
Tonight at Moulin Rouge - Bad Theater Behavior- Page 2

Tonight at Moulin Rouge - Bad Theater Behavior

MarkBearSF Profile Photo
#25Tonight at Moulin Rouge - Bad Theater Behavior
Posted: 12/17/19 at 1:18pm

PatrickDC said: "When I saw the SUMMER tour recently -- still looking to get that hour and forty minutes back for a more pleasurable and enjoyable pursuit -- the actress playing older Donna, during her opening monologue, encouraged the audience to stand and dance and sing along. So I can't really fault the three very happy and loud guys behind me who sang through most of it, sometimes loudly.What was more annoying was they didn't know all the right lyrics at the right time! LOL As we were leaving I turned to them and said it was great they had so much fun (I was genuine. I hated the show but happy that others loved it.) One grabbed and hugged me and said something like it was the best show he's ever seen. Under my breath I said he needs to go to the theater more often. LOL"

Agreed. I was shocked to hear that line at the start of the show. I was also surprised to hear the screaming that prompted that line was pre-recorded along with much applause. I had never seen "applause sweetening" before (to my knowledge). 

PatrickDC Profile Photo
#26Tonight at Moulin Rouge - Bad Theater Behavior
Posted: 12/17/19 at 1:28pm

Yeah, that applause and cheering made lots of people turn their heads. I thought it was real audience members but after a few times realized it was recorded.

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#27Tonight at Moulin Rouge - Bad Theater Behavior
Posted: 12/17/19 at 2:41pm

 In the theater, not only is it considered rude and bad form, but there are an increasing number of shows (including everything Scott Rudin produces, I believe) at which, if you leave your seat, you're not allowed back into the space.

I just don't think that's okay. I suffer from IBS, and usually have no issues attending theater, but unfortunately a few times, I had to go to the bathroom, or there would have been a pretty gross situation. The folks at Groundhog Day, Hamilton, and Moulin Rouge were incredibly kind, and escorted me back to my seat when it was an appropriate time. If there a true emergency situation, and if you must use the bathroom, is it really fair to punish someone and not allow them back in their seat? I should be allowed to get up if the situation warrants it and not be denied my seat for the rest of the show. 

It's so interesting to me that people who abuse the no cell phone policy constantly, through out the show just get warnings or annoyed looks. They don't get kicked out, even though they should. I am respectful theater goer who would never dream of taking my phone out of my purse, is it really fair to be punished so harshly over a medical issue? 

#28Tonight at Moulin Rouge - Bad Theater Behavior
Posted: 12/17/19 at 3:10pm

LuPita2 said: "I just don't think that's okay. I suffer from IBS, and usually have no issues attending theater, but unfortunately a few times, I had to go to the bathroom, or there would have been a pretty gross situation. The folks at Groundhog Day, Hamilton, and Moulin Rouge were incredibly kind, and escorted me back to my seat when it was an appropriate time. If there a true emergency situation, and if you must use the bathroom, is it really fair to punish someone and not allow them back in their seat? I should be allowed to get up if the situation warrants it and not be denied my seat for the rest of the show.

First of all, thanks for sharing that little tidbit!  Second, is it too much to ask that if you know in advance that you might have this "situation", you choose an aisle seat in either the rear orch or the mezzanine?  When people walk in and out during the show, it disturbs the people nearby (whether you do or do not have IBS!)  Despite what Beth Leavel sings, it's really not "all about you".

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#29Tonight at Moulin Rouge - Bad Theater Behavior
Posted: 12/17/19 at 3:18pm

Lupita, while I hear you....how can ushers have any idea who has a medically sound reason and who just gets antsy?  Usually, you still see the show from the back, just not at your seat.   They are trying to think of the majority, not the individual.  They don't need to have the ushers pry into your personal life....it's messy.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#30Tonight at Moulin Rouge - Bad Theater Behavior
Posted: 12/17/19 at 3:29pm

Oh, they have never pried, Im not ashamed on this condition so I fully have told them. I do understand they are thinking of the majority, but the majority might understand a medical issue. I always sit in an aisle seat, and am never disruptive any other way. I just think the few shows that refuse to reseat patrons all together is pretty ridiculous.  I think cell phones are far more distracting to patrons, cast, and crew. Just my view, I guess. 

#31Tonight at Moulin Rouge - Bad Theater Behavior
Posted: 12/17/19 at 3:39pm

LuPita2 said: "Oh, they have never pried, Im not ashamed on this condition so I fully have told them. I do understand they are thinking of the majority, but the majority might understand a medical issue. I always sit in an aisle seat, and am never disruptive any other way. I just think the few shows that refuse to reseat patrons all together is pretty ridiculous.I think cell phones are far more distracting to patrons, cast, and crew. Just my view, I guess."

Do we have to pick between one or the other?  Can't both cell phones and disruptive re-seating be prohibited?  And as you say, they always re-seat you anyway -- so what's the issue?

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#32Tonight at Moulin Rouge - Bad Theater Behavior
Posted: 12/17/19 at 3:49pm

Ya I don’t see why shows can’t re-sit people at the end of a number or something like that. Or maybe you find a spot or two in each act where people can return to their seats. They’ll likely still have to wait, but, idk it’s not like the movies where you can come and go as you totally please. But I agree, they should be able to re-sit people and it shouldn’t be a zero tolerance policy. Smart on you to plan ahead and get an aisle seat.

I myself suffer from IBS because I have very high anxiety which triggers it, specifically social anxiety. Going to a theatre can be stressful. So back to my “maybe theatre isn’t for you” comment, I fully understand bathroom issue with regards to going to the theatre, but again, I know what I’m getting myself into/putting myself through. I also try to never eat out before a show or anything either, I’m generally too anxious anyways. Fully understand you, Lupita.

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#33Tonight at Moulin Rouge - Bad Theater Behavior
Posted: 12/17/19 at 3:57pm

Thank you, I appreciate your kind words. Yes, the zero tolerance policy isn't okay, especially for patrons who truly are not trying to be jerks and just randomly get up. I would never get up before or after an intermission unless it cannot be avoided. I take every precaution before attending the theater to avoid this problem, and it's usually just fine. But, humans have issues sometimes, and it's not always black and white, regardless of what Scott Rudin thinks.

I fully understand you, Mike. Thank you for sharing.