Oklahoma floor seating

#1Oklahoma floor seating
Posted: 8/2/19 at 3:43pm

I've read all the comments about floor vs regular seating, and decided it would be a fun experience to see it at this level.  Is there one side of the theater better than the other?  I plan to sit in the center in premium seats, but for one single seat I wanted an aisle.  This might be a nit-picky question, but would it be better to sit in FL 229 (closer to the projection) or FL 211 (closer to the band - but not in the 5 seats just by the band).  Or would it really not matter since they are both premium seats?

sm33 Profile Photo
#2Oklahoma floor seating
Posted: 8/2/19 at 6:39pm

I've seen it twice now, and if I had to pick between those two seats, I'd pick FL 229. But I don't think you could go wrong with either one!

#3Oklahoma floor seating
Posted: 8/2/19 at 7:45pm

i just saw it this weekend from FL209.. (right next to 211 in front of the band) and i thought it was an excellent seat. the cast moves around enough so you see pretty much everything. 211 would have better views of curly thru the first act while 229 is better for jud..if that matters? overall i also don't think you could go wrong with either! 

Dave13 Profile Photo
#4Oklahoma floor seating
Posted: 8/3/19 at 8:33am

I sat in 201. Loved every minute of it. I really don’t think you could go wrong with any floor seat. The cast moves around enough that you see just about everything. With the floor seats, there will be times they are on your table and may even be sitting right on the table in front of you.

Not to be confused with Dave19.