Directed by Pagliaro, this unique adaptation weaves a cultural tapestry that transcends language, creating a truly cosmopolitan theatrical experience.
Anya-Violette Zhang, Roslind Finlay, and Frank Pagliaro present an innovative and captivating production of Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard, featuring a multilingual cast that brings this iconic play to life in Mandarin, French, Japanese, Romanian, English, Portuguese, Vietnamese, and Spanish.
Directed by Pagliaro, this unique adaptation weaves a cultural tapestry that transcends language, creating a truly cosmopolitan theatrical experience.
The cast of talented international actors includes:
Taylor Morin as Lopahin
Elena Lozonschi as Lyubov
Liam Ashizawa as Gaev
Anya-Violette Zhang as Anya
Amy Hart Nguyễn as Varya
Nando Asencio as Trofimov
Teddy Fischer as Firs
Kevin Cheng as Yepikhodov
Joe Staton as Pischik
Kelsey Booth as Charlotta
Lairce Dias as Dunyasha
Iain Murray McLellan as Yasha
Roslind Finlay as the Wayfarer
Amanda Niebuhr as the Station Master
Roslind Finlay is also the Assistant Director and Coproducer, Thomas Hughes Bellavigna is Stage Manager, and Yejia Sun rounds out the production team as Dramaturg. Don't miss this groundbreaking show, playing January 20, 21 (3pm), 22, 24 (6:30pm), and 27 (6:30pm) at Under St Marks Theater in the East Village. Purchase tickets here.
Under St. Marks Theater has been a hub for experimental performance since the 1970s. Located in the East Village between First Avenue and Avenue A, its popularity as a venue is due to its commitment to accessibility and artistic boldness.