
How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?

How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?

#1How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/23/08 at 4:31pm

I had an amazing audition for an upcoming off-bway show on Monday. Since I haven't heard anything yet, should I just assume I didn't get called back?

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#2re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/23/08 at 4:32pm

Going by friend's who work on Broadway (and Off-Broadway)... sometimes as quickly as a few hours later to as much as a month later.

Thomas14850ny2 Profile Photo
#2re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/23/08 at 4:36pm

Is "amazing" your characterization of your performance at the audition? I wish people would not over-use that word, especially when they use it incorrectly.

#3re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/23/08 at 4:39pm

No, "amazing" is my characterization of the auditors' response to my performance. I would never call myself amazing.
Thanks, Brody.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#4re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/23/08 at 4:44pm

ive had to wait up to a month before

Namo i love u but we get it already....you don't like Madonna

Elphie3 Profile Photo
#5re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/23/08 at 4:52pm

It once took me three years. Yeah, not kidding. (And I got it)

Madame Morrible: "So you take the chicken, now it must be a white chicken. The corpse can be any color. And that is the spell for lost luggage!" - The Yellow Brick Road Not Taken

#6re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/23/08 at 5:08pm

Thanks, guys! Since I just found out rehearsals start in June, I'm not holding my breath.

#7re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/23/08 at 5:45pm

It's hard to tell. Like it's been said, it could be anywhere from a few moments, to several months (or in some cases, years).

Sometimes the casting table will say things like, "Wow, that was great," or "amazing," but sadly, that doesn't really mean much. They could be saying it just to be kind, or they really feel that way...doesn't mean you'll get the job, or a call-back. You can be great, but the wrong type for what they're casting. True, it's better than the obligatory, "Thanks for coming in," but, I wouldn't take it to the bank, if you know what I mean.

There's no rhyme or reason to any of it. I know massively talented people who don't get nearly as much work as people who are far less talented, but better looking. Just audition, have fun, do your best, and whatever happens, happens.


#8re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/23/08 at 5:47pm

How long do SA usually take?

"Those You've Known And Lost Still Walk Behind You"-Spring Awakening

#9re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/23/08 at 6:03pm

If someone announces their leaving, you'll either get a call soon after or quickly before with SA.

cfmiller Profile Photo
#10re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/23/08 at 6:52pm

I have a friend who is still waiting on a call back for "Hazel Flagg." It's gotten so bad, she won't even leave the house for a minute in fear her rotary phone will ring with the news.

#11re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/25/08 at 10:18pm

thanks jake!

"Those You've Known And Lost Still Walk Behind You"-Spring Awakening

#12re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/26/08 at 3:52pm

It depends. I mean for example, at the auditions that I've been to for shows at my college it varied. The first two shows I auditioned for there, the director had a list at the end of the audition as to who would be at the callback and I made it both times to callbacks, but never made it past it. The third show, it was a different director than the one who directed the other two shows and he called I think the day after saying that I made it to the callback and I thought that I didn't make it since they said they'd call that previous Monday, but they called Wednesday.

#13re: How long does it normally take to find out if you got a callback?
Posted: 5/26/08 at 5:23pm

Donna McKechnie (sp?) is quoted in a book that she auditioned for a part called for a Donne McKechnie type and DIDN'T get the part.

It Sucks To Be Me