
"I'm not perfect!" swears Audra. "I've messed up!"

"I'm not perfect!" swears Audra. "I've messed up!"

#1"I'm not perfect!" swears Audra. "I've messed up!"
Posted: 11/12/18 at 2:39pm

But to prove that, she has to go back to fourth grade and also to passing out during a performance. Love her. http://www.newnownext.com/audra-mcdonald/11/2018/?fbclid=IwAR3-bxpMrk95dzSWjx4Dn5nscCycCq6jU4fW55Vp8PwsE6bNpRGxVkPrGtE

Alex Kulak2
#2"I'm not perfect!" swears Audra. "I've messed up!"
Posted: 11/12/18 at 3:02pm

I don't believe it.

#3"I'm not perfect!" swears Audra. "I've messed up!"
Posted: 11/12/18 at 6:41pm

She was great in Shuffle Along 

Wick3 Profile Photo
#4"I'm not perfect!" swears Audra. "I've messed up!"
Posted: 11/13/18 at 4:03pm

Did any of you see Audra and Seth at their show/fundraising benefit last night. It was GREAT! Audra sang "The Rose" and told us about that 4th grade story. Also, Seth surprised her by making her sing some Evita. Obviously she had no idea it was going to be performed but she sang High Flying Adored (though she forgot a few words but we helped her.) 

Heck they even joked that the first musical she saw on Broadway was Starlight Express.

Fun night and we were entertained. I'd definitely go see Seth and Kelli in a few months.