Dear Evan Hansen Performance

#1Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/20/21 at 8:21pm

Hey guys! Don’t know if any of you know, but do you know when Jordan Fisher will not be on as Evan and Zachary will cover as his alternate? I would love to see both perform! 

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#2Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/20/21 at 8:31pm

I went to the box office last weekend to buy a ticket for a performance at the end of December and I asked the woman at the box office if she knew what the schedule would be for Evan. The box office woman said she didn't know but if it was similar to prior to the shutdown Jordan would not be doing matinees. Zach is the alternate and would go on before any of the understudies. 

I've seen Zach as Evan and he's incredible and just such a perfect Evan. I've not gotten to see Jordan live but I am so excited to at the reopening and likely that end of December performance. 

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 11/20/21 at 08:31 PM

#3Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/20/21 at 9:53pm

Yea I did the same thing and bought a evening ticket for the Sunday it comes back. I thought I heard he does Sunday matinee and apparently on your the alternate does Sunday nights but who knows. I just don’t want to miss Jordan with how much I paid for this ticket. lol. Either way it’s going to be amazing. 

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#4Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/20/21 at 10:37pm

Dear Evan Hansen Performance

JayElle Profile Photo
#5Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/20/21 at 11:13pm

Lauren2 said: "Yea I did the same thing and bought a evening ticket for the Sunday it comes back. I thought I heard he does Sunday matinee and apparently on your the alternate does Sunday nights but who knows. I just don’t want to miss Jordan with how much I paid for this ticket. lol. Either way it’s going to be amazing."


Curious. How do either compare to Ben Platt, especially the voice?


ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#6Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/21/21 at 1:39pm

I can't speak on Jordan's performance because I haven't seen him live, but from what I've heard of him vocally he does a fantastic job. 

Zach's performance felt so refreshing as he made acting choices that felt different from the other Evan's I had seen who seemed to have some Ben-isms in there. I sometimes think Zach having been the alternate in Toronto and how they built the show from ground up helped keep his performance from falling into the Ben-isms. Vocally, he's incredible. Here's a video of him singing Waving Through A Window at Broadway Under the Stars in 2019 and he just is so fantastic:

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.
Updated On: 11/21/21 at 01:39 PM

#7Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/21/21 at 2:35pm

I have not seen Fisher in this but I've seen him in other shows. He's a very talented vocalist and his voice lends itself well to the character of Evan, I wouldn't worry there. A very pure tenor tone, my favorite kind of voice. He is also a very gifted actor, but has a bad habit of playing up comedic elements and mugging for the audience instead of playing the character's intentions and letting it be funny on it's own. But when he put his mind to the dramatic, I was very impressed. I'd be a huge fan if he broke that one bad habit. (And hopefully he has, it's been a while since I've seen him!)

There's videos released by the production of him singing If I Could Tell Her on youtube if you want to see him firsthand in the role.

JayElle Profile Photo
#8Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/21/21 at 10:29pm

Thanks ClumsyDude and Raiunah. I did watch both on YouTube. I see the Benisms.  I saw Ryan Murphy host a chat session with the Politician cast at 92Y in 2019.. He likened Ben's voice to a male Streisand. He does hit a wide vocal range.  

Saw DEH when it first hit Away and was mesmerized by his singing. Played a great geeky, socially uncomfortable guy, but when he sang, it was like another person. Was blown away. Unsure if I want to see another in that role.  Haven't seen the DEH movie yet. Assuming it will hit HBO or Netflix soon.

#9Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/22/21 at 12:18pm

Hopefully they post the schedule soon. I have a Sunday night ticket for the end of December and was hoping to see Jordan before he inevitably moves on.

#10Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/22/21 at 7:05pm

I saw both Jordan and Zach on the same week and I think they're both phenomenal Evans for different reasons. Zach is probably one of the most grounded Evans that I've seen. He really feels like a high schooler that's trying to navigate life. Less tics than other Evans, but I find that a positive. 

Jordan brings out a star quality to the show. I think I've said this in another thread, but he really elevates the show and the cast seems to elevate with him. He cries in parts that I've never seen any other Evan cry in which really changed my perspective on the show.

When I went, they didn't announce that Jordan wouldn't be performing until right as the lights were dimming. I had a feeling when I saw a stage hand change Evan's shoes 5 minutes before showtime. But I was still blown away by Zach.

JayElle Profile Photo
#11Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/22/21 at 11:03pm

They didn't put a white notice in the playbill?  Why late notice?

Updated On: 11/22/21 at 11:03 PM

#12Dear Evan Hansen Performance
Posted: 11/23/21 at 2:50pm

None, it was very strange. I believe it was Jordan's first week or two, and I read that he had already missed a string of shows supposedly due to a sickness. So I wasn't completely shocked that it happened, but it was never explained why they waited so late. I remember even checking the boards to see if any understudies were on - and there were a few - but Jordan wasn't one of them.