
A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward

A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#1A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/5/17 at 12:58pm

Hi all! Over the past few days, I've been grappling with how to post something like this without coming off as highfalutin...but I continue to feel the need to express these personal thoughts and hopes going forward.

We are all on here because we love Broadway. That's the bottom line, and the theatre is such a wonderful, beautiful thing to be able to share with others. It has been one of my greatest pleasures to be able to talk about theatre with others on here, whether by sharing industry scoops, writing personal reviews of shows, or even griping about bad experiences as an audience member. All of that and more is what keeps me coming back on here, and always will. I'm grateful to know many of you, even through usernames and avatars!

However, we are, of course, living during tumultuous, crazy times, and most of us on here feel quite passionately about our political opinions and worldviews. As such, the need for healthy discourse and open discussion—without fear of being ostracized for expressing your views—has never been greater.

I would like to take this opportunity, then, to openly and honestly apologize for some of my posts in the past which have unnecessarily incited or annoyed people. I'll say firsthand that some of my single GIF posts, for example, while perhaps personally humorous in the moment, ultimately don't contribute to a open, engaging conversation, and I realize that in retrospect. I plan to remedy this going forward. However, I cannot apologize for my posts which express my admittedly conservative political stances. I feel quite passionately about my principles, and truthfully, on a discussion board that runs deep blue, I feel that I have the capacity to sometimes contribute a unique thought or perspective to some conversations (though maybe that's just me). Nevertheless, from this thread going forward, I am making a personal pledge on these boards to cease my single-GIF, perhaps provocative posts—though I do remain committed to offering my opinions and expressing my voice, and like it or not, that includes my conservative worldviews. 

Given this personal acknowledgment, I would like to call on my fellow BWW users to consider taking a moment to think about what and how you post on here. Writing about your strong dislike for a particular policy from today's administration is, of course, completely justifiable. Writing generally that somebody is a "moron," an "idiot," a whatever, for the simply sake of name-calling...maybe not useful. Writing to specifically disagree with the content of another poster's thoughts is justifiable. Penning a thread driven specifically toward another individual, or calling another user a "self-loathing homosexual" who needs to "shut the F*** up" (in all caps, no less)...again, maybe not.

This call to others serves neither to police speech nor to tell others what they should or shouldn't be writing. That's, of course, a personal decision—and I maintain that free speech, even speech which we detest, is foundational to our society. However, I did want to make public my personal pledge and see if we could try just a bit harder to be a civil, mutually respectful board going forward. There are so many interesting people on here with interesting thoughts to share—there's no reason for our conversations to be diluted by rudeness and insults, or for anybody to feel they shouldn't speak up for fear of insults, bullying, and/or name-calling. 

Thank you very much if you've taken the time to read through my thoughts, and I hope those whom regularly see me as a cancer on here will afford me the opportunity to grow and develop the way I think and write on here. I remain confident that we are all more similar than different, and I think we can work to share these boards in a way that fosters kindness and tolerance, rather than provokes antagonism and animosity. 

Hoping everybody has a wonderful SuperBowl Sunday and end to the weekend A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward 

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#2A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/5/17 at 1:59pm

Well said and it would be nice to see people be civil while disagreeing with each other especially on a political subject. That being said, I will be pleasantly surprised if anything changes. When you are posting on a chat board nobody knows who you are so it is easier for people to be rude and insulting. I will be really interested to read the replies you get from this post.

BroadwayRox3588 Profile Photo
#3A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/5/17 at 3:21pm

I hope you get a more polite response than I did, when I posted something similar.

hork Profile Photo
#4A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/5/17 at 5:19pm

Well said, indeed, and it makes me see you in a new light. The negativity and nastiness on here does get out of hand, and, like yankeefan said, I don't expect that to change, but it's nice to see that some people are capable of growth.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#5A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/5/17 at 6:24pm

OK going forward.


Proof of the pudding and all that.

Will revisit this thread is say 3 weeks and see whats going on.

MichelleCraig Profile Photo
#6A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/5/17 at 6:48pm

Thanks. That was a well thought out post. On the main board, I've always loved your insight, but here...Off-Topic...I'm not always a fan...though I like reading your posts. 

Last night I took an Uber ride home and my driver was here from the Ukraine; 15 years in this country. He couldn't believe the way this country has become so polarized...and said his friends and family "back home" had a hard time believing it as well.

i hope we all get it together.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#7A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/5/17 at 10:56pm


That's rich coming from you, since you and your alter-ego SueStorm are responsible for most of the ill feeling around here.


sabrelady Profile Photo
#8A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/5/17 at 11:27pm

While i do believe PJ  

The race is not always to the strong  

Nor victory to the swift,

That's the way to bet.

Still, longshots DO come in so...

Watch Wait & see.


SweetLips Profile Photo
#9A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/6/17 at 12:31am

I can't respond to any of your[everybody's] political discussions as I am totally ignorant of most countries politics, even my own.

I am continually in awe of the knowledge and passion so many have on here no matter what team they bat for.

Discuss.criticise, argue, banter but dissolving into the gutter to try to 'win' and argument becomes a little childish.

Broadway you sure know how to ruffle a few boas, which is in itself colourful but has done nothing to draw but a handful of followers on this board.

Your mature and thoughtful letter deserves mature responses so hopefully that happens and everyone moves forward and enjoys more intelligent debates.

#10A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/6/17 at 2:44am

Since Ms. Murin did her thing last year, it has made people come back who had been harassed, bullied, verbally abused, accused of being other people, and just generally terrorized by people who were given free reign to do so.  Most of those people have thankfully left.  Which means they no longer write death threats and abusive messages, not to mention non stop harassment on public boards.  It was a positive thing.  I hope BW keeps on that, and suspends users who add absolutely nothing to these boards except negativity, bullying, and harassment.  

Be civil. Be respectful.  I mean, Trump is our leader, the world makes no sense anymore, we might as well support one another.  

Updated On: 2/6/17 at 02:44 AM

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#11A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/6/17 at 7:40am

Aw. You need a safe space, buddy?


Petralicious Profile Photo
#12A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/6/17 at 7:43am

Well said BC. A beautiful Manifesto. It took lot of courage to write this here and It is very heartwarming to see all the support for your be kind words.

If Chief Justices Ginsburg and Scalia can be kind and friendly and not personally attack each orher and everyone while disagreeing on most things, so can we!  God Bless.

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/6/17 at 07:43 AM

newintown Profile Photo
#13A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/6/17 at 8:18am

There's a rather large difference, I think, between being civil and collaborating with a fascist wannabe. I'd prefer to not do the latter.

Added: I would also prefer to not be civil to any supporter of Mugabe, Amin, Stalin, Mussolini, the Duvaliers, the Ceausescus, Gaddafi, Kim Jong Il or Un, Pétain, or Hitler (among others).

Updated On: 2/6/17 at 08:18 AM

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#14A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/6/17 at 9:25am

"That's rich coming from you, since you and your alter-ego SueStorm are responsible for most of the ill feeling around here."


Excuse me but you have had your share of ill will and telling people they can suck your private part. How about giving him a chance and if he does not practice what he preaches than you can give him a hard time.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#15A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/6/17 at 11:12pm

Thank you very much, yankeefan7, BroadwayRox, hork, MichelleCraig, SweetLips, Margo, and Petra for your thoughtful and kind responses A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward

PalJoey, I wish you might actually read what I wrote. My post was a plea to curtail the negativity associated with responses such as yours. I recognize that our political opposition exists (on nearly all fronts, at that), but you have certainly posted some outright cruel things in the past yourself. I'm simply calling for civility and good will.

mysteriousgrowl, ha! I truthfully can't tell how tongue-in-cheek that post is, but I do believe that today's safe space/"snowflake" culture is quite detrimental to our lifeblood. This thread wasn't a call for a "safer space" on here, though—just a call for more kindness and respect A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward

newintown, while I recognize that your attitudes toward the President will probably never change, I'd like to ask you to consider how conversation-suppressing a phrase like "collaborating with a fascist wannabe" is. I know many, many Trump supporters stand by the man not because they're white supremacists or homophobes or hoping for a Nazi takeover—but because they truly believe he is the solution to a number of the country's problems. Of course, I respect that you probably wholeheartedly disagree with these people, but it's perhaps more productive to do so on a point-by-point basis than with sweeping claims. 

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#16A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/7/17 at 7:34am


"This thread wasn't a call for a "safer space" on here, though—just a call for more kindness and respect."

That's literally what a safe space is.

Or you could have responded to your own thread: "This is truly a perfect example of policing of another person's right to free speech. Unhelpful, counterproductive, not to mention unconstitutional...and downright rude."

And, sure, you could call my post tongue-in-cheek. I'd call it extremely, extremely sarcastic.


dramamama611 Profile Photo
#17A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/7/17 at 7:45am

BroadwayConcierge said: "Thank you very much, yankeefan7, BroadwayRox, hork, MichelleCraig, SweetLips, Margo, and Petra for your thoughtful and kind responses A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward

PalJoey, I wish you might actually read what I wrote. My post was a plea to curtail the negativity associated with responses such as yours. I recognize that our political opposition exists (on nearly all fronts, at that), but you have certainly posted some outright cruel things in the past yourself. I'm simply calling for civility and good will.

mysteriousgrowl, ha! I truthfully can't tell how tongue-in-cheek that post is, but I do believe that today's safe space/"snowflake" culture is quite detrimental to our lifeblood. This thread wasn't a call for a "safer space" on here, though—just a call for more kindness and respect A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward

newintown, while I recognize that your attitudes toward the President will probably never change, I'd like to ask you to consider how conversation-suppressing a phrase like "collaborating with a fascist wannabe" is. I know many, many Trump supporters stand by the man not because they're white supremacists or homophobes or hoping for a Nazi takeover—but because they truly believe he is the solution to a number of the country's problems. Of course, I respect that you probably wholeheartedly disagree with these people, but it's perhaps more productive to do so on a point-by-point basis than with sweeping claims. 



And our biggest problem is intolerance and hate.   He's not going to address that, at all.  He won't even admit it exists.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

newintown Profile Photo
#18A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/7/17 at 8:22am

"I know many, many Trump supporters stand by the man not because they're white supremacists or homophobes or hoping for a Nazi takeover—but because they truly believe he is the solution to a number of the country's problems."

That's what every supporter of every fascist dictator in history has said. You really need to examine your morals more deeply. From where I stand, you have serious issues determining right from wrong.

Updated On: 2/7/17 at 08:22 AM

tazber Profile Photo
#19A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/7/17 at 12:14pm

It's a public board.


You'll never have all positive and civil posts.


And even if you did, some people would still take comments the wrong way and be offended by them.


If you want that go to FB where you can curate your own page.


Otherwise learn to take the bad with the good and move on.

....but the world goes 'round

madbrian Profile Photo
#20A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/7/17 at 12:38pm

tazber said: "It's a public board.

You'll never have all positive and civil posts.

And even if you did, some people would still take comments the wrong way and be offended by them.

If you want that go to FB where you can curate your own page.

Otherwise learn to take the bad with the good and move on.


"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#21A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/7/17 at 12:39pm

I think some of us feel that supporting Donald Trump is inherently uncivil and disrespectful. Put another way, any honest evaluation we can provide of Donald Trump and his movement is bound to be offensive to members of that movement.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#22A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/7/17 at 12:40pm

PalJoey said: " That's rich coming from you, since you and your alter-ego SueStorm are responsible for most of the ill feeling around here.



"Thats rich coming from you PJ, you who create other accounts like Bernie Baby, the "Licious" accounts and more just to follow and harass others for no other reason that they challenged you that Mrs Clinton would be our next President and the Republican Party was about to be Apocalypsized.  

But in the spirit of this call,  all is forgiven Cest la vie


When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/7/17 at 12:40 PM

newintown Profile Photo
#23A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/7/17 at 12:45pm

As Lillian Hellman famously wrote during an earlier period of American fascism, "I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year’s fashions."

PalJoey Profile Photo
#24A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/10/17 at 1:05pm


Thats rich coming from you PJ, you who create other accounts like Bernie Baby, the "Licious" accounts and more


That is slander and libel, those are, to quote Paul Simon, "words you never hear in the Bible."

You know perfectly well I didn't create those accounts, yet you persist in telling lies about me.

If you REALLY want to stand up for civility, if you REALLY want to "bury the hatchet," how about this: Start by admitting all the lies you have told.

You KNOW perfectly well who BernieBaby and the "licious" posters are, yet you persist in saying they are me.






#25A Call for Civility and Respect, Going Forward
Posted: 2/10/17 at 1:52pm

Yes Petra Who is?

Mother to Petra and Anezka. Am evil like Petra
