Frozen tonight

#1Frozen tonight
Posted: 1/31/19 at 9:52pm

I cant figure out how to post a link so Im just going to quote what Caissie Levy tweeted:

If you were the young woman about 8 rows back, center orch, filming our entire show on your iPhone tonight, please know you completely distracted me & made me almost go up on my lyrics. Its scary when we see people filming us. Please stop & just enjoy the dang show.

WHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN??? The actors can see you. Fellow audience members can see you. Because you live across the world doesnt entitle you to a recording of a show. They literally say at the beginning of the show that filming is PROHIBITED.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#2Frozen tonight
Posted: 1/31/19 at 10:17pm

Okay but how is it scary?

#3Frozen tonight
Posted: 1/31/19 at 10:21pm

CATSNYrevival said: "Okay but how is it scary?"

Does it matter?? It’s WRONG. 

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#4Frozen tonight
Posted: 1/31/19 at 10:29pm

I’m not arguing that. I’m just curious what it is that scares her.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#5Frozen tonight
Posted: 1/31/19 at 10:33pm

If she was filming the “entire” show, why didn’t Caissie or any other actor who saw, alert the SM who would have front of house take care of it. I’m not saying she’s exaggerating but it’s standard practice to let someone backstage know and they get someone to remedy the situation. Happens all the time.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#6Frozen tonight
Posted: 1/31/19 at 10:39pm

To be fair, Caissie's “entire” show is about 20 minutes of stage time.

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#7Frozen tonight
Posted: 2/1/19 at 12:15am

No one gets to decide what is scary to her or not.

That being said, the ushers should have seen it or been alerted by someone from backstage.  A tweet (just like Sara's Insta rant) will help nothing.  

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#8Frozen tonight
Posted: 2/1/19 at 12:57am

I think we picking on her word use, which is her choice. Scary may not be appropriate, perhaps jarring would be a better choice, distracting even especially with so many moving parts, even dangerous. They do have bomb sniffing dogs that check each theatre before performances. There have been threats of violence at shows in the past- I seem to remember a night in the past Groundhog Day and Cats couldn’t leave their theatres due to threats. People are getting shot at Ariana Grande concerts, live performance venues are not safe, it’s sad, but true- and isn’t there a man currently banned from Frozen due to political outbursts. Give her a break, it is her prerogative to use whatever word she’d like to describe the fear or panic she felt in the situation, it’s not entirely her job to alert anyone, there are Ushers for a reason. She may not be Patti or Sara so a lot of folks are attacking her and not praising her for speaking out which is her right to use her platform to speak out and not be attacked. It’s an issue, she’s making a statement, let’s not belittle her thoughts or feelings, the world has enough of that! Besides, if she was a doctor I certainly wouldn’t expect a camera to be with her in the OR- she may not be saving lives but she is bringing joy and escape in trying times and at the end of the day she has the right to a safe work environment. 

Updated On: 2/1/19 at 12:57 AM

Fetus Profile Photo
#9Frozen tonight
Posted: 2/1/19 at 1:17am

I don't think there is anything wrong with how Cassie addressed this situation and she's perfectly in her right to call out any audience member distracting her performance, but damn the OP's posts on bootlegging are tiring. The random capitalization throughout makes me feel like I'm reading a tweet from a Fox News Panelist.

#10Frozen tonight
Posted: 2/1/19 at 1:19am

Hi all

A number of posts here have violated our rules on personal attacks, and as such we are going to lock overnight as it’s just impossible for us to monitor 24/7 - happy to open back up again in the AM and continue the discussion in a productive manner.

Please remember personal attacks are against our rules and are grounds for suspensions for repeat offenders.

Thank you, and we appreciate your cooperation. Our apologizes to everyone who was keeping this thread on track.