BKLYN... changes??Where???

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#0BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 10:55am

So I saw BKLYN again yesterday...i have nooo idea why, but i did. And i'll actaully have to admit that it wasn't as bad as the first time...haha. Anyway...

Where are all this self proclaimed changes i've been hearing so much about? The only thing i saw was one costume change... is that it??
BKLYN... changes??Where???Oh...and FYI.The only seats they had available were partial view (the ones in the boxes on the side)... and wow, those seats suck. I sat on the floor and leaned over the railing the whole time... it was awesome.
Clevant is amazing...wow. And Eden didn't wow me as much this time... but still great.

See... not as much BKLYN hate from me anymore! BKLYN... changes??Where???

#1re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 10:57am

I too sat in the Boxes lat weekend when I saw it! And I did the same thing! I was in the first box which wasn't as bad where my friend was in the third box, ugg. O well, the tix were $26.50 what more could I ask for?

It started with a sipmle idea, collecting one paper clip for every life lost, the feelings that connect us...are greater than those that divide us!

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#2re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 11:02am

Really! That's awesome....

Oh, one more observation... i was looking through the audience and i noticed that we were def. like 2 of 10 teenagers there. The whole audience was like 40-70 yr. olds. That's def. not their target audience... i don't get it.

#3re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 11:04am

LMAO, too true! It wasn't quite as bad when I was there but there sure were a lot of older people there. You would think the show would be more geared twards a younger audience!

It started with a sipmle idea, collecting one paper clip for every life lost, the feelings that connect us...are greater than those that divide us!

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#4re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 11:11am

LAActress.... i love your JLT icon. I spoke with her again last night @ the stage door. She is soooo sweet. She told me she had the gift i made for her up in her dressing room re: BKLYN... changes??Where???And ofcourse, Idina was just as nice.. haha. ANYWAY...

this is about BKLYN, haha... just had to get off on a tangent cause JLT rocks re: BKLYN... changes??Where???

Amy Archer
#5re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 11:27am

Did they put in the new script and score yet?

#6re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 11:50am

glad you liked the show!
Did you guys get your tickets from student rush?
I have not done student rush before so how does it work for Bklyn?
Thanks in advance!


uncageg Profile Photo
#7re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 12:30pm

They changed the Streetsinger's speech at the end. Actually they did it near the end of the run here in Denver. And from what I understand it has confused some people. Some people come out thinking he is actually Brooklyn's father.

Just give the world Love.

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#8re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 1:00pm

Well, we did Ave Q lottery and lost so around 12:00 we went over the BKLYN theater and they still had some rush tickets that hadn't been used from the morning

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#9re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 2:21pm

Wow, that cheap huh? My friend and I are going in on Friday, 11/26 and we were going to walk around and see what shows had openings...

Maybe we'll see Brooklyn

#10re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 2:33pm

go c it it rocx!

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#11re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 2:35pm

ok, Crazy ElphabaaaaaaaaaaBKYLN....first of all, you can't spell...2nd of all...come back and post on my thread when you have deleted your last one about Wicked....ok thanks! re: BKLYN... changes??Where???

#12re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 2:37pm

y? u like it too, rite?

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#13re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 2:39pm

Yes, i like it too, it's my fav. Bway show by far... but after reading 50 "Eden vs.Idina" threads... it gets kindof annoying.

and too many "A" s freak me out re: BKLYN... changes??Where??? Updated On: 11/14/04 at 02:39 PM

#14re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 2:40pm


but who do u lke best?

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#15re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 2:42pm

I'm not having this conversation

#16re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 2:42pm


Up In Won
#17re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 2:43pm

I was there last night... I dunno if you said the matinee, or evening performance, but regardless, I was there for the evening. Yeah, my thoughts on the show... Uhm, I dunno. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't a favorite by any stretch of the imagination. Anyway, yeah, I was there. Freaky, huh? You NEVER know who you cross paths with!

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#18re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 2:44pm

They might have to change the score and script. Word is that they are being sued by the "Sesame Street" people.

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#19re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 2:47pm

Sesame street!? haha... no way. That's too funny.

UpinOne...i was there for the matinee. What did you like/not like? I'm just interested to hear people's opnions...was it your first time?

Up In Won
#20re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 3:04pm

What kind of, well, annoyed me was the fact that it wasn't Eden playing Brooklyn (Just an example, but it holds true for all the other characters too.). It was Eden, playing a street singer playing Brooklyn. I know it's supposed to be a show within a show (Well, maybe not supposed to be, but whatever.), but I feel like they should have been literal parts, Eden playing Brooklyn, not a street singer playing Brooklyn. I dunno, it was just a lot to keep track of and the story progressed REALLY fast for me. I did dlike the trash bag costumes though, those were pretty clever.

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

#21re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 3:07pm

butthats why bklyn is so amasing people r ppl playin people its complex and new not like some shows most r just regular acting but bklyn is new and different maybe u dont get that not every1 is good at understaning creatvi shows

Up In Won
#22re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 3:07pm

Just to refer back to the fast progression, the show never really gives you a chance to take a breath and be like, 'Okay, this is what's going on.' I like intermissions, they make me happy. Probably didn't help I had to go to the bathroom really badly either...

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

Up In Won
#23re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 3:11pm

"butthats why bklyn is so amasing people r ppl playin people its complex and new not like some shows most r just regular acting but bklyn is new and different maybe u dont get that not every1 is good at understaning creatvi shows"

I understand plenty, thank you VERY much. Just to stray from the topic, I don't need you telling me what I don't understand, and that "u dont get that not every1 is good at understaning creatvi shows", Believe it or not, I understand creative things. It's dumb things I don't understand.

I also feel like a genius for being able to understand your spelling... Okay, done fighting... :)

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.
Updated On: 11/14/04 at 03:11 PM

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#24re: BKLYN... changes??Where???
Posted: 11/14/04 at 3:15pm

Ok honestly... what's up with you EdenaaaaaElphie