
The Hot Wing King - Katori Hall - Signature

The Hot Wing King - Katori Hall - Signature

Matt Rogers Profile Photo
Matt Rogers
#1The Hot Wing King - Katori Hall - Signature
Posted: 2/24/20 at 8:45pm

Had the pleasure of seeing this over the weekend and it is an absolute delight.

It is a full on gay play, and the publicity is not really pushing this angle but it is exactly that.

The framing device is that a group of friends are trying to win a big hot wing competition. Things do not go exactly as planned. The acting is fantastic, the script is both hysterical and very moving, and if you get hungry for wings, they sell them in the lounge, along with veggie cauliflower wings.

I highly recommend this, especially at the Signature $35 price. A very fun night in the theatre.

Susanswerphone Profile Photo
#2The Hot Wing King - Katori Hall - Signature
Posted: 2/24/20 at 10:04pm

Agreed! Saw it a week ago and found it very enjoyable, if predictable.

Nicco Annan as Big Charles is terrific.
