
Racist Cartoon goes Viral on Eve of Republican National Convention- Page 3

Racist Cartoon goes Viral on Eve of Republican National Convention

Wynbish Profile Photo
#50Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/27/12 at 4:29pm

^ Kennedy! LBJ! Both democrats!

romantico Profile Photo
#51Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/27/12 at 4:32pm

Keepin' it real but you have NO EXCUSES for the examples I provided. As a matter of fact, you are silent as the other coward Republicans who would not even denounce it. Actually, I take that back. The woman who sent the watermelon patch in the White House email out actually got criticized by another fellow Republican. Kudos for that ONE republican who had balls to do the right thing.

Oh, and I to am 'keeping it real'

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 8/27/12 at 04:32 PM

#52Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/27/12 at 9:33pm

"Keepin' it real but you have NO EXCUSES for the examples I provided."

I did not even look at the examples you provided. I barely read your posts. I just saw that you spoke of having lots of examples of Republicans and their racism. Yet, history proves that the Democratic Party has a much longer and much more offensive tradition of racism. I mean, placing American citizens into concentration camps for no other reason but their RACE?? And WHO did that? Not just ANY Democratic President. No, it is the president that the Democrats praise as one of their great accomplishments.
And yet, he arrested people and incarcerated them for one reason and on reason only; their RACE.
So, Democrats have a LONG and HEALTHY history or racism.
You can't win the debate just by DISAGREEING with me.



romantico Profile Photo
#53Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/27/12 at 9:43pm

If you barely read my post HTF can you comment on what I say? I think you post crap and lies but at least if I am gonna address you I feel I should at least read the crap you spew. You really are a troll, aren't you?

You can not deny the examples of racism the GOP has against Obama and YOU KNOW IT, Which is why you can't answer any of the questions. You know your party is GUILTY!

Why don't you prove me wrong? Why BECAUSE YOU CAN NOT. Mikey, I do not deny Democrats have had a shady past when it comes to racism. You are right,I make no excuses. However, you have to go waaaaaaaaaaay back to prove your point. I'm going back months and weeks and days to prove mine.

The GOP HATE OUR BLACK PRESIDENT. You trying to deny this makes you like even more foolish than you already are,so I don;t have to prove squat to you. I'll say your observation RE: Democrats and rasicm has some truth in it, but you are misleading BIG TIME. The Democrats have made things right,unlike the Republicans

Now, I DARE you to tell me the Watermelon Patch in the White House and The Obama witch Doctor and the entire Birtherism moviment is not racism by the GOP. Go ahead and try (but you will fail my little hairy troll!)

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#54Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/28/12 at 12:08am

He won't respond.
Republicans in general tend to be cowards.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#55Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/28/12 at 2:22am

baby thread jack:

I am pretty sure this baby will be a Cylon. Okay, no... I am just currently obsessing over Battlestar Galactica.

We don't know yet. She's 13 weeks today. We're having an ultrasound tomorrow where they MIGHT be able to tell us if we're having a boy. If it looks like a girl at this point, there's still a chance it's a boy, so we are going to have to wait about 5 more weeks before we know for certain. There hasn't been a girl in either family since my wife was born. We have three nephews on my wife's side and my grandmother has one great-grandson. For some reason we all feel like it's a girl. My brother died very unexpectedly three weeks ago and focusing on the baby was about all that kept my mom sane. She bought LOTS of pink things, so if it is a boy, we'll have a lot of things in storage.

Okay carry on your talk of politics and racism while I continue to populate the world with little liberal socialists.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

romantico Profile Photo
#56Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/28/12 at 2:42am

Hey,you can baby jack this thread anytime as far as I am concerned. Sorry to hear about your brother.We want your daughter/son to come into a better world. Please be sure to check back in 5 weeks and let us know what you are having.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

#57Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/28/12 at 9:29pm

Rantico wrote: "I do not deny Democrats have had a shady past when it comes to racism."

That's all I was looking for!!
It's tough to be right all the time, but I am pretty good at it.

romantico Profile Photo
#58Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/28/12 at 9:46pm

When I'm wrong I am man enough to admit it,unlike you.Point is, no one is arguing or disputing that Mikey.It's like you only recognize liberal faults and you ignore all the racists BS your party says. You are more concerned about ALWAYS BEING RIGHT.To you, THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS. A REAL teacher would see and understand this,which is why no one here believes for a second a person as stupid and arrogant as you can possibly be a teacher of any kind.Thing is, you are always wrong when you post your idiotic cut and paste posts.

So go ahead and pat yourself on the back and cry victory. You and your party do not live or deal in reality. EVERYONE here knows you are a liar,a coward,an idiot, and a troll.

So,since I gave you what you are looking for care to actually address any of the hateful racist examples I provided from the Republican party?

The GOP HATES BLACK PEOPLE and you are a proud member of that hateful party. We all know you hate gay people.You've more or less said so Mikey. You don't feel we should get married but you are totally cool with civil unions for 'the gays'.

FACT IS MIKEY, you can not argue or deny the examples I gave above which is why you run away like a coward and change the subject every time.In order to divert attention away from a racist cartoon and your racist party you had to bring up the Democrats and their history which goes back to the Civil war. You had to go back that far to find an example. You are a coward who is not man enough to admit your party has a nasty ugly racist history with Barack Obama. You can not admit it.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 8/28/12 at 09:46 PM

#59Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/29/12 at 4:28pm

"FACT IS MIKEY, you can not argue or deny the examples I gave above which is why you run away like a coward and change the subject every time"

LOL!! Sometimes it is worth reading your posts just for the HUMOR!
FACT IS, I never looked at any of your "examples", though I am sure they are as asinine as all the other laughable crap you post. But anyone out there wanting to call the Republican Party RACIST better take a REAL hard look at the HISTORY of the Democratic Party, which involves slavery, segregation, KKK affiliation, incarceration due to race, right up to the soft racism of low expectations ("VOTER ID!! HOW the HELL are BLACK PEOPLE supposed to get a VOTER ID??"). And they better take a REAL close look in the mirror.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#60Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/29/12 at 4:42pm

Yup it's a fact the country as a whole has a shameful history of racism. But there's only one party running an openly racist campaign while passing modern day Jim Crow laws. The GOP.
Today's racist remark brought to you by the GOP.

romantico Profile Photo
#61Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/29/12 at 4:51pm

Mikey,You won't look at them because you know you will have to answer for them. We all know you've clicked and you are LYING when you say you have not.

There you go again, changing the subject.We've established the Democrats have a history with racism. Remember you said to me that was all you wanted to hear. NO ONE IS DISPUTING THAT SHERLOCK! You keep going back to the Democrats because you are to big of a pu*sy to admit your party has more of a history with racism than the Democrats.

Since you won't click on the links, I'll post some pics of the examples. First there is this.Mayor Dean Grose of Los Alamitos California sent this email out titled 'No Easter egg hunt this year.'Mikey, I assume you think this is funny and not racist.

Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!

Then there is this. Orange County Republican Committee member Marilyn Davenport distributed this email that features President Obama as the child of a family of chimpanzees

Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!

Then there is this.A Tea Party rally that shows Obama as a witch Doctor.

Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!

SO Mikey, Democrats have a history of racism but it has cleaned up it's act and done so much since the examples you provided. The GOP HATES BLACK PEOPLE! That is a FACT. ZERO Percent plan on voting for ROmney. That has never happened before.Go on and continue thinking there is no problem. You like to live in your own fantasy world and make up your own facts and versions of history(which further proves the lie that you are a school teacher)

Ohio Republican Admits Party Trying To Disenfranchise Blacks


REPUBLICANS DO NOT WANT BLACK PEOPLE TO VOTE THIS ELECTION! Those are the FACTS MIKEY! Too bad you don't like them. In your twisted little world I wonder if McCain won the election. I would not put it past such a moron like you.

Sorry if the facts don't fit in your insane little fantasy world Mikey but there it is. You Lie about being a teacher and you can not even engage in simple junior high debate 101. A lying racist troll you are.

You are not even man enough to admit your party has just as shady of a history when it comes to African Americans (if not more) than the Democrats.You are a coward who feels admitting it is a sign of weakness. What a pathetic hollow person you must be. Typical Republican. Always lying,even when proven wrong. Ignore your lying eyes.LOL!

Keep bumping this thread Troll and I'll throw you some scraps! (LOL)

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 8/29/12 at 04:51 PM

#62Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/31/12 at 5:28pm

More examples of Republican RACISM!!! Of course, you have to have your DECODER RING!!!

Angry. On the campaign trail this summer, President Obama has become — in the words of the mainstream Associated Press — more “aggressive.” But don’t you dare call him “angry.” According to MSNBC host Toure, that’s racist!
“You notice he said ‘anger’ twice,” Toure fumed in response to a speech last week by GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. “He’s really trying to use racial coding and access some really deep stereotypes about the angry black man.”

Chicago. The Obamas and their core team of astroturfers, pay-for-play schemers and powerbrokers hail from the Windy City. This is a simple geographic fact. But in progressive of pallor Chris Matthews’ world, it’s an insidious dog whistle. The frothing cable TV host attacked Republicans this week who have the gall to remind voters of the ruthless Chicago way.
“(T)hey keep saying Chicago, by the way. Have you noticed?” Matthews sputtered. “That sends that message: This guy’s helping the poor people in the bad neighborhoods and screwing us in the ‘burbs.”

Constitution. Fox News contributor Juan Williams, who proudly calls himself a “real reporter,” has apparently added real telepathist to his curriculum vitae. Earlier this year, he read the minds of Republicans and conservatives whom he accuses of deep-seated bigotry when they show any public reverence for our founding principles, documents and leaders.
“The language of GOP racial politics is heavy on euphemisms that allow the speaker to deny any responsibility for the racial content of his message,” Williams wrote. “References to a lack of respect for the ‘Founding Fathers’ and the ‘Constitution’ also make certain ears perk up by demonizing anyone supposedly threatening core ‘old-fashioned American values.’”
So, if you ever find yourself wanting to hum the “Schoolhouse Rock” version of the Preamble, heed these three words: Stop the hate!

Food Stamp President. At the dawn of the modern federal food stamp program, one in 50 Americans was enrolled. This year, one in seven Americans is on the food stamp rolls. The majority of them are white. Obama’s loosening of eligibility requirements combined with the stagnant economy fueled the rise in dependency. “Food stamp president” is pithy shorthand for the very real entitlement explosion.
Democrats fumed when former GOP candidate Newt Gingrich bestowed the title on Obama and decried its purportedly racist implications. But who are the racists? As Gingrich scolded the aforementioned race troll Chris Matthews last week: “Why do you assume food stamp refers to blacks? What kind of racist thinking do you have? You’re being a racist because you assume they’re black!” Time to find a new code word.

Golf. This one’s a gobsmacker. Beltway barnacle Lawrence O’Donnell appeared on cable TV to decry Republicans who mention Obama’s frequent golf outings. He singled out Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s convention speech Wednesday night, which joked that Obama “was working to earn a spot on the PGA tour.” The warped racial radar of pasty Lawrence O interpreted this golf joke as “Obama equals Tiger Woods equals RACISM.”
Huh? “These people reach for every single possible racial double entendre they can find in every one of these speeches.” O’Donnell expertly explained. “Things are getting lower and lower by the day,” host Martin Bashir agreed.
I’d say this is all Greek to me. But that’s probably racist, too.

Holding down the fort. Obama’s State Department diversity officer now advises us, based on admittedly dubious history, that “holding down the fort” is an anti-Native American idiom that has no place in U.S. discourse. Example: “I know you guys have been holding down the fort.” Oops, that was Obama at a Tampa rally in 2008. Next…

Kitchen cabinet. Radio talk-show host Mark Thompson jumped on Romney for using this phrase — coined to describe Andrew Jackson’s administration in the 1800s — at the NAACP convention in July. Romney was referring to a close member of his staff during his tenure as Massachusetts governor.
“To talk about being in the kitchen and not talk about an African-American actually being in your cabinet is really not a good metaphor to use with African-Americans,” Thompson blasted. Is it racist to ask: Huh?

Obamacare. Left-wing Daily Beast columnist Michael Tomasky accused Romney of “race-baiting” by wielding the term “Obamacare.” The Beltway shorthand for this behemoth federal spending program exposes Romney as a “spineless, disingenuous, supercilious, race-mongering pyromaniac” because it is a “heavily loaded word,” Tomasky railed.
How then to explain the use of the Bull Connor-channeling epithet by none other than the Obama campaign, which peddles “I like Obamacare” T-shirts on its website? Logic is racist.
–Privileged. Stay with me here. Washington Post writer Jonathan Capehart has a problem with Texas GOP Gov. Rick Perry calling Obama “privileged.” Spotlighting his elite education is tantamount to racial bigotry because it insinuates that “he took the place of someone else through affirmative action, that someone else being someone white.”
And here I thought it was a simple description of an out-of-touch academic whose crony Chicago ties of all colors gifted him with access, money and power that the vast majority of Americans don’t have.
–Professor. Several progressive black intellectuals excoriated 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin for this statement: “They know we’re at war, and to win that war we need a commander in chief, not a professor of law standing at the lectern.”
“Professor,” professor Charles Ogletree said, was code for “uppity.” This translation service is available only to credentialed Ivy League eggheads. A saner criticism would be that Obama was never a professor of law, but an untenured lecturer. Racist? Tell that to Hillary Clinton, whose 2008 campaign made that very point.
–You people. Asked last month whether her husband would release more tax returns, Ann Romney told a pack of reporters: “We’ve given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how, you know, how we live our life.”
A chorus of faux-ragers from the Huffington Post to NBC’s Andrea Mitchell hammered Mrs. Romney for her double-whammy sandwich of elitism and racism. Apparently, “you people” is the verbal equivalent of putting black people back in chains. One little, teeny-tiny problem: ABC News admitted: “Our ruling after reviewing the original audio is that she did not include the ‘you.’”

Kad Profile Photo
#63Hey Troll, you won't win this argument! GOP HATES Black People!
Posted: 8/31/12 at 5:32pm

too stupid, didn't read.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

romantico Profile Photo
#64Mikey Can't Admit when He is Wrong + He supports Racism!
Posted: 8/31/12 at 5:39pm

Neither did I. Too many messed up question marks due to his lazy ass just cutting and pasting. I did actual fact finding, he resorts to cut and paste jobs.

He knows he is wrong and is too chicken to admit it.As long as he does as he is told and keeps bumping this thread to show how STUPID he is then I am satisfied.

He says NOTHING about the pics I posted. Instead he post something that in his lying little mind somehow proves he is right and everyone else is wrong. This moron actually thinks people think he is a school teacher. Didn't he also claim to have kids? LOL! Yeah, right!I feel embarrassed for him in a way.

Also, anyone notice he gives NO LINKS. Guess he thinks like Mitt. We just have to take his word for it. Racist lying troll. LOL!

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-
Updated On: 8/31/12 at 05:39 PM
