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THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER Equity Principal Audition - Actors Theatre of Louisville Auditions

Posted March 25, 2011
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THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER - Actors Theatre of Louisville

Actors Theatre of Louisville
Louisville, KY

Call Type
Equity Principal

Date of Audition

Actors' Equity Building
557 W. Randolph St.
Chicago, IL 60661

Wednesday, April 6th
10 AM-4 PM

will be taken by the Equity office beginning Thursday, March 31st at 9:30 AM. Call 312-641-0406 9:30 AM-12:30 PM and 3:00-4:30 PM only.

> EPA Rules are in effect.
> A monitor will be provided.

Associate Director Zan Sawyer Dailey will attend with casting authority. Meg Fister, Executive Assisant-Arts Administration, will also attend.

Other Dates
ATL: 1st rehearsal 9/6; runs 10/6-10/29
St. Louis Rep: 1st rehearsal 11/22; runs 12/2-12/23
KC Rep: 1st rehearsal 1/12; runs 1/27-2/19
New Victory Theatre, NYC: 1st rehearsal 2/28; runs 3/2-3/11


Directed by Jeremy Cohen, Producing Artistic Director at the Playwrights Center in Minneapolis, MN and adapted by Laura Eason.

Based on the beloved novel, TOM SAWYER chronicles the adventures of a mischievous young hero growing up in a small town on the Mississippi River, in the 1840s.

ACTOR #1/JOE HARPER: Male, mid 20s–early 30s, to play 16 and mid-20s. The gullible, fraidy-cat friend of Tom Sawyer. Always the easy mark, he completely falls for Tom’s trickery hook, line & sinker. He wants to play at being an adult, but really…he just wants his Mom. Also plays LAWYER FOR THE DEFENSE.

ACTOR #2/BECKY THATCHER: Female, to play 12-16. Tom’s friend (and maybe more…?) Becky’s got it all together for a girl the age of 12. She is smart (but not boastful) and perfectly well-behaved. Her unfolding relationship with Tom unlocks the mystery, excitement, and adventure inside her. She’s a child learning to play at adult decisions and choices.

ACTOR #3/SID SAWYER: Male, 20s, to play 14 and 30 years old. Tom’s Eddie Haskell-ish, practical yet playful brother. Determined to be the one to catch Tom out for all of his trickery and relishes the possibility. Simultaneously sure that he’s better than Tom, but also jealous of what Tom gets away with. Also plays DOC ROBINSON, LAWYER FOR THE PROSECUTION.

ACTOR #4/MUFF POTTER: Male 35-50. Townsperson accused of a murder that Tom Sawyer witnesses. Sad yet incredibly kind, he struggles with alcohol and constantly gives in to his weaker side because he doesn’t know a better way. Is manipulated to believe he actually committed the murder. Also plays WIDOW’S BROTHER.

ACTOR #5/INJUN JOE: Male 35-50. Town outsider, completely driven by revenge for the humiliation and pain caused him and his family over the years. Menacing with a quiet rage, he turns from cunningly quiet and still to terrifyingly threatening on a dime. ALSO PLAYS SCHOOL MASTER, MINISTER.

ACTOR #6/TOM SAWYER: Male, to play 12-16, Caucasian. Tom is the spirited, charismatic, good-hearted hero of the story. Tom is the ringleader, the visionary, the strategist, and the trickster of his bunch; he’s always thinking about the next adventure, and willing to put it all on the line for that adventure.

ACTOR #7/ HUCKLEBERRY FINN: Male, to play 12-16. Tom’s street-wise, sometimes mangy-looking, thick-skinned best friend. Essentially an orphan, Huck has lived a life on the streets-–doing whatever he likes, whenever he likes, however he likes. Where Tom is the brains and the strategy of their practical jokes, Huck is the instinct and the gut. Huck is Tom’s best buddy; they are soul mates in only the way that young boys can be. And Tom is closest thing Huck knows to family.

ACTOR #8/ AUNT POLLY: Female, 35-50. Tom’s kind & generous aunt. She took in her sister’s son (Tom) and is raising him as her own child. Lively, earthy, and energetic with a down-to-earth sense of humor. Sometimes she loves Tom’s games and jokes but sometimes it goes too far & she worries for his soul…is he mischievous or actually “bad”? Also plays JUDGE & WIDOW DOUGLAS.

There will be no understudies used for these roles.

LORT Non-Rep
Actor min. ranges $800-$900/wk; see 'other'

Male and Female Actors, aged 18 and over, highly inventive with excellent language and movement skills. See breakdown for specific ages and types.

A breakdown has been added for this notice. See below.

A script is available at the Equity office. Please prepare a monologue of your choice you feel represents the style & language of the show; 3 minutes max. Bring headshot/resume.
If you wish to also be considered for DRACULA and CHRISTMAS CAROL, you do NOT need to make a separate appointment.

Actors Theatre of Louisville: LORT C $800
Rep Theatre of St. Louis: LORT B $832
Kansas City Rep: LORT C $832
New Victory Theatre, New York: LORT C TOUR from KC Rep $900

Performers of all ethnic and racial backgrounds are encouraged to attend.

Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.

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