Charlton Heston dies

Liverpool Profile Photo
#25re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 11:27am

your hero worshiping a maniacal gun freak who hated fags and darkies makes it obvious why I should have been repusled by you had i ever seen you post before today.

GoSmileLaughCryClap Profile Photo
#26re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 11:27am

Any actor who takes their fame and goes on to leverage it in the fields of politics and public policy are consigned to have their legacy impacted by those actions.

In the case of Charlten Heston, he presided as President of the NRA during its period of greatest expansion and political clout. Throw in his well known homophobia, and I, for one don't mourn his passing.

He once said that they'd have to pry his gun out of his cold dead hands. I suppose he'll be buried with it. At least it's one less gun in the warm living hands of someone else.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#27re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 11:28am

"Now that was a movie star."

Amen, and thank you, allofmylife.

liverpool, you gave up on the OT thread and now you're here poisoning this one?
There are ways of stating a point without resorting to stoop as low as you do.

I never minded your posts that much until today. You're awfully young to be so bitter already.


Liverpool Profile Photo
#28re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 11:34am

I'm sorry my posts upset you jane but i am literally disgusted when i see people fawn over someone as if they were a hero because they were a good actor when they were in fact quite the opposite of a hero. Charlton Heston was villain, and no amount of acting talent will change that.

#29re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 11:50am

"your hero worshiping a maniacal gun freak who hated fags and darkies"

Sorry but I actually find your use of "fag" and "darkie" appalling. Regardless of your own sexuality. Even though they might have been intended in a Charlton Heston manner they dont come across that way. Now I am not saying that to start you off on another poster-assassination quest just to express my offence being taken.

Updated On: 4/6/08 at 11:50 AM

nmartin Profile Photo
#30re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 11:58am

I prefer to remember Heston in a nostalgic context. I was a teenager sitting in a darkened movie theatre with Heston saving a plane full of doomed passengers or saving a post-earthquake stricken City of Angels. He provided a young boy with much needed escapism. Thank you, Charlton Heston.

allofmylife Profile Photo
#31re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 12:17pm

I rarely sink to character assassination, but in your case, pal, here goes:

Calling yourself a starving artist and putting THAT photo on this site is perhaps the biggest non-sequitor I have ever read.

That, Tubby, is how you spew hate and bile.

Perhaps from now on, you could find a more intelligent, yes perhaps a more sardonic way of expressing your understandable loathing for Charlton Heston's later life. Perhaps you could announce you're off to his funeral to pry it out of his cold dead hands personally... Maybe you could point out he is probably getting some serious character notes from the guy upstairs by now.

Or maybe you could say, as many other have "He was a talented actor, polite and gentlemanly, who sadly gave in to the urges the characters he portrayed always resisted."

Anything but the sophomoric bile you've been spewing.

Grow up.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#32re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 12:19pm

I pity Liver & think he needs help.

Well said all my life.

Poster Emeritus

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#33re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 12:21pm

I think Liverpool you may have been a little OTT in your comments, i didnt like the man at all (anyone who is with an organization supporting guns who can turn up at a town of a recent high school shotting is sick to me) but just watch your wording x

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

ashbash1990 Profile Photo
#34re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 12:23pm

anyway... RIP, Mr. Heston

What a night! I was in more laps than a napkin!

AStack75 Profile Photo
#35re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 12:36pm

Ditto that ashbash1990.

RIP Charlton from a card carrying NRA member.

Liverpool, you're pathetic.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#36re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 12:47pm

"RIP Charlton from a card carrying NRA member"

Dear God

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

#37re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 12:47pm

A great actor, yes, but to me he'll always be remembered as that NRA gun nut. The number one reason our murder rate is so much higher than the rest of the developed world is the ease of obtaining guns. They all start out as legal, but then oops, they get stolen, and wind up in the hands of gangsters. Then the legal owners go out and buys more guns, and guess what, they get stolen too, and so on and so on...

AStack75 Profile Photo
#38re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 12:50pm

Pick and choose the rights that work for you songanddanceman2 right?

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#39re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 12:52pm

Our company here in the UK has a play going on at the end of the year written by ourselves about High School Shootings in america and the Gun Crime and laws there

The UK is shocked by the state of your gun laws and the play asks the UK audiences that the with our gun crime rising (nowhere near to the idiotic levels in the states) do we want this to start to happen in our schools

Thats why im so against what Mr Heston represented, in no way did i wish him ill health however i did wish he would wake up and pay attention

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

allofmylife Profile Photo
#40re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 1:06pm

Gun crimes have happened in the most restrictive of countries. I abhor the level of gun ownership and gun violence in this country, but it's legal, as is free speech, which means Liverworst has the absolute right to spew his bile and hatred for a man who ended up siding with equally vile types.

I started this thread to try to rise above that. Clearly America is in many ways as juvenile as Mr. Liver. (Hey... liver. bile... just got my own joke. One ping.)

AStack75 Profile Photo
#41re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 1:08pm

Not to turn this into a thread/debate/argument about guns/crime/gun control, but the UK banned private ownership of firearms and then gun crimes rose. When you ban firearms, only the bad guys will have them. I respect your opinion, but I disagree with it.

#42re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 1:14pm

Actually gun crime in our country (the UK) is VERY low compared to many other crimes in the UK (about 0.5% of all crimes which is, of course, 0.5% too much). However, there have always been gun crimes and sadly there always will be. As with murder, rape, paedophilia etc.

While gun related crimes have not in actual fact increased a great amount in this country in many years the sensationalism of the UK media plays a key role: ie) one gun crime, for instance, gets reported to death and takes over with areas of the media, the heinous Daily Mail for instance among others, gets involved and makes out that it is far worse than it actually is.

What we do have in this country at least are strong penalties for gun crimes and it is a lot harder for people to get hold of them here. Sure they can do so, as with drugs, but it is a lot harder. Certainly than in the USA thankfully. Certainly in my dealings with offenders (repeat and first-timers in prison and subsequently), police and such like, that is the case

However, I am sure there are things about the UK that people in the USA find shocking.

AStack75 Profile Photo
#43re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 1:16pm

I didn't realize there were so many Bri'ish people on this site!

#44re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 1:17pm

We get everywhere.

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#45re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 1:18pm

"Not to turn this into a thread/debate/argument about guns/crime/gun control, but the UK banned private ownership of firearms and then gun crimes rose."

Thats the biggest load of rubbish i have ever heard

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

AStack75 Profile Photo
#46re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 1:19pm

Here's your rubbish...

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#47re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 1:20pm

hahahaha no comment lol

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#48re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 1:21pm

You have to applaud the brits for their cajones re musical subjects

Mutiny On The Bounty
A Clockwork Orange
Toulous Lautrec - 2
Laurel & Hardy
Good & Evil - Good Old Bad Old Days
Jerry Springer

Poster Emeritus

#49re: Charlton Heston dies
Posted: 4/6/08 at 1:23pm

""Not to turn this into a thread/debate/argument about guns/crime/gun control, but the UK banned private ownership of firearms and then gun crimes rose."

Thats the biggest load of rubbish i have ever heard"

I agree. False correlation: one does not necessarily cause the other and such connections could well be spurious. Not to mention, with a scenario as 'intense' as this in terms of public reaction, a few facts thrown out can easily freak people out and lead them to all sorts of conclusions..."but the facts say this...."

It's like that study years ago about, among others, states in America and various data collected. One result showed a scatter graph showing church attendance versus violent reported crime per state - and some people's knee-jerk reactions to that were that it's not safe to go to church!!! Others claimed that it showed that people who go to church are likely to be committing the crimes!!! Amid other totally ridiculous inferences.

Updated On: 4/6/08 at 01:23 PM