
Kristin Chenowith at Gay and Lesbian Center

Kristin Chenowith at Gay and Lesbian Center

HeyJayNYC Profile Photo
#0Kristin Chenowith at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/26/05 at 10:31pm

Just came back from seeing Kristin get interviewed by Stephen Holden of the NY Times. Kristin won the entire room over, and proved she is indeed a Star, and a class act! She addressed the 700 Club controversy right away, explaining that she does indeed make mistakes, and that she learns from them. She was honest, genuine, and so damn funny! She is a master at timing, and had us all in the palm of her hand. Afterwards she signed copies of her CD, and spent way too long with each person, myself included, but she wanted to spend that time with her fans. She really proved herself to be at the top of her game. Her CD, by the way, is amazing. Country, hymns, and even "Taylor the Latte Boy". Treat yourself to it! Double Foam.

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#1re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/26/05 at 11:00pm

I'm so glad it went well! It's great that she acknowledges her mistakes and is still completely open about her beliefs.

#2re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/26/05 at 11:05pm

wasn't midtown supposed to rip her a new one when he saw her there, I believe his quote, was "his turf". re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#3re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/26/05 at 11:53pm

Yes, I'm glad things went smoothly and that she can acknowledge her mistakes and learn from them while still staying true to what she believes in. It's a great quality. Yay Cheno! re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and cherish....it's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#4re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 11:05am

It was very interesting. A PACKED house, with mostly men (though a cute Mother and young daughter combo in the front row were wearing matching pink and yellow dresses that looked like the SWEET CHARITY website).

First off, Kristin apologized. She addressed the 700 Club controversy head on, took full responsibility for her actions, and said that she really had no idea that Pat Robinson was so crazy. She said she wanted to state that there are Christians who don't preach hate and she wanted to set an example for people. She also mentioned that she was pro-choice and had chosen "AIDS awareness" as one of her subjects in her Beauty-Queen competition days.

She looked great and was very funny and sparklingly charismatic. She talked about growing up in Broken Arrow, how her mom covered her ears during the 'Tits and Ass' number when they attended a CHORUS LINE tour that went past there (when she later did the show in school, the number was re-titled 'Boobs and Butt'), her appearing as 'Maria' in a scool production of WEST SIDE STORY in a black wig and dark makeup, her trying out for CHARLIE BROWN and speaking to and getty 'Sally' strips from Charles M. Schulz on the phone, improvising with Roger Bart and learning how to 'land' funny lines without telescoping the idea that YOU think they are funny. Of course, she talked about WICKED (but not MILLIE) and its phenominal attraction to young girls. She mentioned the ALICE IN WONDERLAND Opera and that she would be doing THE MERRY WIDOW with Placido Domingo, and talked about other operatic roles she did in school (the Queen of the Night, amazingly enough, in THE MAGIC FLUTE). She was surprisingly sharp-tongued on the subject of pop divas Britney & Lindsey Lohan and contemporary R&B, and mentioned that she loved the OBC of CAROLINE, OR CHANGE. She mentioned the Dusty Springfield bio-pic and that even though Dolly Parton wanted her to do HER bio-pic, Kristin felt more attracted to Dusty because of its dramatic potential.

The most intersting tidbit was that she was doing an unspecified something with Jason Robert Brown (I think that is who she mentioned) and Jenine Tesori on two new Broadway musical projects: "I can't talk about that yet". She mentioned that she did not think LEGALLY BLONDE would work as a musical (so that ends THAT), and that she might love to do a MY FAIR LADY revival, but she thought that Broadway needed more NEW musicals (and she emphatically was NOT a fan of jukebox shows).

Kristin is adorable, Kristin is a star, Kristin is VERY funny and very smart about her career. But the the two qualities about Kristin I noted most were - her drive and ambition are astounding - and - don't let the sweetness fool you - underneath that sweet little impish Barbie doll exterior is ONE TOUGH COOKIE. (Thats an observaton, not a criticism)

I'm back to liking her.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

Corine2 Profile Photo
#5re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 11:10am

She is adorable.
Chenoweth is still POP-U-LAR!
re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Let's hear it for the girl!
There is nothing wrong with being assertive.
And if men take that the wrong way they can kiss her ass!
She has a great personality.
Spunk is the name of the game.
re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center Updated On: 4/27/05 at 11:10 AM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#6re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 11:14am

Thank you, Master.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

robbiej Profile Photo
#7re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 11:22am

Wish I could have gone, but I had a Tribeca Film Festival event last night (yes...that was meant to be obnoxious) re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center

What I find most fascinating is that she actually said the appearance was a mistake. I have to say, most people would find a way to finesse it or justify it. To take that kind of responsibility is truly commendable.

As opposed to MANY people on this site, I think the girl's got a a WHOLE LOTTA TALENT and is making some brilliant career choices.

"I'm so looking forward to a time when all the Reagan Democrats are dead."

#8re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 11:27am

That is all I and many others here have been suggesting she do. Kristin simply made a bad choice and needed to express regrets over offending so many people. I hope that this incident will serve as a lesson to those posters who blindly accepted, excused and enabled Kristin's original bad judgement. History shows that it is always best to simply admit a mistake, express your regrets and move along.

bunchamuncha Profile Photo
#9re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 11:31am

Thanks Master!
And good for her, sounds like we'll be seeing a lot more of her.

If you really want to help the American theater, don't be an actress, dahling. Be an audience..... Don't be taken in by the guff that critics are killing the theater. Commonly they sin on the side of enthusiasm. Too often they give their blessing to trash... Tallulah Bankhead

PalJoey Profile Photo
#10re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 11:32am

Thanks for that. I'm also glad she called it a mistake and I'm looking forward to seeing her in The Apple Tree next month.

HOWEVER...not to be churlish BUT...it would be even better if she said something to that effect to Pat Robertson or on the 700 Club. That said, would any of us would be able to sacrifice a burgeoning career for principle? Life is complicated.

I'm back to liking her too.

midtowngym Profile Photo
#11re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 11:42am

I could not attend as I was unfortunately away on business. I'm not certain I believe that she didn't know how crazy Pat Robertson is, but it's time to move on. She acted like a true mensch in coming to the Center.

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston
Updated On: 4/27/05 at 11:42 AM

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#12re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 12:00pm

She was a REAL mensch. She said also "In this business we call show, I'm still learning, I really, honestly had NO idea that Pat Robertson is...crazy!" Her expression was priceless: she bugged her eyes out and spun her finger around her temple. The audience ROARED.

She was also passionate about what it meant for her to be a Christian. She is non-denominational and left Southern Baptism because she "did not believe that if you danced, or listened to rock and roll that you were going to hell...or that your best friend who is gay is going to hell, too." She stressed her desire to try to be more Christ-like in her dealings, spreading love and not being judgemental.

She also stressed the fact dispite all her movie and TV work she was not abandoning Broadway "at all."

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

uncageg Profile Photo
#13re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 12:33pm

midtowngym....gotta agree with you. We all know how crazy he is!

Just give the world Love.

Dummy Profile Photo
#14re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 1:03pm

Well, kudos to her for this appearance. How it can escape anyone at this point in America that Pat Robertson is a raving lunatic is beyond comprehension. I am left with some suspicion that she operated (and continues to operate to some degree) with a careerist agenda--trying to be an object of universal appeal. I think it would have been helpful for her to have expressed some of her more liberal-Christian views to an audience such as 700 club...Lord knows those folks needs to hear from someone that their Savior wasn't a bash-thy-neighbor kind of guy. That she preaches tolerance to the choir at GLBT functions while avoiding the topic before conservative Christian audiences remains troubling. I don't begrudge her the need to self-promote, but her "message" comes off as equivocal.

Gelfling Profile Photo
#15re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 1:32pm

I think it's good that she set the whole thing... uh... straight re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center.

I have trouble believing that anyone could ignore Pat Robertson's ravings nowadays, especially since he certainly does what he can to promote them but she did say she wasn't into politics at all and, believe it or not but I have several friends who had no idea who he was when I mentioned it to them so... I'll accept her statement as honest if a little naive.

Now, about preaching to the choir, you're certainly right about that but I'm pretty sure that after Running With Scissors and the Dusty biopic the Christians will definitely know she's not into gay bashing.

I think she should get used to controversy because there are already 'good Christians' bashing on imdb.com for playing the minister's wife having a lesbian affair in RWS while going around the country with the Women Of Faith conference.
Apparently, some people don't think you can have faith and NOT think gays are going to burn in hell... lol

"What book of rules says that theatre exists only within some ugly buildings crowded into one square-mile of New York City? Wherever there's magic and make-believe and an audience, there's theatre..."

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#16re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 2:05pm

Master, your recap was so great, I don't think anyone needed to actually be there. I think it's very interesting that she thinks "Legally blonde is a bad idea for a musical". Could it be because she knows she's too long in the tooth to play Elle woods and will never get the role, so now she's thumbing her nose at the project? I think I recently said what a shark I think she is and how astounding her blind and furious ambition is. I'm glad you agree.

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#17re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 2:20pm

Glad to see we can finally bury this 700 Club issue.

I have (and never didn't have) great respect for her and her talent.

bunchamuncha Profile Photo
#18re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 2:20pm

She is driven and very career oriented, but it's a short window of opportunity and she's making the most of it. And if she's getting the opportunity to break out of being typecast, more power to her.
She's one of the few people that can lay claim to theater, tv, movies, opera and recording contracts. And still be considered "hot"

If you really want to help the American theater, don't be an actress, dahling. Be an audience..... Don't be taken in by the guff that critics are killing the theater. Commonly they sin on the side of enthusiasm. Too often they give their blessing to trash... Tallulah Bankhead

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#19re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 2:56pm

Al, it was interesting to see this side of Kristin. If you see her interviewed on TV, she knows how to flirt with the host and work the "saucy blonde imp" thing that she must have learned from all those beauty contests. And one could see it in her audition stories: "I just went on the audition... just for FUN!" Sure, sweetie......More like "I went to that audition and I was determined to LAND that part!" She knows what she has and how to use it. And, honestly, why not? re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center

The one thing I also noted was Kristin tends to hold a grudge. She seemed both bemused and peeved that she lost the Miss Oklahoma peagent, coming in as first runner-up. She sat back, and said with a big steely sh!t-eating grin: "Gee, I wonder what Patricia O'Connor (the winner...I'm paraphrasing, that wasn't the winners REAL name, but you get my drift) is doing now?"

Kristin, you BEE-YITCH! Now, was THAT Christ-like, girl?

I liked her even MORE after that. re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

got-a-light Profile Photo
#20re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 3:15pm

Since she has now apologized... it would seem that if Kristin had to do it all over again she would have never agreed to appear on The 700 Club in the first place.

I must admit I feel somewhat validated, because when I and others on this board were angry about it... many other people, also on this board, couldn't understand why this would be an issue for so many people. Well now I guess you can see that even Kristin realizes that it was not the best move.

Updated On: 4/27/05 at 03:15 PM

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#21re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 3:29pm

So true Master. That "beeyatch" is who she really is and I would bet life and limb on her fervently praying everynight to her God, that one day, she might be able to sit somewhere and say that exact same thing about Idina Menzel. She probably starts spitting pea soup out of her rotating head whenever someone is stupid and careless enough to remind her of her Tony loss to Menzel. It's probably a topic her staff knows to be on the verboten topic list.

#22re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 3:54pm

I just wanted to say that I am a fairly conservative Christian and I never knew anything about Pat Robertson before I followed the uproar on this board. Being Christian doesn't mean that you know or support Pat Roberston any more than being gay means you dress well and worship Barbra Streisand.
I'm just saying it's very feasable that Ms. Chenowith didn't know. Perhaps she should have researched - I think I would want to know what show I was going on - but I doubt she's lying.

...and your children start to leave you from the moment they are born.

midtowngym Profile Photo
#23re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:03pm

It's easy for gay men to respect a tenacious, hard working woman who uses her gifts (talent, charm, looks) to claw her way to the top. This IS America--All About Eve anyone? Just as long as she doesn't screw anyone over to get there (oops--All About Eve again!) I'm talking in general (not rehashing this.) It's a tall order, I know.

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston
Updated On: 4/27/05 at 04:03 PM

#24re: Kristin Chenoweth at Gay and Lesbian Center
Posted: 4/27/05 at 4:39pm

I wish I had been there! Again, it lays to rest my original feeling which was that Kristin was trying to get across to a whole different demographic that not all Christians are gay-hating, anti-rock, no-dance fanatics. A true Christian does push the Christ-like message of love. I love it! It's wonderful to see someone like Kristin, advocating for those, like myself who are often shunned or pre-judged by stating that they are Christian...assuming that Christians are judgemental and promote hate and prejudices. It's nice to be heard.
On the flip side, I'm not a Pat Robertson fan, but again...I will defend his right, and any other Religious leader, to speak out against what he believes is wrong (based on HIS interpretation of the Bible). I may not like it, but he has a right...and if you preach love and acceptance (no matter your religious beliefs) you gotta extend the courtesy to him, though I myself have a difficult time with doing that. I know I'll be blasted for saying it, but I just had too! LOL