I am Gay

SweetLips22 Profile Photo
#1I am Gay
Posted: 8/10/19 at 12:10am

Generally, when a person shares that he is homosexual, the typical words used are, 'I am gay'.

I know the word 'gay' has been used in songs, a show title back in the 20s 30s, so when, how and why did the word become associated and to identify with homosexuality ?

An early advert for constipation was 'happy and gay the laxette way'.

When coming out to whoever, the single syllable 'gay' is quicker and easier to say, rather than 'I am a homosexual' so has anyone used another word or know of another--besides queer/poof?

ALSO---Can someone suggest another word instead of 'partner'. I loathe the word and I can't remember how an introduction went before that word came in vogue.

A couple needs a word on introduction to immediately establish their relationship. It goes from friend to boy/girl friend to partner or husband/wife.

I suppose we all need some sort of identification in a relationship  but 'partner'? It sounds just so unromantic.

I am sure that the French have the perfect word for it even if it translates the same.


sabrelady Profile Photo
#2I am Gay
Posted: 8/10/19 at 12:29am

Well, there is always sodomite.

"Hi there, I'm a sodomite. Are you?"

I've always liked Proust's use of the word "invert".

"Hello, I'm an invert. Do you like inversion?

My fav tho was "temperamental". 

Open to so MANY mis interpretations.surprise

"I hear he's temperamental?  No, he only likes women"

Instead of partner ( I disliked it also, too business like) I used "spouse" or "spousal equivalent " . To be fair I used spousal equivalent  for anybody who was living together "w/out benefit of clergy".

The French term for living together w/out clergy esp if there are children ( I LOVE this) is concubinage.

TheGingerBreadMan Profile Photo
#3I am Gay
Posted: 8/10/19 at 1:27am

I also am not a fan of “partner” - I just call my boyfriend what he is - my boyfriend. When the time comes (if it comes), I’ll call him my husband. No need for partner.

#4I am Gay
Posted: 8/10/19 at 2:02am

"Partner" likely stems from the fact that it's only in very recent history that such a thing as same sex spouses (husband and husband or wife and wife) became a legal thing.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#5I am Gay
Posted: 8/10/19 at 8:31am

This^. And in recent years, I've taken it to mean, we're serious, committed, but not married - for whatever reason.

And, btw, Gay was often used as a name. My given middle name, actually. And ive certainly know a few women with it as a first name.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#6I am Gay
Posted: 8/10/19 at 9:53am

Partner doesn't really bother me.  Back in the day, we were introduced as "lovers".  Partner is a big step up, from that.

Huss417 Profile Photo
#7I am Gay
Posted: 8/10/19 at 12:12pm

I have always called my other half "partner" To me "boyfriend" sounds fine in your 20s but in my 50s and being with someone for a long time "partner" fits the bill for me. :)

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

DMsquared2 Profile Photo
#8I am Gay
Posted: 8/16/19 at 4:55pm

Lots of progressive straight couples are using partner as well, also Brits. 

SNAFU Profile Photo
#9I am Gay
Posted: 8/18/19 at 1:38pm

Signifigant Other comes to mind. No real gender roles attched to it in my mind.


Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#10I am Gay
Posted: 8/18/19 at 4:12pm

I will on occasion call myself "Gay," but I much prefer "Queer".

I have shared my life with one man since 1967 (here's the math:  52 years, more than half a century).  We have used a variety of terms to describe our relationship:  Shipmate; Friend; Best Friend; Boy Friend; Buddy; Room Mate; House Mate; Life Mate; Partner; Life Partner; Domestic Partner; Significant Other; Lover; Spouse; and many others lost in the fog of memory.

But perhaps most important and meaningful, and since Same-Sex Marriage became legal in the progressive State of California in 2008:     HUSBAND.

Updated On: 8/18/19 at 04:12 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#11I am Gay
Posted: 8/18/19 at 8:20pm

Back in the day we used the word "lover". Over the years partner just became the word we used.

I never identified myself as "queer", even back in the late 70's and 80's.None of my friends did. A lot of things associated with the word did not describe us. The words we used to identify ourselves and others were "family" or "gay". Mostly family.

Just give the world Love.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#12I am Gay
Posted: 8/26/19 at 9:44am

Well, there is always sodomite.

Technically, heteros can be sodomites as well.  It only became derogatory slang for gay because bigots didn't bother to understand it.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
