Advice on moving to NYC?

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#1Advice on moving to NYC?
Posted: 10/25/18 at 2:27pm

Hello BWW! I am a 21 yr old non college educated male from southern Massachusetts. I am trying to make the big move. I have never lived on my own. Parents divorced when I was young and my father moved to the west coast. I'm used to traveling and adapting to different environments and cities I guess. Living with my mom has made me independent as well since I've learned how to cook and clean and basically maintain a home. So I feel comfortable alone.

I am trying to spend around $1400 on a studio preferably in Brooklyn. I plan to get a service job which I have had experience in for a long time, hoping this won't be too much but I will be coming with about $18K in savings to help me out.

Clearly I've never lived in New York but it'd be a dream of mine. Any advice would greatly appreciated!!!

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#2Advice on moving to NYC?
Posted: 10/25/18 at 3:55pm

I have to watch myself, there are too many comebacks to this post.

Updated On: 10/25/18 at 03:55 PM

#3Advice on moving to NYC?
Posted: 10/25/18 at 4:30pm

I don't have any advice for you since I do not live in NYC.  But good for you and I hope you achieve your dream.  At 21, that is a big life changing decision.  After 4 years of college, I moved to Atlanta, "the Southern New York" or that is what I called it at the time.  From the get go, I had a lot of positive experiences, but also negative.  (I had the wheels and tires stolen off of my car the first month I was there).  But the negative, made me grow up quicker than I think I would have.  So again, good luck on making your dream come true.

Sondheimite Profile Photo
#4Advice on moving to NYC?
Posted: 10/25/18 at 8:39pm

Girl, you're packing with that money.

you'll be fine.

i tell younger people to have $3000 after they've paid first/last/deposit on an apartment and they'll be fine until their first payday.  

Broadway World's Fireman.

#5Advice on moving to NYC?
Posted: 10/26/18 at 12:46am

If I were you, I'd get the job first, see how much you're taking home and then decide how much you can spend on an apartment and where is best to live. An apartment in Brooklyn is nice but if your job is in Washington Heights or the other end of Queens, why inflict a long daily commute on yourself if you don't have to? Brooklyn has become a "hot" place to live so $1400 sounds optimistic but more power to you if you can find a studio for that price. But like I said, get the job, see what you're making and know when you sign a lease you can afford it instead of just guessing and hoping if you do it the other way around. With probably needing to buy some furniture and appliances, you'd be surprised how fast you'll eat through that $18k especially if you have any unforeseen expenses. The goal is not to be fine until your first payday but to know you will be able to live on what you make for a sustained period.

#6Advice on moving to NYC?
Posted: 10/28/18 at 10:44pm

That's a considerable amount of savings to be coming in with. I know many who moved to the city with far less, myself included, and were able to make it work.

My big piece of advice would be to find shorter term sublets to start out with. That gives you the chance to really feel out what it's like to live in certain neighborhoods without locking yourself down to a year long lease, or having to furnish a new place right from the get go

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#7Advice on moving to NYC?
Posted: 10/29/18 at 2:03am

^this advice is excellent. Manhattan is crazy expensive, you dont want to lock yourself into something that ends up ruining you .


Best of luck!

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