Pamela Roberts - Page 3

Pamela Roberts

Pam came to Washington for the politics but instead found a home in its cultural community. For more than 20 years, Pam worked behind the scenes in DC’s non-profit theatres as a grant writer and fundraiser. She has been writing for BroadwayWorld since 2014. Pam earned a graduate certificate in arts management from American University and is a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University and The George Washington University.

BWW Review: Bootleg Shakespeare HENRY VI, PART 3 at Taffety Punk is Theater Without a Net
BWW Review: Bootleg Shakespeare HENRY VI, PART 3 at Taffety Punk is Theater Without a Net
July 19, 2018

Taffety Punk Theatre Company's Bootleg Shakespeare production HENRY VI, PART 3 is performance without a net - exciting, dangerous, riveting, and raw. Bootleg Shakespeare isn't designed to be polished or perfect, it's designed to be fresh and immediate. And it delivered. What's more amazing? The actors arrived at 10:00 am Monday with roles assigned and lines memorized. That's it. Working together under the direction of Taffety Punk Artistic Director Marcus Kyd, over the next few hours the 32 actors DIY'ed the production and were on stage in front of an audience at 7:30 pm. There were minimal props, lights, and costumes-but the red and white paper lapel flowers told us exactly what we needed to know when every epic battle scene and every word of Shakespeare's text was performed.

BWW Review: Thought-Provoking, Site-Specific THE FREDERICK DOUGLASS PROJECT at Solas Nua
BWW Review: Thought-Provoking, Site-Specific THE FREDERICK DOUGLASS PROJECT at Solas Nua
May 14, 2018

THE FREDERICK DOUGLASS PROJECT is an innovative and ambitious world premiere musical commissioned by Solas Nua. The production blends two fresh and significant dramatic voices, each with a unique perspective on the same time and themes. Staged on a pier jutting into the Anacostia River, the production gains added resonance in the shadow of Douglass' historic home at Cedar Hill and the bridge that bears his name. The site-specific staging heightens the drama and creates a memorable theater experience.

BWW Review: Fun and Richly Stylized CABARET NOIR at Happenstance Theater
BWW Review: Fun and Richly Stylized CABARET NOIR at Happenstance Theater
April 4, 2018

"A film noir inspired theatrical montage"- the subtitle of Happenstance Theater's CABARET NOIR perfectly encapsulates the richly stylized and wonderfully varied experience. Scandals, pistols, foggy streets, soft shoe, sweet harmonies, and red herrings - this production vividly captures the mood and the moment of those dark, smoky movies. Devised and performed by the Helen Hayes Award-winning ensemble, CABARET NOIR highlights the artistic strengths of the company of six.

BWW Review: Poignant World Premiere Musical LIGHT YEARS at Signature Theatre
BWW Review: Poignant World Premiere Musical LIGHT YEARS at Signature Theatre
February 18, 2018

LIGHT YEARS, a world premiere musical at Signature Theatre, is a moving performance with a beautiful score and an introduction to touching and endearing characters. LIGHT YEARS is a deeply personal story of son and father attempting to understand each other. The relationship is firmly grounded in love and respect. Yet the two have profoundly different ideas about pursuing artistic passion versus creating a stable and consistent life. LIGHT YEARS is a production of great heart and promise that deserves to continue to evolve. It is exciting to be privy to new work in creation.

BWW Review: Skillful and Fun THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH at Constellation Theatre Company
BWW Review: Skillful and Fun THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH at Constellation Theatre Company
January 16, 2018

THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH at Constellation Theatre is a thought-provoking, skillfully-rendered reminder that chaos and uncertainty are not unique to our time or to any single time. In the sure directorial hands of Mary Hall Surface, Thornton Wilder's masterpiece is a wild time-traveling, allegorical tragicomedy, without the Pepperidge Farm and Hallmark overtones we've now come to associate with the OUR TOWN playwright.

BWW Review: Brave and Memorable SOLDIER POET at Theatre Prometheus
BWW Review: Brave and Memorable SOLDIER POET at Theatre Prometheus
December 16, 2017

Theatre Prometheus' world premiere, SOLDIER POET, is a compelling work, richly rendered. In an intimate theater space with fresh and compelling actors, a persuasive script, and inspired scenic design, SOLDIER POET aptly and successfully reminds us of our shared responsibilities and human connections.

BWW Review: TWELFTH NIGHT at Shakespeare Theatre Company
BWW Review: TWELFTH NIGHT at Shakespeare Theatre Company
November 23, 2017

The Shakespeare Theatre Company's TWELFTH NIGHT is a fresh look at a familiar story a bit darker with less over-the-top mirth. It is well worth revisiting Shakespeare's comedy for a new take on the familiar story.

BWW Review: THE ORIGINALIST Provokes at Arena Stage
BWW Review: THE ORIGINALIST Provokes at Arena Stage
July 14, 2017

THE ORIGINALIST at Arena Stage introduces Antonin Scalia as "the most polarizing figure in American civic life." When a liberal Harvard Law grad ("I fall in the flaming category") clerks for the justice, she encounters both maddening combatant and sage mentor.

BWW Review: Gripping and Beautiful HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME at Synetic Theater
BWW Review: Gripping and Beautiful HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME at Synetic Theater
May 17, 2017

Synetic Theater's 'beautifully disturbing' HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME is gripping storytelling at its best. The wordless production conveys the epic tale with movement, spectacle, connection, and artistry.

BWW Review: HENRY V at We Happy Few
BWW Review: HENRY V at We Happy Few
April 25, 2017

Shakespeare's HENRY V gains new perspective with a retelling by We Happy Few Productions that takes a closer look at the stories and stakes of the everyday foot soldiers. It is a fascinating, resonant, and important new take on a known work that's only around for another week, so make plans now to take it in.

BWW Review: BLOOD KNOT at Mosaic Theater Company
BWW Review: BLOOD KNOT at Mosaic Theater Company
April 5, 2017

BLOOD KNOT is an apartheid-era Cain and Abel tale of half-brothers, Morris and Zachariah, who share a mother and a history, but have been separated by color and opportunity. Morris, whose light skin has allowed him to pass as white within South Africa's codified racial stratification, has benefited from opportunities unavailable to his darker-skinned brother.

BWW Review: U.S. Premiere of COOLATULLY at Solas Nua
BWW Review: U.S. Premiere of COOLATULLY at Solas Nua
March 13, 2017

In the American premiere Fiona Doyle's COOLATULLY, Kilian (David Mavricos)is stuck in the village of Coolatully and has few prospects. Once the powerful champion of the hurling team, Kilian has watched so many of his generation leave for opportunities abroad that the tiny town no longer has enough young people left to field a hurling team. The garda station is closed and the post office shuttered. When an opportunity to leave presents itself, Kilian must decide if there is enough to tie him to Coolatully when so much seems to indicate that he cannot afford to stay.

BWW Review: THE CHRISTIANS at Theater J
BWW Review: THE CHRISTIANS at Theater J
November 25, 2016

'What voice is God, and what is your own wishful self?' THE CHRISTIANS by Lucas Hnath playing at Theater J examines religion's power to unite or divide us. It delves into what bonds a community in faith. The play looks at houses of worship as institutions guiding faith formation and as businesses.

BWW Review: STREB EXTREME ACTION Brings Power and Artistry to Movement at the Kennedy Center
BWW Review: STREB EXTREME ACTION Brings Power and Artistry to Movement at the Kennedy Center
November 7, 2016

With pure kinetic energy and abounding bravery to boot, it is no wonder the performers of STREB Extreme Action are billed as Action Heroes. The company's three performances of the new work SEA (SINGULAR EXTREME ACTIONS) on November 4-5 at the Eisenhower Theatre marked STREB Extreme Action's Kennedy Center debut.

BWW Review: Fun and Irreverent URINETOWN at Constellation Theatre Company
BWW Review: Fun and Irreverent URINETOWN at Constellation Theatre Company
September 9, 2016

Who knew ecological adversity and failed policy could be so much fun? It's a grim world in Urinetown where a dire water shortage has made it a privilege to pee anywhere but the corporate amenities. Yet the zany humor and high energy of Constellation Theatre Company's URINETOWN (The Musical!) offers a hilarious lampoon of corporate greed, corrupt politics, and earnest populism complete with zingy songs and jazz hands.

BWW Review: DISTRICT MERCHANTS a Thought-Provoking Retelling of Shakespeare at Folger Theatre
BWW Review: DISTRICT MERCHANTS a Thought-Provoking Retelling of Shakespeare at Folger Theatre
June 13, 2016

DISTRICT MERCHANTS, Aaron Posner's new adaptation of Shakespeare's THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, explores the 'other-ness' of being outside the white male stations of power. Setting the work in post-Civil War Washington, D.C., the premiere takes a uniquely American look at race, religion, class and gender. DISTRICT MERCHANTS at the Folger Theatre is an important and compelling work that deftly balances humor among weightier, thought-provoking moments.

BWW Review: WHEN JANUARY FEELS LIKE SUMMER at Mosaic Theater Company
BWW Review: WHEN JANUARY FEELS LIKE SUMMER at Mosaic Theater Company
May 25, 2016

Mosaic Theater Company of DC completes its whirlwind inaugural year with WHEN JANUARY FEELS LIKE SUMMER, a play that is relevant, engaging and sweetly funny.

BWW Dance Review: High Energy BOWIE & QUEEN at The Washington Ballet
BWW Dance Review: High Energy BOWIE & QUEEN at The Washington Ballet
May 9, 2016

Like the musical icons who inspired the work, The Washington Ballet's program BOWIE & QUEEN toys with the art form - respectful of classical roots yet pushing forward. The pieces innovate, celebrate and they have fun. While BOWIE & QUEEN is full of heart and poetry, the irreverent and humorous moments remind us all to lighten up and enjoy.

BWW Reviews: Stunning and Inventive JOURNEY TO THE WEST at Constellation Theatre Company
BWW Reviews: Stunning and Inventive JOURNEY TO THE WEST at Constellation Theatre Company
April 29, 2016

JOURNEY TO THE WEST is visually stunning and highly inventive production that features an expert ensemble of actors bringing both humor and humanity to an epic story.

BWW Review: Intense and Compelling IN A WORD at The Hub Theatre
BWW Review: Intense and Compelling IN A WORD at The Hub Theatre
April 7, 2016

For a brief moment when the opening night performance of IN A WORD ended there was quiet. A stillness fell as the audience collected itself, took a breath, and processed the intensity of the experience. Then, after a beat, the well-deserved applause began.

