Could Kristen play Elphaba?

#0Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 2:36pm

Well,hmmm, an interesting question. Idina obviously couldnt sing Glinda because of the lack of her operatic voice and her mezzo as opposed to soprano range, but Kristen does have a decent belt voice and obviously the range for elphaba, so do we think she could sing it well enough to perform in the role?

I think it would be really interesting to hear her singing defying gravity or the wizard and i.

Hmm...what do we think?


bially082 Profile Photo
#1re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 2:38pm

I don't think she would sound right. I t would sound too high and edgy. Thats my prediction anyway.

You are young, life has been kind to you. You will learn.

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#2re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 2:38pm

its not her, i dont think it would work.

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#3re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 2:42pm

Just b/c Kristin has the range, it doesn't mean she'd be good in that role. The thing is that Glinda is a much more demanding role: it requires more range in singing, and she's a twit, which isn't easy to play. Could she play the nice, underapreciated Elphaba? Probably. However, her belt is much harsher, which would make it tough for anyone to play Glinda against it. She has a very strong ping, which would make someone else singing "Popular" sound odd. Kristin has the talent for Elphaba, but I can't see how it could work (and I bet her "Defying Gravity" would be amazing! Just listen to how she does in the duet section).

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#4re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 2:47pm

If it's a matter of Kristin being able to do vocally, I'd say yes. I definitely think it would be very interesting to hear her belt out something like "Defying Gravity" or "No Good Deed." But on the other hand, I'm not sure it would fit right for the character. I'm not talking about her appearance, though that might be a bit strange, I'm saying that even though she does have an impressive belt, it's not that deep, throaty belt that Idina has... and the way she does it strikes me as the way that best fits the character.

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#5re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 2:58pm

im inclined to agree. shed look fairly odd for one thing, and although she has a good belt, its quite thin in texture, and fairly harsh to listen to- fine in a show where theres lots of quasi-operatic singning toom but perhaps a little unpleasant for an entire show.


#6re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:03pm

i doubt it

kritsten's vocal type is all wrong.

and i have to disagree with saying glinda's is vocally harder than elphaba's. glinda's role is more musical theatre and opera, thereby actresses who play carrie in carousel, and ado annie and such can play glinda. they've been trained to do so.

elphaba on the other hand is a power belter, mostly heard on radio these days, like christina aguilara and such. most broadway women DON'T sound like Idina. Maybe Shoshana Bean, Alice Ripley, Julia Murney have the gutsy, harsh, raspy all about Craziness that can match what's required for Elphaba.

actually list actresses that can play glinda, then list the pnes that can play elphaba. you'll see what i mean. Updated On: 4/11/04 at 03:03 PM

HunterFosterIsMyGod Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:07pm

eck. i think she'd be AWFUL. she just doesn't have the"mood." she's just so perfect as galinda.

#8re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:09pm

agreed, she wouldnt fit the role.

#9re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:09pm

see, i think that kerry butler would be an amazing glinda!
much better casting than audrey at least!

#10re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:14pm

im pretty sure kerry lacks the operatic soprano need for the part.

#11re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:17pm

No! Haven't you heard Batboy, "I'll Always Live Inside You're Heart" her operatic tones were awesome at the end!

she has the comic timing, the cutesy belt, and operatic tones, much better casting than the girl playing Amber in hairspray.

#12re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:20pm

I'd be more concerned about making her speaking voice work for Elphaba. I think she'd be able to do it vocally and god knows she has the acting chops.

~*Triple Star On Broadway*~ Profile Photo
~*Triple Star On Broadway*~
#13re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:20pm

Kristin could NEVER be Elphaba...end of dicussion....for me at least...

You've gotta have heart AND music

NYUstud Profile Photo
#14re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:40pm

NO way. Idina is amazing. And Kristen is amazing. Both in their respective roles.

"So much of me is made of what I learned from you. You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart."-Wicked

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#15re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:49pm

First of all, I can't even picture Kristen green. It's just not her. But I mean, sure she has the range and everything, but I just don't think it would be right.

robactor guy- I agree-Kerry would make an amazing Glinda. I would love to see her in that part. She has the ditzyness that's perfect for the role. Audrey reminded me so much of Glinda (personality wise), and I think Kerry could pull it off.

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...
Updated On: 4/11/04 at 03:49 PM

TheBalladeer Profile Photo
#16re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:52pm


When I saw Wicked, although I was impressed with both women, because they are without a doubt incredibly talented....I have to say that I was impressed the most with Kristin overall. Say what you want about her....she's a diva, she's this, she's that....the lady has IT. And not to mention she's incredibly talented....She has the acting chops, comic timing....(BOY does she have the comic timing) So much so, that she made me laugh out incredibly loud numerous times with her facial expressions that say it all, and her side quips and ad-libs, which I enjoyed. And for me, her incredible range and vocal power is what impressed me the most. I do agree that her belt is not as rich sounding as Idina's but she definitely has a belt to go with her glorious coloratura soprano voice. That's what makes her voice so unique. I don't care what anyone says...not many soprano's of this type have as strong a belt as her, along with a great top. As for her being able to sing Elphaba, I would say a definite yes. And she would be able to play the part well. Elphaba is not as challenging as say, Glinda...and Kristin seems to play the role with ease. So Elphaba should be easy for Kristin to handle. Would I want to see the ladies switch roles? NO WAY! Idina is perfect as Elphaba, and really brings the house down....and Kristin is perfect as Glinda. I hope they continue to do the show for a LONG, LONG time....

The Balladeer

"Someone tell the story...Someone sing the song...."

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#17re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:54pm

Problem with Idina is that she sings in the throat. You can see veins popping out (especially in "Defying Gravity") in the show. Any voice teacher worth their pay would stop someone like that immediately and work on freeing them. That's why Kristin has more of a ping, her larynx is much further forward and has a much freer tone. Somehow, though, Idina makes it work, and I doubt she'd be considered privealedged to be compared to Christina Aguilera, who can't stay on pitch if her life depended on it. I'd almost bet that one day we will hear a CD of Kristin singing "Defying Gravity," and it will be amazing. Although, I'd love to hear her sing some Puccini (anyone heard a CD that has her doing "Madama Butterfly"?) Now, that would be amazing!

VoiceofReason Profile Photo
#18re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 3:57pm

could kristen play it? sure
should kristen play it? hell no
and i'd have to disagree about which part is more complicated. it's pretty 'solidified' what Glinda has to do, and the changes she goes through...and, she has better material to work with (book-wise). Elphaba, however, isn't really given much direction through the book, and has a more introverted charater, which can be hard to express to the audience. moreso, elphaba has to go through a jumble of emotions, all the while conjvincing the audience that, though she may say she is later, she indeed is not truly me, anyways, her character seems much more complex.

For heaven's sake, don't try to be cynical. It's perfectly easy to be cynical. ~The Importance of Being Earnest~

#19re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 4:02pm

well idina must be doing SOMETHING correctly cuz she's been BELTING like that ever since RENT in 1996! hum, almost 10 years!! And she sounds better than ever! That's why being a belter is sometimes the hardest! to give that harsh, well rounded quality 8 shows a week! wow!

MusicPos2 Profile Photo
#20re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 4:08pm

There is a genetic component to nodules, which could explain it. God knows, if there wasn't I would have them now b/c before college, I was incredibly tight (and I couldn't compensate like Idina can).

~*Triple Star On Broadway*~ Profile Photo
~*Triple Star On Broadway*~
#21re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 4:23pm

If she keeps singing from her throat shes not going to have a voice in a few years. I have trouble listening to some of her songs in OBC of RENT because some of it sounds just like screaming. Nevertheless, I think the girl is brilliant and shes a perfect Elphaba. No matter how much I dislike Kristin, I think Glinda is a perfect role for her as well.

You've gotta have heart AND music

BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#22re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 4:25pm

I don't think she could play it. She could belt it, sure, but with her speaking voice and her overall personality and the way she comes through on stage- she's all wrong for Elphaba.

And I forgot about Butler's operatic part in "Inside Your Heart" in Batboy. On second thought, I'd LOVE to see her as Glinda. She'd be perfect!

TheBalladeer Profile Photo
#23re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 5:10pm


"Personality" and how your "voice sounds" in general are not really indicating factors of how a person can play a role. Sure, and individual actor's personality can be incorporated into an interpretation of a role, but that, in the long run, should not be a huge factor in creating a role, or acting. What a person seems like on stage is not an indicator of how they are in real life and vice-versa. I'm sure Kristin could make Elphaba work if she wanted to. I have one of the highest-pitched speaking voices of young men my age....(23), but that doesn't mean that if I had to play a certain role that I couldn't adjust the way my speaking or singing voice sounds in order to play a role. It might not be a DRAMATIC change, but it would be enough to get my point across.

The Balladeer

"Someone tell the story...Someone sing the song...."

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#24re: re: re: Could Kristen play Elphaba?
Posted: 4/11/04 at 5:40pm

I think both Kristin's and Idina's real life personalities play a big part in their roles. Kristin is incredibly bubbly, and like a colorful sparkle that just makes you smile; and the comedic timing is just so her.
Idina is mellow, sweet, and shy; yet she does have that "Star Power" inside her that just busts open when she belts out a song.
The casting for both roles was very well done. :)

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