So.  Ms. Markle's decision is to walk alone down the first section of the aisle.  She will then be joined by Prince Charles, who will accompany her the rest of the way to be met by Prince Harry.  Prince Charles will step aside, and she will give herself away.  A woman of the 21st Century.  Good for her.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#3The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/18/18 at 11:50am

I don't know-- it's frustrating to me how little a role Megan's mom has been given in the formal proceedings (I think she gets to ride in the carriage with Megan up to the chapel.) It also appears that Megan has NO other friends or relatives present at the wedding except for her Mom. Why on earth is that? When the ENTIRETY of the weekend is devoted to the British Royal family, do they REALLY need to pair Megan up with stuffy old Prince Charles to walk her down the aisle too?

Updated On: 5/18/18 at 11:50 AM

Tag Profile Photo
#4The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/18/18 at 4:02pm

^There's quite a lot of coverage of her past work colleagues (co-stars from Suits) being there.  And much coverage of her girlfriends being there.  Not sure what you're talking about.  

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#5The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/18/18 at 6:19pm

You're right-- just today I ran across a glut of info on her SUITS coworkers and bestie girlfriend coming to the wedding. I stand corrected. 

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#6The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 9:10am

There was a lot of focus on her mom the entire broadcast of the wedding and she was very much featured all the time during the ceremony. It was lovely and emotional.

The whole wedding was marvelous, also the carriage tour afterwards looked like a dream. There was not a cloud in the sky, which could be very different in may, and the couple looked fantastic, the whole scene was very impressive.


Updated On: 5/19/18 at 09:10 AM

javero Profile Photo
#7The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 12:08pm

Exquisite ceremony.  Just wished the Right Reverend Curry could have given an abridged version of his sermon.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#8The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 12:34pm

The crowds, the walk of the brothers looking so dashing, the Queen’s trumpeted arrival into the chapel, that dress, the cheers from outside when they were proclaimed ‘man and wife’, that resounding rendition of “God Save the Queen”, the carriage ride through Windsor. All amazing!

And that moment when the carriage arrived back on Windsor Castle grounds through the gates, and she put her hand on her chest showing just how overwhelming the whole carriage ride had been amongst tens of thousands or more adoring, cheering, flag waving fans, was simply adorable. 


Updated On: 5/19/18 at 12:34 PM

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#9The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 2:52pm

Loved it all-- very surprised the Jaguar the couple used to drive to the 2nd reception has the steering wheel on the American (left) side-- impressed that Harry can steer it so well on the British roads.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#10The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 4:46pm

No one does pomp and circumstance  like the Brits and esp the Royals.

I didn't mind the sermon of Bishop Curry . I think a few of the guests were a bit bemused tho. 

The kids were just too precious

I did really like the dress but  I have always preferred simple and elegant to "ongepotchket".

But it was her Majesty's diamond brooch that really caught my eye , even the tiara couldn't compete with that.

Well it's done and dusted- party time!

Cat Guy Profile Photo
Cat Guy
#11The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 5:21pm

I recorded the wedding and now, many hours later, have just started watching.  As guests were walking up to the church, I could faintly hear that somewhere a band was playing a medley from "My Fair Lady".  A bit of fun

javero Profile Photo
#12The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 5:40pm

The royal wedding reprieved me from the endless onslaught of nonsense that tends to dominate the news cycles these days.  Just wish the ladies of MSNBC had given their British counterparts an opportunity to get a word in edgewise.  I love me some Joy Reid, Stephanie Ruehl, and Katy Tur but they got so caught up in the excitement of it all that they literally talked over themselves and the other on-air personalities, especially the Brits whose insights into royal protocol would have been very beneficial. 

Now, onto the purely frivolous.  Serena Williams cleaned up nicely.  She's never possessed nor ever will cut a lithe figure but today exemplified an impeccably styled full-figured woman at the wedding.  And I like the hour glasses.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

#13The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 6:17pm

Someone in a Tree2 said: "I don't know-- it's frustrating to me how little a role Megan's mom has been given in the formal proceedings (I think she gets to ride in the carriage with Megan up to the chapel.) It also appears that Megan has NO other friends or relatives present at the wedding except for her Mom. Why on earth is that? When the ENTIRETY of the weekend is devoted to the British Royal family, do they REALLY need to pair Megan up with stuffy old Prince Charles to walk her down the aisle too?"

I agree one-hundred percent. It's your wedding, and no family members? Very odd. And a bit strange that she agreed to that. Friends are friends - they are not family. And to have no blood-relative present - aside from her mother - strikes me as problematic. I'm assuming the mother brought a guest, maybe.

Aside from that, it was beautiful and 'traditional' in what they suppose it to be. I liked that. I was touched to see Harry get emotional - probably thinking about his mother maybe. And equally touched at Megan's mother's emotional reaction to her daughter's wedding. Now, who thinks she'll be pregnant this time next year?

sabrelady Profile Photo
#14The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 6:36pm

I don't think she "agreed" to it- I think she has been estranged from her 1/2 bro & sis for a long time, hence them badmouthing her at every opportunity. Not so sure re her father- tho his staged photo shoot makes  you wonder about him too.  I can think of 3 weddings in my own family that "blood close" relatives were not invited cos there  was "bad blood"( sic) between family members.

She is very good friends w  Jessica Mulroney( married to son of former Canadian PM) whose sons were the page boys. ( apparently they spent time w them as a way of staying out of the spot light)

My take is she had the people she wanted there. 

javero Profile Photo
#15The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 6:50pm

"My take is she had the people she wanted there."

Good on her!

Ain't nobody got time for toxic & tacky family at what should be a very joyous occasion.  Don't mean to make this about me, but there was a same-sex wedding in my very evangelical Christian family last year.  My cousin's parents threw her out onto the streets years earlier after she came out to them as a lesbian in high school and stopped inviting her to family gatherings.  For years the struggle was real for her.  Eventually, she met a wonderful woman with whom she's decided to share her life.  Against the advice of several family members, including me, she sent wedding invitations to her parents and a couple of siblings who abhor her lifestyle.  They didn't bother to respond which sent her into a downward spiral emotionally just before the wedding.  She recovered in time to enjoy her special day with her companion and those of us who love them both unconditionally.  It was a tough lesson for her to learn.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 5/19/18 at 06:50 PM

#16The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 6:59pm

No, I get it. And I agree, we all have family members that we don't necessarily get along with. But I'm also referring to aunts, uncles, cousins, etc aside from immediate family members. I guess I'm used to my big fat Greek family weddings where we have even second uncles/aunts/cousins invited. We do, however, have members who are not easy to get along with too, but out of obligation we have to invite them. Everyone is different  and does their own thing, I suppose.

Cat Guy Profile Photo
Cat Guy
#17The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/19/18 at 11:31pm

A beautiful day.

Good night.



#18The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/20/18 at 5:20pm

I was just watching some footage again on the news of the wedding, and it has me wondering, Will & Kate's kids have yet to misbehave or throw any tantrums when they're in public. Just curious as to how they teach them not to do it, or what they say to their children. Granted they are not in public for long, but I'm surprised to see none have emerged from the car crying or wanting to be held, or grouchy and needy. I wonder how they are taught not to do that. I am too young to recall noticing if Will or Harry threw tantrums like all kids do, but very curious to know what they tell their kids and how they teach proper behavior at that young age.

Updated On: 5/20/18 at 05:20 PM

darquegk Profile Photo
#19The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/20/18 at 5:23pm

My guess? They read them all the Shakespeare plays about the royal parents who straight-up execute or torture their kids to death. Then took them on a nice field trip to the Tower of London.

Boom. Best behaved children in Britain. (Kidding, obviously.)

#20The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/20/18 at 5:29pm

darquegk said: "My guess? They read them all the Shakespeare plays about the royal parents who straight-up execute or torture their kids to death. Then took them on a nice field trip to the Tower of London.

Boom. Best behaved children in Britain. (Kidding, obviously.)

Yes, I figured you were kidding :) I would have liked to know...for the future...hopefully! I would like my child to emerge from my car or into any store without crying or clinging on to me as if he's about to be tortured! 

javero Profile Photo
#21The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/20/18 at 5:38pm

After watching the Sunday morning news shows earlier today, I'm going to have to re-watch the Royal Wedding footage to relive the experience.  There is so little good news on TV otherwise.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Gorlois Profile Photo
#22The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/20/18 at 7:52pm

After their 2011 wedding, I bought the BBC DVD of Will and Kate’s ceremony and I actually watch it all the time. Harry and Meghan’s wedding wasn’t as grand as Will and Kate’s (understandably so, William will be King, Harry will not) but boy, oh boy was it heartfelt and romantic. I loved every moment of it, and will be ordering my DVD copy of this one, too.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#23The Royal Wedding
Posted: 5/22/18 at 2:04pm

Will & Kate's kids have yet to misbehave or throw any tantrums when they're in public. Just curious as to how they teach them not to do it, or what they say to their children. 


Apparently she is the reason-

and her secret?

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