This stage adaptation of Ken Kesey's celebrated novel explores the brutality of life in a mental institution with humor, candor, and unforgettable characters. After being convicted of a petty crime, a charming, rebellious rogue named McMurphy contrives to serve his short sentence in an airy mental institution rather than in a prison. This, he soon learns, was a mistake. He immediately clashes with the authoritarian head nurse, a fierce martinet named Nurse Ratched. Despite Ratched's strict reign, McMurphy quickly takes over the yard, leading others out of introversion, staging a revolt so that they can see the World Series on television, and arranging a rollicking midnight party with liquor and women. But McMurphy's brash insubordination has its consequences…
Peter Pan and Wendy (3/28/25-3/30/25)
Steel Magnolias (5/9/25-5/18/25)
The Secret Garden (7/11/25-7/20/25)
Villain School (8/29/25-8/31/25)
Little Shop of Horrors (10/10/25-10/19/25)
The Homecoming (11/28/25-12/7/25)
Annie Jr (2/22/23-2/25/23)
A Nice Family Christmas (12/4/20-12/12/20)
The Elephant Man (4/13/18-4/22/18)
Neil Simon's THE SUNSHINE BOYS (2/10/17-2/19/17)
It's a Wonderful Life (11/28/14-12/7/14)
I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change (9/30/11-10/2/11)
Second Street Players is at 2 South Walnut St, Milford, DE.
Dear Evan Hansen
The Playhouse on Rodney Square (4/11 - 4/13) | ||
Little Shop of Horrors
Second Street Players (10/10 - 10/19) | ||
Jersey Boys
Milton Theatre (2/13 - 3/9) | ||
Miracle on 34th St
Griffin Theatre (12/13 - 12/22) | ||
Annie: The Musical
Milton Theatre (12/5 - 12/22) | ||
Peter Pan and Wendy
Second Street Players (3/28 - 3/30) | ||
The Homecoming
Second Street Players (11/28 - 12/7) | ||
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