
Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...

Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#1Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 4:06pm

Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...

because he said that Michelle Obama looks like one of the apes from PLANET OF THE APES.

SOURCE Updated On: 3/13/15 at 04:06 PM

javero Profile Photo
#2Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 4:26pm

One less mean gurl on cable tv.

Now, if all the Spanish-language networks would join forces and ban that piece of EXCRETA named Osmel Sousa I'd be in 7th heaven. Osmel is the Cuban-born force behind the Miss Venezuela franchise. He famously and fabulously said years ago that Black Venezuelan women are not very pretty for a number of reasons that reveal his personal biases. My best buddy is from Venezuela. He dismisses my complaints as envy because the chicas plasticas from Venezuela have won a whole bunch of Miss Universe crowns.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

DAME Profile Photo
#2Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 4:27pm

Univision and Telemundo both need to do some housekeeping with their hosts, chat shows and variety shows. Spanish TV at times still use the term "Pato"when referring to a gay person. And they are always portraying stereotypes. And don't get me started on their treatment and objectifying of women.

Updated On: 3/12/15 at 04:27 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#3Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 4:35pm

Let's start an online petition. I f ucking hate that word: PATO! Ugh! DO NOT GET ME STARTED!

#4Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 4:38pm

Is it similar to the fa* word in English?

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#5Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 4:43pm

Wow, javero, I had no idea Osmel Sousa had said that. I'm from Venezuela and weirdly enough my childhood best friend ended up winning the Miss Universe pageant. I was obsessed with Miss Venezuela and the Miss Universe pageant growing up. It's pretty disappointing once you grow up to see what a misguided industry it actually is.
DAME, you could not be more right on the money regarding the treatment of gay people and women in Spanish TV. And at least Univision and Telemundo are the "mainstream" ones and get away with less than the awful awful awful (mostly Cuban) Spanish local networks in Miami put on. When I visit my parents in Miami, it's so upsetting to see the representation of gay people in the sketches they have on variety shows. It's like a real life THE NANCE, which was set in the 30s!

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

javero Profile Photo
#6Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 4:48pm

I have to go back to my buddy from Venezuela. We've had some very interesting conversations thru the years in which we've compared and contrasted race relations and feminism in both nations. His family is very white and one of his brothers married to an Afro-Venezuelan lady while another brother is gay. He doesn't hesitant to admit that even today anyone could use the Venezuelan equivalents to the 'f' and 'n' words on-air and in the streets of his hometown with impunity.

I don't mean to single out Venezuela though based solely on his accounts nor am I suggesting that we've resolved our issues with respect to gender equality, marriage equality, and the color line here in the US.

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 3/12/15 at 04:48 PM

DAME Profile Photo
#7Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 4:59pm

Yes. It is similar to that fa* word in English. @Ray the Cuban shows produced in Miami are the worst. So offensive. So hateful.


javero Profile Photo
#8Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 5:11pm


Please tell me that your initials are not L.H.P. and that you're not from BarquisimetoUnivision fires Rodner Figueroa...


I first came across the word 'cachapera' while watching one of those Cuban by way of Miami talk shows. I shaite you not...the presenter greeted the audience and viewers with..."Hoy en el programa de Fulana de Tal...mi hija es una torta"

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.
Updated On: 3/12/15 at 05:11 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#9Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 5:19pm

Ugh...don't get me started on the miami based programs from Univision and Telemundo. I lived in Miami for 12 years and I have to tell you some of the Latinos down there are just reprehensible.

javero Profile Photo
#10Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 6:06pm

Seems that Rodner penned an open letter to Mrs. Obama. Details after the jump...
Rodner's Open Letter to the FLOTUS

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

#11Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 8:46pm

Wasn't that what the piece of wood who plays the Latino on Looking mumbled to Jonathan Groff many times in season 1?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

PalJoey Profile Photo
#12Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 9:04pm

I have no horse in this race, but, as public apologies go, that was a pretty good one. So much better than Russell Tovey's.

But at a certain point, we're gonna have to get over this addiction to public stoning. It's getting downright bloodthirsty. ("Who can we throw rocks at today? Who said something stupid enough for public shaming?")

Wouldn't it be something if we could turn these Internet stonings into teaching and learning moments?

PalJoey Profile Photo
#12Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 9:04pm

Double post.

Updated On: 3/12/15 at 09:04 PM

DAME Profile Photo
#14Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 9:48pm

I understand what you are saying. But people need to stop getting away with stupid ****.


PalJoey Profile Photo
#15Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 10:24pm

Well, apparently, now that we have the Internet, no one will ever get away with stupid **** again.

Including you and me. So watch out. We're next.

DAME Profile Photo
#16Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/12/15 at 10:51pm

Oh I agree with you on that.


CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#17Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/13/15 at 10:12am

Wow, I think he absolutely did the right thing. He acknowledged and owned up to his mistake. Unfortunately he lost his job because of it but all he can really do at this point is learn the lesson and move forward.

I found much to relate to in his apology. I can see it from his perspective. Sometimes in trying to be funny we can get carried away. We're human. We make mistakes. It's part of life.

A public stoning isn't really necessary.

I actually feel bad for him now.

Updated On: 3/13/15 at 10:12 AM

#18Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/13/15 at 10:54am

^^ That's how PR works.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#19Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/13/15 at 11:08am

I feel you, PalJoey. I can't imagine if my stupid **** was made available for the world to see. At the same time, I think there's something severely wrong with the fact someone thinks it is okay to compare the first black first lady to an ape, especially given the fact that as a civilization, we used the idea that black people are animals in order to justify all the ways in which black people have been mistreated and subjugated historically. There is also this understanding of blackness as somehow "primitive" that is so fvcked up (and I know you know this, it just bears saying, I'm not trying to condescend or teach since I respect you immensely). But I do agree this could be turned into a teaching moment rather than into a public stoning, but I'm not exactly sure how to do that. As someone from Venezuela, I continue to be saddened by the deeply racist culture that is so inherent to the country.
I talked to my mom yesterday after reading this thread and she actually brought it up. She was very sad for Rodner, though I was pleasantly surprised that she understood what was wrong with the comment he made (about 10 years ago, I'd say she would have defended it).

Javero, my initials are definitely not L.H.P and I'm not from Barquisimeto Univision fires Rodner Figueroa... My initials are RGM and I'm from Caracas.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#20Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/13/15 at 11:31am

Part of me thinks it's not surprising that someone who said something so insulting about someone's appearance - even apart from the racial overtones of the comment, it's grossly insulting - would be fired.

Another part of me thinks how hypocritical we are given that John Simon and Joan Rivers made careers out of wielding these kinds of insults.

#21Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/13/15 at 11:35am

There were some people who spoke out against those two.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#22Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/13/15 at 11:51am

Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...

The picture of Rodner above has some striking similarities to this picture.

His comment was unprofessional and unfortunately was poor judgement to let it slip.

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#23Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/13/15 at 11:53am

^ ^ ^ Oh Lawd...I almost pee'd my pants!!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#24Univision fires Rodner Figueroa...
Posted: 3/13/15 at 12:00pm

Wasn't that what the piece of wood who plays the Latino on Looking mumbled to Jonathan Groff many times in season 1?

Hey! I saw that piece of wood in Death and the Maiden with Sandra Oh. His performance was very...consistent.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
