Scaramucci out

madbrian Profile Photo
#1Scaramucci out
Posted: 7/31/17 at 3:24pm

Okay, who had 11 days in the pool?

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#2Scaramucci out
Posted: 7/31/17 at 3:33pm

Anyone continuing to defend this absolute embarrassment of an administration should be publicly ridiculed as the hypocrites they are.

"I shall stay until the wind changes."

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#3Scaramucci out
Posted: 7/31/17 at 4:12pm

I have to say his dismissal wasn't even on my radar (well at least not this early).

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

madbrian Profile Photo
#4Scaramucci out
Posted: 7/31/17 at 4:32pm

Talking heads were speculating it was a condition of Kelly taking the Chief of Staff job.  Just speculation, but it would make sense.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

adamgreer Profile Photo
#5Scaramucci out
Posted: 7/31/17 at 4:43pm

They also announced that all staff will report to Kelly, and no one would have access to Trump without going through Kelly first. When Scaramucci was hired, Trump let him jump over Priebus and report directly to him. I'm sure Kelly said no way to that, and Scaramucci didn't like that. 

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#6Scaramucci out
Posted: 7/31/17 at 6:10pm

I'm no longer rooting against these guys.  Need sanity.


#7Scaramucci out
Posted: 7/31/17 at 7:51pm

 "What I want to do is I want to ****ing kill all the leakers and I want to get the President's agenda on track so we can succeed for the American people."

"I'm not Steve Bannon, I'm not trying to suck my own cock."

- Anthony Scaramucci

I just CANNOT imagine why this garbage person was fired after 10 days.  Just.....shocker.  

#8Scaramucci out
Posted: 7/31/17 at 8:42pm

adamgreer said: "They also announced that all staff will report to Kelly, and no one would have access to Trump without going through Kelly first. When Scaramucci was hired, Trump let him jump over Priebus and report directly to him. I'm sure Kelly said no way to that, and Scaramucci didn't like that. 


That's going to last about 5 minutes. Trump likes hearing from everyone and completely lacks the discipline to follow this much of a process. Kelly will need to spend "more time with his family" within 6 months, maybe 3.


dented146 Profile Photo
#9Scaramucci out
Posted: 7/31/17 at 9:27pm

I find it hard to believe that Kelly will be able to put up with The Donald and his family. But if all he succeeds in doing is getting rid of an a..h..e like Scaramucci then he has done better than anyone else. I give him 2 months and hope that when he does resign he punches Trump in the nose.

Liza's Headband
#10Scaramucci out
Posted: 7/31/17 at 11:15pm

dented -- where have you been? missing you the most around these parts!  xoxo 

madbrian Profile Photo
#11Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/1/17 at 8:47am

But what about poor Mario Cantone?  Everyone had him all lined up to play Scaramucci, and now this?  It's just not fair.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson
Updated On: 8/1/17 at 08:47 AM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#12Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/1/17 at 5:58pm

Do the wacko Trump fans still think this is all going great?  I know they're trying to make Death Panels a thing again.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

adamgreer Profile Photo
#13Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/1/17 at 6:15pm

Mister Matt said: "Do the wacko Trump fans still think this is all going great?  I know they're trying to make Death Panels a thing again.


Trump tweeted it was a "a great day at the White House" but I wonder if he even believes his own tweets anymore.


#14Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/1/17 at 6:18pm

Yes, they think he's doing amazing.  Seriously.  Every person he's fired, to them, deserved it for either being a traitor or a swamp member to be drained. Whatever Trump does is brilliant gamesmanship that is 10 steps ahead of everyone.

The only thing he could do to lose them is switch sides, start advocating for LGBT rights, gun control, and universal health care.

The farther right he goes the more they love him and find ways to justify everything he says or does.  It's terrifying.

Updated On: 8/1/17 at 06:18 PM

javero Profile Photo
#15Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/1/17 at 6:51pm

Mister Matt said: "Do the wacko Trump fans still think this is all going great?"

This is anecdotal but my mom underwent a minor surgical procedure earlier today in a rural part of North Carolina.  During MSNBC's coverage of Trump's meeting with small business owners from the WH today, my dad texted me that a cafeteria full of white folks at the hospital all applauded Trump's boasting of stock market gains during the previous month and one went so far as to say, "I'd vote for him again in a heartbeat...anybody would be better than that THANG in the White House before him".  

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#16Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/1/17 at 7:01pm

The next tweet is key.


DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#17Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/2/17 at 8:36am

Javero, that is horrifying!

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#18Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/2/17 at 9:26am

javero said: "Mister Matt said: "Do the wacko Trump fans still think this is all going great?"

This is anecdotal but my mom underwent a minor surgical procedure earlier today in a rural part of North Carolina.  During MSNBC's coverage of Trump's meeting with small business owners from the WH today, my dad texted me that a cafeteria full of white folks at the hospital all applauded Trump's boasting of stock market gains during the previous month and one went so far as to say, "I'd vote for him again in a heartbeat...anybody would be better than that THANG in the White House before him".


I don't necessarily think that's all that anecdotal. Any push back against Trump is met with a resounding "...but Obama!" from his sheep.

Van Jones was right on November 8th:  "This was a whitelash against a changing country."

"I shall stay until the wind changes."

javero Profile Photo
#19Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/2/17 at 4:02pm

My dad calls Trump supporters Amerexit voters akin to Brexit supporters. 

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

LYLS3637 Profile Photo
#20Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/2/17 at 4:49pm

He's not wrong. I've been re-watching All in the Family, and Archie Bunker is the personification of the average Trump voter. The world is changing, their privilege is being challenged, and they can't handle it.  They want to return to a time when they dominated the economy (and the labor force) by holding back racial minorities, women, and immigrants. 

"I shall stay until the wind changes."
Updated On: 8/2/17 at 04:49 PM

javero Profile Photo
#21Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/2/17 at 5:52pm

There's something about last year's general election that reminds me of the election of 1984.  Just flip Hillary and Tim Kaine at the top of the Dem's ticket and you'll likely to recall what would be a bloodbath for Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro, if you were around back then.  There was a long drawn out Dem primary that went all the way to the convention, exposing Mondale's weaknesses and the superdelegate system in the process.  Gart Hart was the young upstart who would become Mondale's biggest challenger.   Jesse Jackson garnered considerable support from a bloc that would literally spawn members of the #BLM movement.  After Mondale sealed the nomination, his VP pick's dirty laundry was aired along with the ugly head of misogyny.

What is quickly forgotten is that the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was front and center in the 1984 election.  Phyllis Schlafly and some entitled Stepford Wives rallied to kill it dead as folks down south say.  In 2016, Hillary didn't do particularly well with non-college educated white women who love themselves some Trump.  Source: FiveThirtyEight

I'm not white and perhaps for that reason don't understand Trump's appeal on any level.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 8/2/17 at 05:52 PM

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#22Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/2/17 at 6:15pm

Lyle hits nail.


javero Profile Photo
#23Scaramucci out
Posted: 8/2/17 at 7:43pm

A ban on transgender military recruits, repeal of college-level affirmative action based on factors other than income, and new immigration policy favoring financially-stable English speakers..more red meat for Trump's base.  America's underbelly has been laid bare.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.