
My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening

My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening

dshnookie Profile Photo
#1My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 4:54pm

Bash it. Agree/Disagree. It's my opinion, we're all entitled to one. I will try and address things not addressed in other reviews.

I have only seen a handful of shows, all of which can be found under my favorite shows in my profile. I really only discovered "Broadway" this past summer, with the exception of seeing a few shows before that. I am not a theater major, theater performer .. just your average theatergoer. I say this because some of you may want to compare it to the greatest musicals of our time, to the Tony Award winning shows etc. Because I haven’t seen that many shows, I cant do that. I think those of you who have, who study theater etc. shouldn’t either. This is Disney. You cant compare it to lets say Shakespeare. They're very distinct, why compare "apples to oranges"? Also, The Little Mermaid is perhaps one of my greatest childhood memories and one of my most cherished films, so I did walk in with very high expectations.. all of which were met and exceeded - A few spoilers ahead.

I guess it is my fault, but perhaps I am a very literal reader. Things that I have read about the show were turning me off before even seeing it. Things like "Ariel just kicks off her fins" and "Ariel just smashes the shell to defeat Ursula" sounded as if these scenes were poorly done and lacking emphasis. I was expecting the tail to come off and fall onto the stage, the shell to make a simple thud but this was not the case. From where I was sitting, 3rd row I didn’t even see where the fin went, the shell made a huge booming crash in the theater. Emphasis/power were not lacking. Even when Ariel turns back into a human at the very end (as the mersisters encircle her - think Legally Blonde “OMIGOD You Guys” quick change) is done very well. The illusion isn’t as good as the previous two, but still works.

I don’t think anything really hindered the show. None of the costumes were distracting/confusing/disappointing. Costumes that look so-so in photos tended to really pop on stage. Some fish were easily identifiable from the film, others not - but really? I didn’t come to the show to identify every single species of fish on stage. Even Flounder's costume wasn’t that bad, and even kind of cute. Ursula's costume is phenomenal on stage, tentacles work beautifully around her (especially in Poor Unfortunate Souls). More importantly, all of Ariel's costumes from the film are here. Her pink dinner gown, her blue dress from her day with Eric, her wedding dress, even her shimmery gown from being turned into a Mermaid by Triton (though a 2piece now) all look beautiful and left nothing more to be desired.

The sets are very beautiful. Highly-stylized? Yes. Does It Work? YES. Everything is very plexi-glass/plastic - even the dinner table/chairs in the castle. This really makes all of the characters pop on stage. I felt that having everything be the same may make the show appear overly modern and cold. This wasn’t the case, the emotion still comes through and it is all very effective.

New Changes:
The contest portion was my greatest reservation walking in, as it is with most seeing the show. It worked wonderfully. In the 2nd Act Eric sings a song "One Step Closer" about how dancing is a conversation, and when none of the other princesses sing in the manner as Ariel had in Act One, she auditions simply through dancing and is chosen. Even when Ursula uses the voice to distract Eric and postpone the kiss further, he still tells Grimsby to tell the princess she is too late and still picks Ariel. This is very important in the show/movie in my opinion, where Eric finally loves Ariel for Ariel and not her voice. This is obviously done in the film where Eric tries to save her from Ursula, but this contest still achieves the same effect and allows for Ariel to save herself in the end. No Complaints.

Familiar Moments:
The show managed to retain some scenes from the movie, little touches, that feels very tied to the source material despite some of the story changes. Things like Ariel twisting her hair when first meeting Eric in Act 2, Scuttle listening for Eric's heartbeat by placing Eric's foot to his ear, and Triton signing the contract with his Trident are all here, among others and all work well.

Small Gripes:
As much as I loved the show, the two songs performed by scuttle and the almost countless gulls flew over my head. The large clown boots for their feet was also a bit odd. If you see the show, during "Positoovity" I would turn my attention to Ariel and Sebastian at the front right of the stage - they have a cute inaudible exchange, which I preferred more than the actual number. Also, I wanted Poor Unfortunate Souls to have a little bit more ‘umph’. This scene in the movie is done beautifully with potions flying and smashing into the cauldron with different colors of smoke engulfing the cave. P.U.S in the show is done almost too simply to be an effective closing number of Act 1 - but it was still very strong. Also, Sherie adds little things to make it her own. There is one moment where she sings “They weren’t kidding when they called me well…a witch.” So subtle, but when she hits ‘witch’ there is slight jerk of the head that garnered a laugh from the audience. Lastly, some of the set pieces were a little loud as they fanned out, nothing major but still noticeable.

I sat in the third row, in an area with only adults so I had no children around me, yet the entire audience was very well behaved and the most I heard out of a child was a small cough further back. The audience clapped when almost every character initially appeared on stage, during key moments such as when Ariel saves Eric or when she transforms into a human. As I walked out of the theater, grown men could be heard humming Under the Sea and Part Of Your World. It was in my opinion very well received and embraced by all.

In Closing:
Just to clean things up, I remember reading someone had an issue with Ariel walking before Act 1 ends and then having trouble learning how to walk in Act 2. Let it be noted, that Ariel does not run laps in the end of Act 1. She emerges from a trap door, throwing her hair back as she does in the film when she rises from the water and just as she stands the curtain is 90% down and takes two little steps as the curtain falls completely. I found no continuity issues in this. Also, when the worlds merge and palace court members dance with mermaids, yes it may be a little implausible but so what? It works - and moves nicely into the curtain call. People I went with said they ‘liked’ it by end of Act 1 but by the end they ate it all up, and said they would even go again. All performances were excellent, Sierra is the absolute embodiment of Ariel. Sherie gives us a fresh twist on Ursula. Titus is wonderful as Sebastian and everyone else is equally strong. There were moments where I got a little misty-eyed, because they seemed plucked right out of the film. Ariel saving Eric, Ariel’s transformation, Eric and Ariel dancing just as they do in the split second of the film in the village courtyard, Ariel and Triton making amends at the end, Triton carrying human Ariel in his arms to the surface after transforming her, and Eric and Ariel’s wedding kiss on the ship were all so beautiful. I always say, if there’s a tear (of joy) in my eye during at least one moment in the show then the show has gotten me, and in this show there were many of those moments.

Updated On: 12/30/07 at 04:54 PM

steven22 Profile Photo
#2re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 4:56pm


dshnookie Profile Photo
#2re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 4:59pm

Sorry about that, it's addressed in my closing. I tried to talk about things others have not - and we've seen lots of "Sherie's great" etc etc :P
Updated On: 12/30/07 at 04:59 PM

#3re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 5:15pm

Thank you for a great review! It's nice to see a clean slate review after negative talk towards this show! I'm seeing it January 29th, on my birthday and your review makes me very excited!

jacobsnchz14 Profile Photo
#4re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 5:34pm

What were your thoughts on Flotsam and Jetsam? What about the musical numbers? Your faves, etc.

#5re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 5:44pm

who did you see as Flounder?

" I just want to go home and watch that show about midgets and eat a block of cheese!" Liz Lemon- 30 Rock

#6re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 5:47pm

It depends where you sit, though, because in the rear mezz., you do see things such as the tail literally falling off onto the stage below, and the set looks mostly vacant from above.

dshnookie Profile Photo
#7re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 6:01pm

Thank you FutureAladdin, please tell me what you think of the show when you see it in Jan. I'd really like to know.

Jacob, Flotsam and Jetsam were excellent as well in their somewhat small roles. No one performance dragged the show down. They had these neon orange pieces on their lower eye lids to resemble glowing eyes, they were constantly using the lights on the arms and in a cute way would touch and electrocute each other, though an effect that came from stage lights rather than their costumes (as far as I could tell). They are wonderful in maneuvering in and out of the Kiss the Girl scene in a menacing/sneaky manner before electrocuting the boat (also a well done moment that was slightly different from the film). They compliment Ursula very well, and overall really give the impression of slithering about. I must say that looking back I don’t think there was a moment where they are actually defeated in the show. The last I remember is both holding Ariel back while Triton signs his soul to Ursula and I believe they carry him off after he does so but are not seen again until the curtain call. Maybe someone who has seen the show can clear this up for me.

In terms of musical numbers, Part of Your World, the Reprise, and PUS had great closing belts, that left the audience clapping and even whistling. I Want the Good Times Back had a very 'throw-back' feel to 1920's/jazz I would say and was a very pleasant surprise. Ursula did a little dance bit in this where she kicks her legs as if she's running in place and does the same with her arms simultaneously, I don’t know what that is called but I guess you could say it is very jazzy, Fosse- like (maybe I'm wrong). Whatever it is, it was very cute and amusing. If Only was also very strong, and surprisingly emotion-heavy. I was afraid because I remember the song on the workshop was very strong with just Ariel and Eric singing and felt that they might cut this down a bit. This wasn’t the case, and the entire song is mostly, if not entirely left in tact. It is at the end that Sebastian and Triton come in separately and it's all very beautiful. Eric has the line of the song towards the end with something along the lines of if he chooses a princess the next day to wed (one that he hopes may have the voice he has been searching for) then, he sings "I'll lose her" meaning Ariel. I remember talks about a reprise being cut from Ursula, she still maintains her Good Times Reprise and PUS Reprise, but the PUS has been heavily altered from the version on the workshop, much stronger and more of a song to Triton than Ariel. Of course, "She's in Love" was really fun and just fantastic, and Cody really shined in this.

dshnookie Profile Photo
#8re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 6:04pm

Guppy, I saw Cody and he was wonderful, big applause at curtain call and just great in She's in Love.

I think bluetuna may be right. After the show I couldnt help but think that if you were in the mezz, you could see the gaps between waves and see them rising and falling from the holes in the stage. This may be a show best seen from the ORCH.

#9re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 6:19pm

thanks, you said that flotsam and jetsam electrocute the boat, is that when they sing the reprise of sweet child?

" I just want to go home and watch that show about midgets and eat a block of cheese!" Liz Lemon- 30 Rock

dshnookie Profile Photo
#10re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 6:27pm

Yes, Eric says something about wanting to go back that it must've been a storm of some sort and Ariel doesnt want to. They lower the curtain and F&J sing the reprise, and raise it again for If Only.

Speaking of the Kiss the Girl scene, there is a very cute moment where Eric lets Ariel row the boat a little bit. Look out for it if you see the show.

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#11re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 6:29pm

"Triton carrying human Ariel in his arms to the surface after transforming her"

No. In the movie, Ariel emerges, walking, and opens her arms. Glad to hear you liked the show!

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

dshnookie Profile Photo
#12re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 6:40pm

You're right, I incorrectly included that in the list of scenes plucked out of the film. Like the contest, I think I preferred Triton carrying her to the surface than the movie scene. After transforming her, she jumps and he catches her, Ariel's back is to the audience and he holds her by holding the back of her knees and I believe she was moving her arms as if swimming to the surface and then he somewhat cradles her when they reach the top, one arm holding her back, the other holding her under her knees. Ariel, Trition, Eric and Grimbsy have a nice exchange, and it is the moment where Eric realizes she can speak. Fantastic.

I really didnt miss Vanessa at all. I do like the irony in that scene, the desperation to reach the boat in time and not being able to swim to it - a reflection of all she has given up for love. It would've certainly given Cody a little more to do if this scene existed in the show, as he pulls Ariel to the boat but although love triangles always add a little extra, the show definitely didnt suffer by lacking it.

Updated On: 12/30/07 at 06:40 PM

showbiz287 Profile Photo
#13re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 7:03pm

I too saw The Little Mermaid on 12/29 (2pm) I have to say I was really disappointed.

The main problems were with the costumes. The mermaids did not look like mermaids. I tried so hard to not hate them, but by the end I wanted to personally rip all the tails off. I liked the idea of use of heelys. I personally think the costumes should've been done, if anything like they do it in their Disney on Ice productions with the fins coming out of the bottom sides of the designed pants. At least then, when the performers legs are together, it would look like a solid fin and wouldn't have this mass of material to hide their legs. It would also fit in with Ariel's e mermaid to human, because at least the performer swimmming towards the surface would resemble the other mermaids already represented.

I liked Sebastian's costume except for the eyeballs on his hat, I felt those were not needed.

As for the other sea costumes, I think there was too much of the same color. I also think Kiss the Girl reminded me too much of Can You Feel the Love tonight from Lion King. Which, isn't bad, I just feel like "where have I seen this before?"

I'm still up in the air about the set. I did appreciate the transitions between ocean and land. Also, the storm at sea )prince Eric's effect) was the best in the show. The main issue with the set were the two giant wine bottle opener cork screws. I thought they used them well, for what they were, but did not like them. When they open up it reminded me of the dumbo ride, and actually was hoping peformers were going to be seated, spinning on them. I liked the ship, and Ursula scenes weren't bad either.

The performers themselves were great. With the exception of Norm (who disappointed me) because he sounded like cheesy childrens theatre actor, and i know he's better than that!

Sheree was definetly the highlight of the show!

Something got lost in translation from movie to stage. Even Tarzan (the green headache) was able to capture some of the spirit of the movie, while still trying to be original.

Miss Beauty yet?

"I'll eat some breakfast, then change the world."
Updated On: 12/30/07 at 07:03 PM

dshnookie Profile Photo
#14re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 7:15pm

I do agree a little with showbiz about Norm, though I thought he was good I thought he was a little monotone in his speaking, it hardly changed with his changes in emotion, happy and angry were a little interchangeable. I thought his singing was great though.

The mermaids didn’t bother me as much. Almost all the time they were on stage the waves were up. I think if the waves were an initial design concept, then the costumes actually work. I don’t know if the waves came first and the costume was made the way it was so they can be seen despite the waves or if the costumes were made and then the waves came second to hide the legs. Either way, I think it worked - costumes weren’t distracting, I just accepted it and actually liked them. I liked how they were made of wire I believe so they moved back and forth very well, almost independently from the movements of the performer. There was one moment where Ariel's fin slapped the wave, right before she pulls out the fork (or dingle hopper) that was very loud, and a little startling. It also slapped Norm in his midsection as well during one scene which was a little amusing. I've never seen The Lion King, so I cant compare the two scenes.
Updated On: 12/30/07 at 07:15 PM

Brave Sir Robin2 Profile Photo
Brave Sir Robin2
#15re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 9:00pm

"After transforming her, she jumps and he catches her, Ariel's back is to the audience and he holds her by holding the back of her knees and I believe she was moving her arms as if swimming to the surface and then he somewhat cradles her when they reach the top, one arm holding her back, the other holding her under her knees."

That sounds wierd.

Also, does anyone have close figures of how Beauty, Lion King, aida, and/or Poppins did during previews? Because Mermaid is already in the millions.

"I saw Pavarotti play Rodolfo on stage and with his girth I thought he was about to eat the whole table at the Cafe Momus." - Dollypop

Charlie No-One
#16re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 9:14pm

For Ariel's P.U.S. transformation, what does her costume look like and how does she transform?

#17re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/30/07 at 11:41pm

Just jumping in to say that I saw the show tonight, and was blown away. There are a few things I'm not crazy about, but I went in as a skeptic and was totally floored by Sierra's performance. She really is wonderful, and she is Ariel.

Charlie - she's suspended in the air to mimic her swim to the surface, and as she's kicking her tail, the cloth sort of comes off and frees her legs.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

Charlie No-One
#18re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/31/07 at 12:03am

So she just has the skirt part of her tail on?

dshnookie Profile Photo
#19re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/31/07 at 12:16am

Brave Sir, perhaps I'm not explaining it properly, but it was well done and the illusion of them swimming up/the use of the waves here works nicely.

it'sjustshowbiz Profile Photo
#20re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/31/07 at 4:44am

Yes, the part where Triton helps her to the surface made me tear up. It is beautiful.

#21re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/31/07 at 10:02am

Yeah, it was just the cloth part, I guess. You couldn't really tell what material it was made of - it was very well done. She just kicked it off and it sort of slowly fell down to the stage.

I found it so strange that the part when Ursula disguises herself as the other woman was cut. You don't really miss it in the pacing of the show, but it was a surprising omission.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#22re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/31/07 at 12:42pm

I am somewhat surprised that nobody has mentioned this is any of the reviews I have read. Am I the only one who thought that the Les Poissons reprise was pretty much the exact same number as Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast?

showbiz287 Profile Photo
#23re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/31/07 at 2:10pm

I thought the same thing when I saw the show, I even think the music there was VERY similiar to Be Our Guest.

I did not mention before that I thought the performers were excellent (minus Norm's very fake voice, but I didn't mention this great great singing voice for the character!) Sherie was rocked, Sierra nailed Ariel's character. Titus was great as Sebastian (I think he could've been a little more sarcastic, but loved his Under the Sea number!)

"I'll eat some breakfast, then change the world."

#24re: My Little Mermaid Review - 12/29 Evening
Posted: 12/31/07 at 3:31pm

The only thing that I wasn't crazy about were some of the costumes. They have to fix Flounder's costume - it looks like a home made Halloween costume.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
