This dark comedy follows teenage burnout character “X” through a week of community service in a local mental health institution. The residents of the facility that he works with believe that this kid is someone else. They try to convince him of this through an absurd stream of unusual events to help him realize his true calling. Can the residents convince the kid of his mysterious greatness before it’s too late or are all the residents just ‘out of their minds’? The end is nigh! Come see this dark humorous, end of times puzzle come together or fall apart…
It's All Your Fault, Tyler Price!
The Hudson Theatre (11/7 - 12/15) | ||
Chanticleer Deck the Hall Holiday Concerts
Walt Disney Concert Hall (12/17 - 12/17) | ||
New Year's Eve with D-Nice & Friends
Walt Disney Concert Hall (12/31 - 12/31) | ||
Arturo Sandoval: Swinging Holiday - Deck the Hall Holiday Concerts
Walt Disney Concert Hall (12/23 - 12/23) | ||
Jane Austen's Emma, The Musical
Chance Theater @ Bette Aitken Theater Arts Center (11/29 - 12/22) | ||
Life of Pi at the Ahmanson
Center Theatre Group at the Ahmanson Theatre (3/6 - 6/1) | ||
Mark Taper Forum (5/28 - 7/6) | ||
Rachmaninoff & Muhly
Walt Disney Concert Hall (1/24 - 1/26) | ||
Trauma Play
Atwater Village Theatre (5/22 - 6/2) | ||
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