Posted: 1/19/20 at 12:46pm

Updated On: 11/8/20 at 12:46 PM

#3As unconstitutional, Pelosi’s articles of impeachment must be dismissed for the protection of all Americans.
Posted: 1/19/20 at 1:31pm

The House inquiry into impeachment was not a trial. Due process as you have spelled it out did not apply. In fact, the House acted in strict accordance with everything the Constitution spelled out as the process to be followed. The Senate is in fact where the actual trial takes place and the Senate Leader is refusing to allow any witnesses to be called by anyone. The President throughout this process has refused to acknowledge the Congress as a co-equal branch of government or comply with its requests for information and blocked key witnesses with first hand knowledge from testifying. And educate yourself about the laws regarding whistleblower protections before you embarrass yourself further. Everything alleged by the whistleblower has been corroborated numerous times. This president has trampled the Constitution with repeated violations of the emoluments clause and numerous conflicts of interests and defied anyone to do something about it. More than anything else, instead of protecting the sanctity of our free elections, he has invited in foreign powers to disrupt them hoping to gain a benefit.

I continue to not believe your stories about being a veteran and your using the suffering of veterans to validate your misinformation and lies is disgusting and not something a real veteran with an ounce of integrity would ever do. .Your spreading right wing lies and misinformation has shown you to be even more of a clown than your past posts on your laughable literary efforts. All you need now is to finish applying the white powder and put the rubber nose in place, clown.

Updated On: 1/19/20 at 01:31 PM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#5As unconstitutional, Pelosi’s articles of impeachment must be dismissed for the protection of all Americans.
Posted: 1/19/20 at 3:09pm

chicagodannyd said: "we have veterans so badly wounded, they must live at our VA hospitals. As a veteran who was employed in one of the largest VA hospitals in the USA, I will recall one:
In the 80s I saw him many times at Hines VA hospital. He had no body from the lower waist down. To get around in the VA, he laid on his stomach on a gurney and pushed against the floor with two canes.
Another soldier, I will always remember, died in Nam, took a bullet right to the head and blew a 5 inch clean hole clean right through his face. These are just two real accounts of American soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for all Americans.


Going to file your latest fabrications in my "NEVER HAPPENED" folder.    Have you no shame?

Non sibi sed patriae
Updated On: 1/19/20 at 03:09 PM

Huss417 Profile Photo
#6As unconstitutional, Pelosi’s articles of impeachment must be dismissed for the protection of all Americans.
Posted: 1/19/20 at 5:39pm

I didn't realize Bill Maher and Nancy Pelosi are on the chat boards here.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

A Director
#7As unconstitutional, Pelosi’s articles of impeachment must be dismissed for the protection of all Americans.
Posted: 1/20/20 at 3:42am

chicagodannyd said: "This article is written for Bill Maher and Nancy Pelosi.
The constitution, the 14th and 5th amendments specifically state Americans guaranteed judicial rights. They are called Due Process.

The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses
The right to know the opposing evidence (disclosure)
The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses
The right to a decision based solely on the evidence and testimony presented

The following article explains those rights:

That is reason number 1.
Reason number 2.:

Every soldier in our defense forces takes the following oath:

“I, (name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. (So help me God)." Adopted in 1789
In defending that oath, approximately 1.6 million soldiers died in defense of the constitution in our history: 420,000 in WWII, 116,000 in WWI, 58,000 in Viet Nam, and millions more injured. Today our Veterans hospitals are literally overloaded with hundreds of thousands of veterans getting treatment for their war injuries. In fact, we have veterans so badly wounded, they must live at our VA hospitals. As a veteran who was employed in one of the largest VA hospitals in the USA, I will recall one:
In the 80s I saw him many times at Hines VA hospital. He had no body from the lower waist down. To get around in the VA, he laid on his stomach on a gurney and pushed against the floor with two canes.
Another soldier, I will always remember, died in Nam, took a bullet right to the head and blew a 5 inch clean hole clean right through his face. These are just two real accounts of American soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for all Americans, for Pelosi, for Bill Maher, for Schiff, for you and me.

For the above reasons, I find it unconscionable for any politician to dishonor and disrespect the sacrifice of our brave soldiers, and the constitution as the House of Representatives just did. I don’t give a flying leap who the President is. You don’t dishonor our American soldiers because you hate the President of the USA. You respect the constitution and comply with it as all patriotic Americans must if we are to have one civilized country.

You must be an Oath Keeper! FU!

Gorlois Profile Photo
#8As unconstitutional, Pelosi’s articles of impeachment must be dismissed for the protection of all Americans.
Posted: 1/20/20 at 8:11am

Did you know any POW’s? I hear the President doesn’t like them very much.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#9As unconstitutional, Pelosi’s articles of impeachment must be dismissed for the protection of all Americans.
Posted: 1/20/20 at 9:59am

For chicagodannyd:

I realize you're busy as a little right-wing bee selecting your camouflage for the Richmond Gun Rights Rally (HOO-RAH !!), but I do hope you'll take just a few minutes to watch this video starring your BFF,  President  "Draft Dodger" Trump.




Non sibi sed patriae

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#10As unconstitutional, Pelosi’s articles of impeachment must be dismissed for the protection of all Americans.
Posted: 1/20/20 at 10:17am

chicagodannyd said: "This article is written for Bill Maher and Nancy Pelosi.
The constitution, the 14th and 5th amendments specifically state Americans guaranteed judicial rights. They are called Due Process.

The right to present evidence, including the right to call witnesses
The right to know the opposing evidence (disclosure)
The right to cross-examine adverse witnesses
The right to a decision based solely on the evidence and testimony presented

The following article explains those rights:

That is reason number 1.
Reason number 2.:

Every soldier in our defense forces takes the following oath:

“I, (name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. (So help me God)." Adopted in 1789
In defending that oath, approximately 1.6 million soldiers died in defense of the constitution in our history: 420,000 in WWII, 116,000 in WWI, 58,000 in Viet Nam, and millions more injured. Today our Veterans hospitals are literally overloaded with hundreds of thousands of veterans getting treatment for their war injuries. In fact, we have veterans so badly wounded, they must live at our VA hospitals. As a veteran who was employed in one of the largest VA hospitals in the USA, I will recall one:
In the 80s I saw him many times at Hines VA hospital. He had no body from the lower waist down. To get around in the VA, he laid on his stomach on a gurney and pushed against the floor with two canes.
Another soldier, I will always remember, died in Nam, took a bullet right to the head and blew a 5 inch clean hole clean right through his face. These are just two real accounts of American soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for all Americans, for Pelosi, for Bill Maher, for Schiff, for you and me.

For the above reasons, I find it unconscionable for any politician to dishonor and disrespect the sacrifice of our brave soldiers, and the constitution as the House of Representatives just did. I don’t give a flying leap who the President is. You don’t dishonor our American soldiers because you hate the President of the USA. You respect the constitution and comply with it as all patriotic Americans must if we are to have one civilized country.

So...what's your favorite musical?

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#12As unconstitutional, Pelosi’s articles of impeachment must be dismissed for the protection of all Americans.
Posted: 1/21/20 at 3:16pm

The constitution, the 14th and 5th amendments specifically state Americans guaranteed judicial rights.  They are called Due Process.

That applies to trials.  The impeachment trial hasn't started yet.

I find it unconscionable for any politician to dishonor and disrespect the sacrifice of our brave soldiers

Look no further than your President.

The Trump team has done an excellent job at making their followers look like the dumbest beings on the planet.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
